Session Information
10 SES 14 C, Panel Discussion: School Integration of Refugee Pupils from a European Perspective
Panel Discussion
The integration of refugee children at school is a central task in the context of forced migration. Continuous schooling prevents disruptions in the educational biography of pupils and increases the chances of a self-determined educational and professional path (cf. Herrera & Byndas 2023) but the question of how refugee children should be educated has not yet been answered and is often heatedly debated, often leaving teachers behind feeling overwhelmed or helpless (cf. Mecheril 2008). Solutions must therefore be sought both at the macro level of the education and school system and at the micro level, in the education and training of teachers.
There are several reasons for the structural ineptitude, including the respective national education system. Germany, for example, has a comparatively long history of (forced) migration; nevertheless, the educational approaches towards school integration are heterogeneous - not least within the framework of German educational federalism (cf. Mützelburg/Krawatzek 2023). In comparison, the level of experience in Poland and Hungary is lower; socio-political discourses and attitudes towards (forced) migration also vary. Also, the schooling of refugees is often only considered from the national perspective of the host country only, without taking into account interim stays or the option of pupils returning to their home country.
In this panel we present the results of our international working group EMCE (Education & Migration in Central Europe) on the design of a transnational course for teachers in practice on the topic of school integration of refugees. The course design aims to equip them with professional knowledge, especially in the areas of subject knowledge, pedagogical and didactic knowledge (cf. Terhart 2011). The modules include, for example, information on legal frameworks or national school systems as well as topics such as multilingualism and language sensitive teaching (cf. Dirim 2018) or trauma and resilience (cf. NHS Scotland, 2023). The overall course design is based on two EU guidelines: lifelong learning and the idea of a Euopean study path (cf. EU council conclusions on European Education Area).
Our methodology integrates Desk Research Varia (DRv), In-depth Interviews Varia (IDIv), and Focus Group Discussions Varia (FGDv) with teachers. We analyze migration policies and educational practices, conducting interviews and group discussions to delve into teachers' experiences and perspectives. Data coding allows for systematic analysis and synthesis of findings.
Our discoveries lead to the development of pedagogical course foundations, addressing both educational challenges and pedagogical solutions.
Dirim, İ. / Mecheril P. (2018): Heterogenität, Sprache(n), Bildung. Eine differenz- und diskriminierungstheoretische Einführung. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt. Herbst, M., & Sitek, M. (2023). Education in exile: Ukrainian refugee students in the schooling system in Poland following the Russian–Ukrainian war. European Journal of Education, 58(4), pp. 575–594. Herrera, L. J. P., & Byndas, O. (2023). “You sway on the waves like a boat in the ocean”: The effects of interrupted education on Ukrainian higher education refugee students in Poland. Cogent Education, 10(2). Koch-Priew, B. / Krüger-Potratz, M. (eds.) (2016): Qualifizierung für sprachliche Bildung. Programme und Projekte zur Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften und pädagogischen Fachkräften. Münster, New York: Waxmann. Mecheril, P. (2008). «Kompetenzlosigkeitskompetenz». Pädagogisches Handeln unter Einwanderungsbedingungen. In G. Auernheimer (Hrsg.), Interkulturelle Kompetenz und pädagogische Professionalität. Wiesbaden: VS, pp. 15-34. Mützelburg, I. / Krawatzek, F. (2023): Education and. Displacement: Ukrainian Families in Germany, ZOiS Report 1 / 2023 NHS Education for Scotland (2023). National Trauma Transformation Program: Roadmap for Creating Trauma-Informed and Responsive Change Terhart, E. (2011): Lehrerberuf und Professionalität. Gewandeltes Begriffsverständnis - neue Herausforderungen. In: Helsper, Werner [eds.]; Tippelt, Rudolf [Hrsg.]: Pädagogische Professionalität. Weinheim: Beltz, pp. S. 202-224.
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