ECER 2024
session provided by 02. Vocational Education and Training (VETNET)
Identity and Motivation
02 SES 08 B
Paper Session
Room 103 in ΧΩΔ 01 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF01]) [Floor 1]
Philipp Struck
- Training Cultures, Vocational Identity, and Vocational Culture – A Cultural Studies Perspective on Generic Competences in Different Occupational Fields
Katrin Kraus Lena Freidorfer
- Motivation, Interests and Study Success: A Profile Analysis of Students in Work-Based-Learning Programmes in Higher Education
Edgar Hahn Dina Kuhlee Johanna Telle Zips
- Vocational Identity – Relevance and Development in the VET System
Philipp Struck
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