Network: 02. Vocational Education and Training (VETNET)
02 SES 01 A, VETNET Opening Session
Tuesday, 2024-08-27, 13:15-14:45, Room: Room 110 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Barbara E. Stalder
- VETNET Opening Session: A Common Labour Market
Christof Nägele Paolo Nardi Barbara E. Stalder Özge Altay
02 SES 02 A, Migration and Transition
Tuesday, 2024-08-27, 15:15-16:45, Room: Room 110 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Marlise Kammermann
- Migrants' Transition to Successful Pathways and Integration: Supportive Mechanisms and Barriers
- Revisiting the Pre-Apprenticeship for Integration: Who Has Access and Who Does Not and Why?
- Transition of Refugees into Vocational Training and Guidance in Companies
- The Role of VET in Supporting Young Migrants in England: An Exploration of Issues, Challenges, and Good Practices
- Pathways to Integration: Understanding the Educational Trajectories and Transformative Learning Experiences of Turkish Migrant Women in Germany and Austria
Marlise Kammermann Horacy Debowski
Marlise Kammermann Barbara E. Stalder Marie-Theres Schoenbaechler
Marlise Kammermann Alexandra Felder Laurence Fedrigo Isabelle Caprani
Marlise Kammermann Sait Bayrakdar Dana Dabbous Kat Emms Natasha Kersh
Marlise Kammermann Filiz Keser Aschenberger
02 SES 02 B, Individual Perspectives on VET
Tuesday, 2024-08-27, 15:15-16:45, Room: Room 103 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Sean Manley
- Narcissism or Masquerade? Utilizing Selfies for Visual Communication in Vocational Education Classrooms
- Students’ Creation and Perception of Meaningfulness in Different Learning Environments in Vocational Education and Training
- Exploring Staff Retention in Youthreach: Ireland's Response to Early School Leaving
Janne Kontio
Anne Katrine Kamstrup Vibe Aarkrog
Sean Manley Margaret Farren
02 SES 03 A, Green Skills and Green Occupations
Tuesday, 2024-08-27, 17:15-18:45, Room: Room 110 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Presha Ramsarup
- Identifying, Developing and Evaluating Green Skills and Green Occupations: Conceptualising the Green Transition in VET
Jo-Anna Russon Presha Ramsarup Michael Gessler Simon Mcgrath Mónica Moso Paolo Nardi
02 SES 03 B, AI and Digitalisation
Tuesday, 2024-08-27, 17:15-18:45, Room: Room 103 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Andreas Saniter
- Digitalisation and Transmission of Patient Care Information in Nursing: What Digitally Competent Nurses Need
- Social Capital of Actors in VET: An Egocentric Case Study Based on the AI Pioneers Project
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) To Support E-Learning
Andrea Carla Volpe Patrizia Salzmann Deli Salini Kezia Löffel
Lisa Meyne Christine Siemer
Andreas Saniter Vivian Harberts
02 SES 04 B, Institutional VET
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 09:30-11:00, Room: Room 103 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Antje Barabasch
- The Civic Role of Swiss Higher Vocational Education and Training Institutions in an International Context
- Federal Institutes – Brazil’s Chance for a Broader Variety of Vocational Education?
