Session Information
02 SES 13 B, ***CANCELLED*** VET and Migrant Integration
The changing role of vocational education and training and employers’ involvement in migrant integration in Sweden will be discussed in the context of the automotive industry. The automotive industry has a significant role not only in global and national economies but also in the formation of the labour force by (re)training workers. While historically the automobile industry has attracted mostly low-skilled migrants for the assembly lines, in the present times, an additional need for high-skilled and often STEM-educated migrant workers is noted. By performing a systematic literature review, the present study explored the relationships between migrant labour and the car industry sector outlined in the research literature. The study followed a thematic analysis and reached findings that were summarised in four themes. Firstly, two profiles of the migrant worker were identified, corresponding to what is often discussed as low- and high-skilled workers. Secondly, the working conditions for the migrant labour force were prominent in the literature, while they varied based on the profile of the migrant worker. Thirdly, from a historical perspective, strikes were shown to affect migrants´ working conditions and rights, while fourthly, the business practice of offshoring was shown to influence migrant workforce conditions and status. In conclusion, the complexity of the issue under research, the scarcity of research and the contextuality of the cases presented limited this literature review.
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