Network: 26. Educational Leadership
26 SES 01 A, Supportive School Leadership in Enhancing Teacher Workplace and Professional Support (Part 1)
Tuesday, 2024-08-27, 13:15-14:45, Room: Room B108 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: André Meyer
- Exploration of Teacher Commitment to Profession of Secondary School Teachers in the Zhambyl region, Kazakhstan
- Principal Leadership Practices for Supporting Teacher Collaboration and Collective Teacher Efficacy: A Random Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Model
Nagima Sarsenbayeva Renata Alimbekova
André Meyer Takumi Yada Akie Yada Sebastian Kempert Dirk Richter
26 SES 01 B, School Leadership Preparation and Development for Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice
Tuesday, 2024-08-27, 13:15-14:45, Room: Room B210 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-2 Floor], Chair: David Gurr
- School Leadership Preparation and Development for Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice
- The Path to Respectful Education and Inclusion: Leadership Preparation at the Crossroads
- Rebuilding Democracy through School Leadership Training Programs
- Political Acuity in School Principalship: A Future Imperative? Implications for Leadership Preparation, Development and Praxis
- Leadership for Equity starts with the Disposition of the Leader
David Gurr Olof Johansson
David Gurr Patricia Silva Charles Slater Serafín Antúnez
David Gurr Helene Ärlestig Olof Johansson
David Gurr Alison Mitchell
David Gurr Ian Potter
26 SES 01 C, Distributed Leadership in Education: Global Perspectives and Challenges
Tuesday, 2024-08-27, 13:15-14:45, Room: Room B110 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Sandra Fernández-Núñez
- Project Teams: Exploring Distributed Leadership in Russian Schools
- Distributed Leadership in Spanish Schools to Face Difficult Circumstances
- Transformational Potential in the Educational System: Distributed Leadership and Grassroots Innovations as Core Drivers of Change
Marina Tsatrian Konstantin Seregin
Sandra Fernández-Núñez Julián López-Yáñez Marita Sánchez-Moreno
Daria Tomasova Anastasia Andreeva
26 SES 02 A, Leading in Partnership
Tuesday, 2024-08-27, 15:15-16:45, Room: Room B108 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Mari-Ana Jones
- Leading in Partnership
- WITHDRAWN The Need for Shared Leadership for Climate Change and Sustainability Education in English Schools
- Moving Beyond Internal Affairs - Sensemaking of Principals’ Leadership Practices in Collaboration for School Improvement in Sweden
- Opportunities and Dilemmas in Longitudinal Partnerships for Continuous School Development
- Area-based School Partnerships and Equity: Why Context Matters
Mari-Ana Jones Erlend Dehlin
Mari-Ana Jones Rupert Higham Alison Kitson
Mari-Ana Jones Susanne Sahlin
Mari-Ana Jones Pia Hagerup Camilla Bergh Arne Johannes Aasen
Mari-Ana Jones Stephen Rayner Paul Armstrong
26 SES 02 B, Navigating Challenge, Uncertainty, Urgency, Tension, and Complexity in School Leadership (Part 1)
Tuesday, 2024-08-27, 15:15-16:45, Room: Room B210 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-2 Floor], Chair: Rose Ylimaki
- Exploring Cooperation Amidst Challenges: A Study of Collaborative Dynamics within Schools in Challenging Circumstances
- Team Leadership for School Development: Navigating the Zone of Uncertainty
- Environmental Crisis as an Opportunity for Change: Transforming Public School Routines and Introducing Change Following COVID-19 Pandemic.
Gregor Steinbeiß Stephan Huber
Rose Ylimaki Lynnette Brunderman
Adam Nir
26 SES 02 C, Transformational and Aspiring Leadership in School Organizations
Tuesday, 2024-08-27, 15:15-16:45, Room: Room B110 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Lawrence Drysdale
- Investigating the Effect of Transformational Leadership on Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Cyprus
- The Principals’ Capability to Initiate and Implement Innovation and Change for School Improvement- Findings from ISSPP Case Studies in Australia.
- Reimagining the Future: Transformative and Inclusive Leadership Imperatives for Indigenous Education
- Testimonios for Transformative Learning: Developing Equity-Centered Leaders for Schools
Maria Eliophotou Andreas Lefteri
Lawrence Drysdale David Gurr Helen Goode
Antoinette Cole Suraiya Abdul Hameed Marnee Shay
Juan Manuel Niño Angelica Romero Julio Garcia Guadalupe Gorordo Betty Merchant Shawn Bird
26 SES 03 A, The Edupreneur* – Unveiling the Entrepreneurial Leader in Education
Tuesday, 2024-08-27, 17:15-18:45, Room: Room B108 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Stefan Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz
- The Edupreneur* – Unveiling the Entrepreneurial Leader in Education
- Revealing Entrepreneurial Acting and Thinking among School Leaders and its Impact on their Educational Organizations – a Scoping Review
- Entrepreneurial Leadership Behaviour in European Primary Schools: Is it possible?
