ECER 2024
session provided by 26. Educational Leadership
Navigating Challenge, Uncertainty, Urgency, Tension, and Complexity in School Leadership (Part 2)
26 SES 04 A
Paper Session Part 2/3, continued from 26 SES 02 B, to be continued in 26 SES 14 B
Room B108 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor]
Mike Collins
- Short-cycle Plans in Chile: Improving with a Sense of Urgency
Felipe Aravena Macarena González Mónica Cortez Sofia Chavez Bernardita Sanchez
- Tensions in Educational Leadership and School Governance, Constructing Brand Advantage, Risk Mitigation, and the Illusion of Democracy
Janet Hetherington Gill Forrester
- Leading in Complexity: Making Sense of Executive Leadership in an English Multi Academy Trust.
Mike Collins
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