Session Information
23 SES 06 B, Education, Asylum Seekers and Refugees, and Race in Europe
The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a piece of ‘racism-critical’ research and discuss its impacts on teachers and teacher education as well as the development of curricula in Austria. Using the example of Styria, a region which is known for innovative educational initiatives, and the installation of the so-called Mobile Support Team (MUT), we want to show the interdependences between those initiatives, government policies, and professional development in education. MUT was pursued in 2017 as a first step, which aimed to quickly and unbureaucratically improve the training of educators in dealing with heterogeneity in view of the increase in refugee students (Chadderton & Wischmann, 2023). Our analyses of interviews with school leaders, stakeholders, group discussions with teachers and interpreters, and policy documents confirm what other research suggests (e.g., Mecheril 2018; Messerschmidt, 2020; Doğmuş, Kourabas, Rose, 2022; Zara, 2022): a fundamental de-thematization of racism, which is expressed in the fact that it is not addressed directly but is played down in its effectiveness using euphemistic terms in both the case initiatives and schools. In addition, the data shows that for the teachers we interviewed, diversity and ‘otherness’ is often conceived as a characteristic of students and parents, but that less thought is given to social hierarchies and the associated pedagogical scope for action. Finally, the paper poses the question how such initiatives, and the experience gained through these, can be sustainably incorporated into training and anti-racist practices (Thoma & Czejkowska, 2017). Because one thing has become clear: Despite the results of this research, teachers are highly committed to ‘racism-critical practices’, as highlighted by many school leaders. Teachers’ social commitment is also emphasized by their willingness to undertake further training especially on the subject of diversity and heterogeneity. However, in this regard the further training courses available are often criticized for not corresponding to the needs of the educators facing – as well as fighting – institutional racism and discrimination. Currently too much value is placed on imparting ›information‹ about the ›culture‹ and ›religion‹ of certain migrant and refugee groups. In addition much more differentiated offers are needed than the existing courses, which are primarily designed to be introductory.
Chadderton, C. Wischmann, A. (2023) Schlaglicht: Flucht und Geflüchtete in der EU. In: JBfP 2022, pp. 203–205. Doğmuş, A., Kourabas, V. ,Rose, N. (2022) Beredtes Schweigen über Rassismus. Be- und Entlastung von Lehrer*innen im Sprechen über Rassismus und das Potential von Rassismushinweisen. In: Ivanova-Chessex, O., Shure, S., Steinbach, A. (eds.) Lehrer*innenbildung (Re-)Visionen für die Migrationsgesellschaft. Weinheim Basel: Beltz Juventa, pp. 186-185. Mecheril, P. (2018): Orders of belonging and education. In: Bachmann-Medick, Doris/Kugele, Jens (eds.): Migration. Changing Concepts, Critical Approaches. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 121-140. Messerschmidt, A. (2020) Fremd werden. Wien. Thoma, N., Czejkowska, A. (2017): Evaluationsforschungsstudie zur Erstanlauf- und Beratungsstelle Mobiles Unterstützungsteam Steiermark (MUT). Graz. ZARA (2022) Racism Report 2021. Institutional and Structural Racism. Analysis of racist attacks and structures in Austria.
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