Session Information
32 SES 01 A JS, Transforming Organizational Learning towards Diversity
Joint Paper Session, NW 32 and NW 15
The negotiation of diversity can be seen as a fundamental dynamic and structural feature of social orders. In the meantime, diversity has also become an integral part of organizational pedagogical debates (see, among others, Göhlich et al. 2012; Engel 2014). In most cases, diversity is simultaneously understood as a challenge and an opportunity for organizational learning processes. Following this difference-theoretical approach, different concepts of diversity management have been established and diversity is understood as a fundamental dynamic of organizational processes. For example, Göhlich (2012) emphasizes that from an organizational pedagogical perspective, "the further development of organizations related to cultural difference as an organizational learning process, but also, conversely, the participation of organizations in the design of dealing with cultural difference" is of interest. However, the resulting importance of organizations in societies characterized by diversity and their almost natural self-evidence in the co-creation of social reality (cf. Maack and Truschkat) remains to some extent unnoticed. In this context, the emergence of organizations and their constant change can be traced back to social transformation processes and, connected to this, the materialization and reproduction of certain social (problematization) practices. Following this understanding, diversity can than not only be seen as a dynamic in organizational learning and ordering processes, but organizational practices can also be understood as reproducers of difference.
In order to make this connection clear, the article discusses in a first step the powerful recursive relationship between discourse and organization. For this purpose, it is shown that organizations are formed as constitutions and materializations of discursive knowledge as powerful practices. Thus, organizations can be understood as sites of discursive entanglements, whereby they are permeated by and constituted through power-knowledge relations (cf. Weber and Wieners 2018). Building on this, in a second step, this developed discourse-theoretical view of organizations as a power-knowledge complex (cf. Diaz-Bone and Hartz 2017) is used to look critically at diversity in organizations. This can highlight the "meaning content of diversity (management) and the potential inclusions and exclusions of practices corresponding to it" (Dobusch 2014: 270).
Expected Outcomes
This is exemplified by the type of organization, a nursing home for the elderly with a 'culturally sensitive concept', and illustrates how diversity-relevant discursive practices are inscribed in the organization and have an inclusive and exclusive effect there. Overall, the article shows that organizations in the context of diversity are both a manifestation of discursive knowledge and power formations and a producer of powerful discursive practices.
Diaz-Bone, R. & Hartz, R. (2017): Einleitung. Dispositiv und Ökonomie. In: R. Diaz-Bone & R. Hartz (Hrsg.): Dispositiv und Ökonomie. Diskurs- und dispositivanalytische Perspektiven auf Märkte und Organisationen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 1-38. Dobusch, L. (2014). Diversity (Management-)Diskurse in Organisationen. Behinderung als "Grenzfall"? Soziale Probleme, 25(2), 268-285. Engel, N. (2014): Die Übersetzung der Organisation. Pädagogische Ethnographie organisationalen Lernens. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Göhlich, M. (2012): Organisation und kulturelle Differenz. Eine Einführung aus pädagogischer Sicht. In: Göhlich, M., Weber, M. S., Öztürk, H. & Engel, N. (Hrsg.): Organisationen und kulturelle Differenz. Diversity, Interkulturelle Öffnung, Internationalisierung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 1-22. Göhlich, M., Weber, M. S., Öztürk, H. & Engel, N. (2012) (Hrsg.): Organisationen und kulturelle Differenz. Diversity, Interkulturelle Öffnung, Internationalisierung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Maack, L./Truschkat, I. (i.E.): Diskurs und Organisation – Theoretische Reflexionen eines rekursiven Verhältnisses. In: Sonderheft zum 10. Jubiläum der Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung. Weber, S. M. & Wieners, S. (2018): Diskurstheoretische Grundlagen der Organisationspädagogik. In: M. Göhlich, A. Schröer & Weber, S. M. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Organisationspädagogik. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 211-223.
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