- Policy Transfer In VET. A Review Of Research Topics And Research Outlook
Jakob Kost Leping Mou Michael O'Shea
Silvia Annen Sabrina Sailer-Frank Claudia Schiedeck
Sandra Bohlinger Antje Barabasch Stefan Wolf
02 SES 04 A, Learning from International Comparisons in VET
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 09:30-11:00, Room: Room 110 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Rønnaug Haugland Lyckander
- Exams and certificates in vocational education and training - A comparison between Costa Rica and Germany
- The Role of Vocational Education and Training in Integrating Newly Arrived Immigrants into Working Life in Europe - A Scoping Review
- Andragogic Questions of Modern Migration
Claudia Hunink
Rønnaug Haugland Lyckander
Krisztina Nagy
02 SES 06 A, Dual Vocational Education and Training
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 13:45-15:15, Room: Room 110 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Gabriela Höhns
- Transfer of Learning in the Dual System of Vocational Education. A Pilot Study on student's perceptions
- Implementation of the Dual Vocational Education and Training System in Early Childhood Educators in Andalusia (Spain)
- The German dual system – Education into an occupation and citizenship
Volker Bank
Rosa María Rodríguez Izquierdo Mª Magdalena Jiménez Ramírez Mónica Torres Sánchez
Gabriela Höhns
02 SES 06 B, Further Training and Adult Education
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 13:45-15:15, Room: Room 103 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Simon Broek
- Conditions for Successful Adult Learning Systems at Local Level: Creating a Conducive Socio-spatial Environment for Adults to Engage in Learning
- Policymaking for Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Vocational Education and Training in Ireland: a documentary analysis
- Increasing the Attractiveness of Vocational-Education-Training Through Higher Vocational-Education-Training Qualification Offers in Germany? Perspectives of Young People with Higher-Education-Entrance-Qualification.
Simon Broek Maria Anna Catharina Theresia Kuijpers Judith Hilde Semeijn Josje van der Linden
Lorraine Downey
Kathrin Petzold-Rudolph Dina Kuhlee Madita Kunze
02 SES 07 A, Professionalism and Teacher Education in VET
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 15:45-17:15, Room: Room 110 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Hannes Hautz
- Changing of Vocational Teachers Collaboration in VET Schools in the Czech Republic
- A Crisis of Trust? VET Teacher Professionalism in the Context of Standards-Based Reforms
- Teachers' Implementation of the Theme Life Skills in Teaching through School-Based Vocational Pedagogical Development Work
Stanislav Michek Lenka Hloušková
Hannes Hautz Christina Donovan
Marie Syverstad Aina Kristiansen Kaija-Liisa Magnussen
02 SES 07 B, Current Social Discourses
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 15:45-17:15, Room: Room 103 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Lorraine Downey
- ‘Context Matters’ Revealed: Policy Transfer in Vocational Education to Serbia Caught Between Human Capital and Human Rights Perspectives
- A Typology of International VET Governance
- Thinking About Vocational Education and Training (VET), Just Transitions and Neo-Liberalism.
Margarita Langthaler Ana Pešikan
Johannes Karl Schmees Johannes Klassen
Robert James Avis
02 SES 08 A, VET as Solution
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 17:30-19:00, Room: Room 110 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Andrea Laczik
- What Problem Should Skills Solve? Interrogating Theories of Change Underpinning Strategies and Interventions in Vocational Education and Skills in LMICs
- Information Advice and Guidance for those Young People Who Choose a Vocational Path: a Cross National Comparison
Stephanie Allais Carmel Marock
Andrea Laczik Christopher Winch Sharon Gewitz Meg Maguire Sait Bayrakdar Rana Khazbak
02 SES 08 B, Identity and Motivation
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 17:30-19:00, Room: Room 103 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Philipp Struck
- Training Cultures, Vocational Identity, and Vocational Culture – A Cultural Studies Perspective on Generic Competences in Different Occupational Fields
- Motivation, Interests and Study Success: A Profile Analysis of Students in Work-Based-Learning Programmes in Higher Education
- Vocational Identity – Relevance and Development in the VET System
Katrin Kraus Lena Freidorfer
Edgar Hahn Dina Kuhlee Johanna Telle Zips
Philipp Struck
02 SES 09 A, NW 02 Network Meeting
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 09:30-11:00, Room: Room 110 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Johannes Karl Schmees
- NW 02 Network Meeting
Christof Nägele
02 SES 11 A, General Skills in VET
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 13:45-15:15, Room: Room 110 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Henriette Duch
- Pedagogy in Vocational Education with General and Vocational Perspectives – Democracy as an Example
- Integrated and explicit Training of Genre Writing in Vocational Education and Training.