- Inspired Entrepreneurial School Leadership: A Success Story from Empirical Research in Cyprus
Jürgen Frentz Stefan Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz Jana Groß Ophoff
Jürgen Frentz Stefan Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz Marcus Pietsch Mehmet Sükrü Bellibas
Jürgen Frentz Aikaterini Balasi Georgios Iordanidis
Jürgen Frentz Antonios Kafa Petros Pashiardis Stefan Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz
26 SES 03 C, Leading Early Childhood and Inclusive Education
Tuesday, 2024-08-27, 17:15-18:45, Room: Room B110 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Daniel Turani
- Leadership as a Profession in Early Childhood Education and Care Centre Leadership
- Coordinating Inclusion: A Study on the Roles and Impact of Inclusive School Leaders in Italian and Maltese Educational Contexts
- Needs and Challenges for ECEC Centre Leaders from an International Perspective: Their Perception and Possible Solutions for Strong Leadership
Kirsi-Marja Heikkinen Raisa Ahtiainen Elina Fonsén Arto Kallioniemi
Flavia Capodanno Erika Marie Pace Paola Aiello Jonathan Borg
Daniel Turani
26 SES 04 A, Navigating Challenge, Uncertainty, Urgency, Tension, and Complexity in School Leadership (Part 2)
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 09:30-11:00, Room: Room B108 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Mike Collins
- Short-cycle Plans in Chile: Improving with a Sense of Urgency
- Tensions in Educational Leadership and School Governance, Constructing Brand Advantage, Risk Mitigation, and the Illusion of Democracy
- Leading in Complexity: Making Sense of Executive Leadership in an English Multi Academy Trust.
Felipe Aravena Macarena González Mónica Cortez Sofia Chavez Bernardita Sanchez
Janet Hetherington Gill Forrester
Mike Collins
26 SES 04 B, Navigating Resistance and Turnover in School Leadership
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 09:30-11:00, Room: Room B210 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-2 Floor], Chair: Pierre Tulowitzki
- Employees' Resistance to Change and Principals' Management Strategies
- Responses to Principal Turnover in Swedish Schools
- Shadowing Principals And Its Merits For Educational Leadership Research - Insights From A Literature Review
Anna Rantala
Katina Thelin Sandra Lund
Pierre Tulowitzki Ulrike Krein Sara Köferli
26 SES 04 C, Technological and Digital Advances in Educational Leadership
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 09:30-11:00, Room: Room B110 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Ulrike Krein
- The Importance and Presence of Change Leadership Characteristics in an emerging Technological University
- Data-dashboards: Principals' Assistant or a New Mechanism of Accountability?
- Between Burden and Benefit: School Leaders’ Actions in the Light of Dissolving Boundaries
- The Open Innovation Mindset of School Leaders: The Key to Successful Digital Innovation in Schools?
Trevor McSharry
Marina Tsatrian Mariya Ozerova
Ulrike Krein
Jasmin Witthöft Marcus Pietsch
26 SES 05.5 A, General Poster Session
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 12:45-13:30, Room: Anastasios G. Leventis Building Ground Floor / Outside Area and Basement Level / Open Area, Chair:
- Untangling Leadership Webs between Principals, Teachers and Board Members: An Exploration of Distributed Leadership in Swiss Schools
- The Relationship Between the Career Model of School Directors and Student Learning Achievement in General Education
- Accountability and Transparency: Analyzing Mutual Perceptions Between Schools and Their Support Systems
- Pupils’ Experience of School and their Views of the Headteacher’s Role: A Study Conducted in Portugal
- Challenges and Possibilities in Leading Teacher Education Program in Matrix Organization
- Interrelationships between English Language Skills and Professional Capital in the Context of the Professionalism of Managers of Educational Institutions
Ella Grigoleit
Daiva Bubeliene Gediminas Merkys Sigitas Vaitkevicius Vaino Brazdeikis
Christian Scherner
Eva Fernandes Maria Assunção Flores
Margareth Eilifsen Bodil Risøy
Inga Zeide
26 SES 06 A, Future Focussed School Leadership Preparation and Development
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 13:45-15:15, Room: Room B108 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: David Gurr
- Future Focussed School Leadership Preparation and Development
- Redesigning Principal Preparation Programs to Equip Leaders to Meet the Needs of the Future
- A Future-Focused Approach for the Preparation and Development of Teacher and Middle Leaders
- School leadership preparation – A Scottish case study of the Into Headship programme.
