Session Information
32 SES 08 A, Enabling Educational Processes in and through diversity-oriented Educational Arrangements - Comparative Perspectives on Educational Organizations
With the funding program “Aufholen nach Corona”, the German federal and state governments are supporting various measures to reduce pandemic-related learning deficits among children and young people between 2021 and 2023 (BMFSFJ, 2022). In addition to support offers in core subjects and language support offers, the program includes other measures like class formation and violence prevention. The realization of these offers provides oganizational educational challenges for diversity-sensitive teaching in multiprofessional teams in the inclusive classroom in the highly differentiated German educational system (Rosenbusch, 2005). It traditionally consists of various school types and adapts only gradually to the demands of incluive teaching guaranteed by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) (UN, 2006; Werning et al., 2008). Teaching in multiprofessional teams in the German inclusive classroom has so far largely been understood as cooperation between subject teachers, special education teachers, and social workers, financed by the state (Widmer-Wolf, 2018). As a rule, they are supported by specialists in school social work and participation assistants, who are financed by independent providers (Weimann-Sandig, 2022). The responsibilities and sponsorships in multiprofessional teams have been further differentiated with the program “Aufholen nach Corona”. The question of diversity thus extends to the staff in inclusive education (Loreman et al., 2005). Against this background, a clear definition of roles in the team, mutual acceptance, and working at eye level appear to be central prerequisites for teamwork in diversity-sensitive inclusive teaching (Heinrich et al., 2014). In addition to the fixed personnel and time resources that should frame joint work in inclusive teaching, there is a need of general and organizational information on diversity and inclusion. Otherwise, diversity in this context quickly turns into discrimination (Göhlich, 2012). These findings were outlined in a study on institutional discrimination using the example of school organization (Radtke & Gomolla, 2002). According to the study, simply raising the awareness of individual teachers regarding diversity can achieve little in view of the discriminatory interplay of political framework conditions and organizational routines; instead, concerted action would have to be taken at different levels of school organization (Gomolla, 2005). Regarding the organizational educational perspectives on diversity and cooperation in multi-professional teams in the inclusive classroom, these hypotheses should be put forward in the symposium with a wider audience.
BMFSFJ – Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (2022). Aktionsprogramm "Aufholen nach Corona für Kinder und Jugendliche". Göhlich, M. (2012). Organisation und kulturelle Differenz. In M. Göhlich, S. M. Weber, H. Öztürk, & N. Engel (Eds.), Organisation und kulturelle Differenz (pp. 1–23). Springer. Gomolla, M. (2005). Schulentwicklung in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft. Waxmann. Heinrich, M., Arndt, A. K. & Werning, R. (2014). Von "Fördertanten" und "Gymnasialempfehlungskindern". ZISU, 58. Loreman, T., Deppeler, J., & Harvey, D. (2005). Inclusive education: A practical guide to supporting diversity in the classroom. Psychology Press. Radtke, F. O., & Gomolla, M. (2002). Institutionelle Diskriminierung. Die Herstellung ethnischer Differenz in der Schule. Leske & Budrich. Rosenbusch, H. S. (2005). Organisationspädagogik der Schule: Grundlagen pädagogischen Führungshandelns. Luchterhand. UN – United Nations (2006). A Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Weimann-Sandig, N. (Ed.) (2022).. Multiprofessionelle Teamarbeit in Sozialen Dienstleistungsberufen. Springer. Werning, R., Löser, J. M., & Urban, M. (2008). Cultural and social diversity: An analysis of minority groups in German schools. The Journal of Special Education, 42(1), 47–54. Widmer-Wolf, P. (2018). "Kooperation in multiprofessionellen Teams an inklusiven Schulen". In T. Sturm & M. Wagner-Willi (Eds.), Handbuch schulische Inklusion (pp. 299–314). Budrich.
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