Session Information
04 SES 14 A, Teacher Education for Inclusion: Policies and Practices
The communication proposed aims at understanding the consequences of the use of technology (point 10 of the grid of Van Peteghem & Consuegra, 2021) on teacher education for inclusion. We approach this question by considering the situation in our own teaching academy, in France, and we further focus on teacher training for vocational and technological schools. This academy is in the biggest administrative area of France. This area contains socially disadvantaged families, which goes with younger teams of teachers, turnover, and recruiting difficulties that are higher than the national average. So we have to consider inclusive education in an intersectional approach (Artiles & Kozleski 2007). The Covid19 pandemic has profoundly added to this context, taking teacher training away from its face-to-face roots into a system that was almost exclusively distance-learning, and that now is becoming increasingly hybridized between the two approaches. This has resulted in, among other things, large-scale changes in the use of technology for teacher training. We consider a broad approach to inclusion looking for universal pedagogy (Bergeron et al 2011) : As teachers develop their ability to teach children with special needs, this also improves their ability to teach all children generally. We also care that as an innovation (Cros, 2001), digital environment facilitates transformations in teaching (Barrette, 2009) but is also a generator of inequalities (Plantard, 2021). Using the grid as an analysis of change, we are studying the consequences of the hybridization of the teacher education. Regarding our methodology, we reconducted a survey we already had in the general population of teachers in 2016 (n=260) on our trainee teachers in december 2021 (n=102) and completed by four focus groups of 15 trainees in February 2022 and seven long interviews in the summer of 2022. Our results show that the hybridization of face-to-face and online distance-learning tends to lead to more collaborative work, as well as fostering online communities that further aid teacher education. These correspond to points 5 and 7 of the grid. This socialization tends to cross disciplines, which further helps integrate inclusion (point 1 of the grid) into the full experience of teaching. Trainees further testified during the interviews how they are reusing their online training to provide online "safe space" (point 8 of the grid), where their pupils felt more comfortable asking questions. This too fosters a universal pedagogy. We will thus discuss the issues of digital technology for teacher education.
Artiles, A. J., & Kozleski, E. (2007). Beyond convictions: Interrogating culture, history, and power in inclusive education. Language Arts, 84, 357-364. Barrette C. (2009). « Méta-recherche sur les effets de l’intégration des TIC en pédagogie collégiale». Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire, vol.6, n°2-3, p.18-25 Bergeron L., Rousseau N. & Leclerc M. (2011). La pédagogie universelle : au cœur de la planification de l’inclusion scolaire. Éducation et francophonie, n°39(2), pp.87–104. Cros F. (2001), L’innovation scolaire. Paris, Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique. Perez-Roux T. (2020). Le rapport au numérique des enseignants: controverses au sein d'un lycée et enjeux identitaires. B. Marin et D. Berger (dir.). Recherche en éducation : des enjeux partagés, Le réseau des INSPE, 2020. Tricot, A. (2017). L’innovation pédagogique. Retz. Van Peteghem, H., & Consuegra, E. (2021). Aandacht voor culturele diversiteit in de (leraren)opleiding. In Diversiteit in het hoger onderwijs: van theoretisch kader naar praktijkgerichte verandering (pp. 129-145). ASP.
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