Session Information
02 SES 04 A, Learning from International Comparisons in VET
Paper Session
Authors: Krisztina Nagy – Email:
Maria Kraiciné Dr. Szokoly - Email:
Key words are: migrants, refugees, integration, trainings, language classes, good practices
Backround of the research: Modern migration has been a well-known phenomenon across Europe for years. According to Eurostat, 2.3 million immigrants arrived in the European Union from non-EU countries in 2021. This number was 1.5 million in 2013 and 2.5 million in 2018 (Eurostat, 2021).
The wave of migration with its social, economic, political and other consequences places a heavy burden on the affected countries, among other things, it strongly affects the institutions of public education in the case of children, vocational training in the case of adults, and adult education and training. For the time being, humanitarian issues are in the spotlight and little attention is paid to the adult education aspects of migration, to the situations that need to be solved from an andragogical point of view, and andragogical professional problems that arise, and what answers state, civil and church vocational and adult education institutions can give in each country. . How do they cope with the problems arising from language, cultural and religious differences and how, through what kind of training (catch-up, language, professional, etc.) can they integrate migrant workers with different qualifications into the labor market in a short time.
Goals of the research: the aim of the research is to describe, explain and compare the good practices and experiences of different countries heavily affected by migration. These countries are: Germany, Austria and Hungary. We review the migration background of these countries, as well as how various EU and individual country decisions affect the integration of migrants and refugees living in that country.
Target groups: the target groups of my research are refugee/migrant adults between the ages of 18 and 63 who have arrived from any country and have at least a basic education, including groups that are open to retraining and integration from a physical and mental point of view. I paid particular attention to women in this age group, who are usually at a disadvantage compared to men in terms of their integration and adult learning.
Key questions/objectives:
How does migration affect European adult education organizations?
Is there a uniform organizational/content/methodological EU recommendation for catch-up, language, professional and labor market training for immigrants?
Are there professionals prepared to train immigrants in each country?
In researching the topic, I share the results and experiences of german and austrian researchers, and I also talk about the results of the pilot research conducted with professionals dealing with migrant training in practice in Hungary
1. Hypothesis: Several international organizations were established for the training of immigrants decades ago, and during the activities of these organizations, as well as the national organizations dealing with migration training in individual countries, many good training practices were realized.
2. Hypothesis: In the examined countries, specially trained specialists deal with the training of immigrants.
3. Hypothesis: In Hungary, the majority of specialists dealing with the integration of third-country nationals are unfamiliar with the concept of integration modules, and no domestic professional dialogue has yet started on its contents. Thus, questions related to the European integration modules, the good practices mentioned in them, and their applicability in Hungary have practically not been put on the agenda yet.
Examined organizations and programs:
- Bertelsmann Foundation's leadership training program
- Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
- Artemisszió Foundation
- Menedék Foundation
- Education and Training 2020
- Arrivo Berlin
- IOM- International Organization of Migration
For my research, I use desk research and a mixed (qualitative and quantitative) method: • source and document analysis (international literature, documents and research materials, press materials), documents and research materials, EU committees and the researchers behind them – EU forums, decisions • online questionnaire • semi-structured interviews • I use the SPSS method to process the questionnaire, and the Atlas method to process the interview The target group of the interview: • managers and representatives of organizations dealing with the training of immigrants – Hungarian Red Cross, Maltese Charity, LDS Charities • trainers, andragogical specialists dealing with the training of immigrants – Menédek - Migrants Helping Association • persons responsible for the training of trainers • representatives of the organizations supporting the training Method of sampling Sampling takes place in 3 countries affected by migration, primarily Germany, Austria and (based on the special situation regarding migration) Hungary. Establishing contact with at least 2 organizations from these countries each and hold interviews with the professionals working there. Also, other researchers cooperate with their professional experiences and research materials on the topic.
Expected Outcomes
As a summary, I would like to state that, considering the practices of the past years, the European Union countries found the preparation of the persons training immigrants to be important, as evidenced by the activities of the two organizations I presented. The mentioned two initiatives, the Bertelsmann Foundation and the European Integration Modules, focus purposefully on the development of European trainers and migration organizations, ensuring the appropriate professional knowledge when training immigrants. They are the people who deal with immigrants in practice, and they are trained, prepared persons. However, it would be useful to improve language skills. The opinion of my interviewee also reflects this, so I consider my hypothesis confirmed. Since European migration is not just a modern phenomenon, there are of course already programs developed to promote the training of incoming people. As we can already see based on the previous interview questions, the legal background that determines the framework of the programs is very important in terms of migration and integration. Based on the above, it is important to note that the integration difficulties differ from area to area, and the conditions for adult education are not the same. Since we are talking about the member states of the European Union, the decisions and provisions made by the European Commission apply to all member states. However, the local system and way of thinking may change, and thus the agreements will be tailored to the country in question.
Eurostat (2021): Migration and migrant population statistics Last download: Jan.24th, 2024 Fons Coomans (2018): UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Peace, Centre for Human Rights Maastricht University URL: Last download: Jan.26th, 2024 Adrian Edwards (2015): UNHCR viewpoint: 'Refugee' or 'migrant' - Which is right? URL: Last download: Jan.21th, 2024 Hungarian Helsinki Committee: The future of refugee protection in Hungary, 2017 URL: Last download: Jan.21th, 2024 European Comission-Statistics on migration to Europe, 2021 URL: Last download: Jan.21th, 2024 IOM – World Migration Report, 2022 URL: Last download: Jan.21th, 2024 MPI-Migration Policy Institute - Top Statistics on Global Migration and Migrants, 2022 URL: Last download: Jan.21th, 2024 Linguistic integration of immigrant adults in a German as a foreign language literacy course in Germany URL: Last download: Jan.21th, 2024 From radio to artificial intelligence: review of innovative technology in literacy and education for refugees, migrants and internally displaced persons URL: Last download: Jan.21th, 2024 A Theory of Migration: Everett S. Lee URL: Last download: Jan.22th, 2024 Berlin Global (2015): Arrivo Berlin- ‘a Project Preparing Immigrants for work’ URL: Last download: Jan.22th, 2024 BGZ Homepage (2016): Projects and Products URL: Last download: Jan.22th, 2024 European Comission (2016): Education and Training-Adult Education, Vocational Education and Training URL: Last download: Jan.22th, 2024 Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 URL: Last download: Jan.22th, 2024 International Organization for Migration (2016): Migrant Training Last download: Jan.22th, 2024 Arian Edwards (2015): United Nations Information Service-Newsroom URL: Last download: Jan.22th, 2024
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