ECER 2024
session provided by 02. Vocational Education and Training (VETNET)
Individual Perspectives on VET
02 SES 02 B
Paper Session
Room 103 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1]
Sean Manley
- Narcissism or Masquerade? Utilizing Selfies for Visual Communication in Vocational Education Classrooms
Janne Kontio
- Students’ Creation and Perception of Meaningfulness in Different Learning Environments in Vocational Education and Training
Anne Katrine Kamstrup Vibe Aarkrog
- Exploring Staff Retention in Youthreach: Ireland's Response to Early School Leaving
Sean Manley Margaret Farren
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- For planning your conference attendance you may want to use the conference app, which will be issued some weeks before the conference
- If you are a session chair, best look up your chairing duties in the conference system (Conftool) or the app.