Session Information
10 SES 12 A, Symposium: Effects of Internationalization in Teacher Education
Tricontinental Teacher Training (TTT) is an exchange and research program at the faculty of education, Universität Hamburg, funded for five years by the DAAD. Structure: TTT offers bi-& trilateral exchanges for students from three partnering universities in Germany, North Carolina (USA), and Ghana, and entails intensive coursework. The exchange program is framed with preparatory seminars at the participating universities and an integrated buddy program in which all participating students are involved. In Germany a continuing seminar and a reflection seminar follow after the first part of exchange. The other partners developed different post sojourn concepts. After the prep seminar (winter semester 1) 10 students travel for mentored and supervised internships to Ghana and 10 to North Carolina, combined with reflection seminars at the University of Education, Winneba respectively at the University of North Carolina. During the German continuation seminar (summer semester) a study camp with all involved students takes place at the UHH, again consisting of internships and reflection seminars. Excursions at all three locations with different topics like commemoration complement the exchanges. For the German students the program ends in the following winter semester 2 with a research workshop. Content: The students navigate new cultural spaces and education systems and thus deal with uncertainty and alienation. To prepare for and reflect on these experiences and their awareness two main content dimensions were developed: • uncertainty as a dimension of pedagogical action based on the sociology of knowledge approach and • post- and neo colonialism and transcultural sensitivity These approaches are introduced in the preparatory seminar. Oriented on the research method of autoethnography personal experiences during the exchange reflection takes place based on these main content dimensions too. Research: The main research perspective focusses the impact of a trilateral internationalization project for the participants. We collect qualitative data in pre-, continuation- and post-interviews as well as reflective journals. By using reconstructive methods and analysis, we ask about their learning outcome, the personal means for the participants and their suggestions of the impact for their future careers as educators.
Andreas Bonnet, Uwe Hericks (2019). Professionalität und Professionalisierung als biographische Bearbeitung der Spannungen zwischen Norm und Habitus. In: Kramer, Rolf-Thorsten & Pallesen, Hilke (Hrsg.). Lehrerhabitus. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, 101-126. Chwialkowska, Agnieszka (2020). Maximizing Cross-Cultural Learning From Exchange Study Abroad Programs: Transformative Learning Theory. In: Journal of Studies in International Education, 102831532090616. DOI: 10.1177/1028315320906163. Evers, Henrike (2016). Bildung durch interkulturelle Begegnung. Eine empirische Studie zum Kontakt von Austauschstudierenden mit deutschen Familien. Bremen: Springer VS. Wilken, Anja & Bonnet, Andreas (2022). Transformative Learning and Professionalization through Uncertainty? A Case Study of Pre-Service Language Teachers During a STIE. In: G. Barkhuizen (Ed.). Language Teachers Studing Abroad: Identities, Emotions and Diruptions. Multilingual Matters (PSYCHOLOGY OF LANGUAGE LEARNING AND TEACHING: 17). Yilmaz, Sezen Merve & Iwers, Telse (2021). Entwicklung eines reflexionsorientierten Umgangs mit heterogenitätsbedingter Ungewissheit. Zeitschrift: Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO). 52 (4). S. 659-669. DOI: 10.1007/s11612-021-00597-3
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