- Bridging Gaps in Illicit Drug Addiction VET programmes: insights from the CARE4SUD Project
Henriette Duch
Ellen Beate Hellne-Halvorsen Ann Lisa Sylte
Marta Sampaio Rita Tavares Sousa Carla Figueiredo
02 SES 11 B, Transitions and trajectories in VET
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 13:45-15:15, Room: Room 103 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Panagiotis Arsenis
- An Emerging Innovation for Further Specialisation of VET Graduates in the Spanish IVET System: the Case of VET Specialisation Courses
- University-to-Work Transition and Work Placements: Evidence of Heterogeneous Pay Dynamics
Mónica Moso Antonio Mondaca-Soto Juan Gamboa Itziar García-Blázquez
Panagiotis Arsenis Miguel Flores
02 SES 12 A, Research Approaches and Themes in VET
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 15:45-17:15, Room: Room 110 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Thomas Ruoss
- VET System Formation as Condition for Educational Expansion: Using Historical Statistics to Explain the Case of Switzerland
- Bildung of Apprentice Chefs in Professional Kitchen Settings
- Use of Senses and Tacit Knowledge in Vocational Education and Training
Thomas Ruoss Stefan Kessler
Peter Frostholm
Daniel Bødtker-Lund Svanhild Berntsen Siw Watz
02 SES 12 B, Vocational Teacher Education
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 15:45-17:15, Room: Room 103 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Martina Wyszynska Johansson
- Practical Teacher Education And Relevant Teacher Education
- Close-to-practice Research on Vocational Didactics: An Example of Researcher/Teacher Collaboration
Ann Lisa Sylte Hilde Hiim
Martina Wyszynska Johansson Emil Larsson
02 SES 13 A, Navigating Choices and Careers
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 17:30-19:00, Room: Room 110 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Sarah McAteer
- Navigating Choices and Expectations - Subjective Experiences of ITE Graduates of Becoming Adults
- Student's Reflection in Career Planning and the Role of Teachers
- Examination of Parental Influences on the Career Expectations of Adolescents in Pre- and Post-pandemic Ireland
Heidi Layne Siao-See Teng
Christof Nägele
Sarah McAteer
02 SES 13 B, ***CANCELLED*** VET and Migrant Integration
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 17:30-19:00, Room: Room 103 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Lázaro Moreno Herrera
- The Changing Role of Vocational Education and Employers' Involvement in Migrants' Integration – the Case of Germany, Sweden and Poland
- Work Migration in Germany: Historical Strategies and Experiences, their Long-Term Consequences and Current Developments.
- Transformation of Vocational Education and Training in Poland and its Role in the Integration of Migrants and War Refugees
- Integration of Migrant Labour – the Case of the Automotive Industry
Horacy Debowski Lázaro Moreno Herrera Andrea Laczik
Horacy Debowski Dina Kuhlee Kathrin Petzold-Rudolph
Horacy Debowski
Horacy Debowski Lázaro Moreno Herrera Ali Osman Sofia Antera
02 SES 14 A, Recognition of Prior Learning
Friday, 2024-08-30, 09:30-11:00, Room: Room 110 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Sonja Engelage
- "Rising Horizons: A Case Study Unveiling FET to HE Progression in the Irish Educational Landscape"
- The Enabling Factors for Promoting Adult Apprenticeships
- Recognition of Prior Learning in Higher Vocational Education and Training - Framework Conditions and Recognition Practices in Switzerland
Sarah Mc Manus Justin Rami John Lalor Breda Mc Nally
Sandra D'Agostino Silvia Vaccaro
Sonja Engelage Christine Hämmerli Patrizia Salzmann Carmen Baumeler
02 SES 14 B, VET Research
Friday, 2024-08-30, 09:30-11:00, Room: Room 103 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Christof Nägele
- VET Research Framework - Challenges and Benefits
Lázaro Moreno Herrera Michael Gessler Christof Nägele Barbara E. Stalder Lorenz Lassnigg
02 SES 16 A, Skills Shortage in Europe
Friday, 2024-08-30, 11:30-13:00, Room: Room 110 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1], Chair: Ida Kristina Kühn
- Skills Shortage and Recruitment of Skilled Workers in the EU, UK, and Norway: Development of Local Human Capital or Immigration?
Vidmantas Tütlys Michael Gessler Andreas Saniter Ida Kristina Kühn Jonathan Winterton Lina Kaminskienė
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