- Preparing for principalship: Case studies from Aotearoa New Zealand
David Gurr Lawrence Drysdale
David Gurr Jami Berry Karen Bryant
David Gurr Berni Moreno Helen Goode Lawrence Drysdale
David Gurr Julie Harvie
David Gurr Sylvia Robertson Michele Morrison
26 SES 06 B, Supportive School Leadership in Enhancing Teacher Workplace and Professional Support (Part 2)
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 13:45-15:15, Room: Room B210 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-2 Floor], Chair: Steph Ainsworth
- Portuguese Teachers’ Views of the Influence of Leadership on School and Classroom Conditions
- Teacher Leadership: A Review of Literature on the Conceptualization and Outcomes of Teacher Leadership
- The Role of Headteachers in Promoting Teachers' Work Ability
- Decentring the ‘Resilient Teacher’: Exploring Interactions Between Individuals and Their Social Ecologies
Eva Fernandes Maria Assunção Flores
Jete Aliu Blerim Saqipi Fjolla Kacaniku
Klára Harvánková Petr Hlaďo
Steph Ainsworth Jez Oldfield Carrie Adamson
26 SES 06 C, Advancing Educational Leaders: The Role of Values, Self-Efficacy, and Social Mobility
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 13:45-15:15, Room: Room B110 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Antonios Kafa
- Educational Leadership as a Safeguard for democratic values and Practices
- Cross-national perspectives on school leadership: Evidence from Scotland and Cyprus
- A Comparison of General Self-efficacy and Specific Self-efficacy Among Flemish Primary Principals
- Social mobility leadership in Arab education in Israel: Multiple-case studies
Ronni Laursen Anna Sarri Krantz
Michalis Constantinides Antonios Kafa
Lore Bellemans Melissa Tuytens Geert Devos
Alaa Elmalak Chen Schechter
26 SES 07 A, World School Leadership Study. Country and Regional Perspectives on the Profession of School Leaders.
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 15:45-17:15, Room: Room B108 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Stephan Huber
- World School Leadership Study. Country and Regional Perspectives on the Profession of School Leaders.
- Country Reports on Northern Europe
- Country Report Comparison on Southern and Northern Europe
- Country Reports on Africa and Australia
- Country Reports on Asia and Russia
Stephan Huber James Spillane
Stephan Huber Ulf Leo John O'Sullivan Helene Ärlestig Niamh Deignan
Stephan Huber Julián López-Yáñez Marita Sánchez-Moreno Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir Sigríður Margrét Sigurðardóttir
Stephan Huber Lawrence Drysdale Helen Goode Berni Moreno Lucy Gombe
Stephan Huber Natalia Isaeva Karanam Pushpanadham Marina Tsatrian
26 SES 07 B, Middle Leaders and Women Leaders in Educational Organizations
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 15:45-17:15, Room: Room B210 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-2 Floor], Chair: Tui Summers
- Understanding school middle leading practices: Developing a Middle Leading Practice Model
- Middle Leaders and School Autonomy: The Italian Case
- Walking Backwards Into The Future (Ka Mua, Ka Muri): Insights on Education Leadership from Aotearoa New Zealand
Christine Edwards-Groves Peter Grootenboer Sharon Tindall-Ford Catherine Attard
Valerio Ferrero
Tui Summers
26 SES 07 C, External Stakeholders and Collaborative School Leadership
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 15:45-17:15, Room: Room B110 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Ruud Lelieur
- Improving Academic Optimism in schools: The Impact of Performance Leadership (whether or not) through Alignment between Teachers, Students, and Parents
- Effects of Individual Factors and Institutional Family-School-Community Partnership Policies on Parental Involvement in Three Central and Eastern European Countries
- Fostering Collaborative School Improvement - Multiple Case Study among Estonian Schools
Ruud Lelieur Noel Clycq Jan Vanhoof
Gabriella Pusztai
Eve Eisenschmidt Kätlin Vanari Piret Oppi
26 SES 08 A, Exploring the Evolving Landscape of School Leadership: Insight Stories from the Field
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 17:30-19:00, Room: Room B108 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Petros Pashiardis
- Exploring the Evolving Landscape of School Leadership: Insight Stories from the Field
- Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on School Leadership: What could be the Future Plan of Integration and Utilization?
- Examining the Changing Dynamics of School Leadership in Greece Towards a More Sustainable Educational Future
- Educational Marketing in Public Secondary Education in Cyprus: Two (Very Interesting) Findings from Local Research
- Monitoring of Educational Leadership in German-Speaking Countries: Is it Worthwhile?
Antonios Kafa Petros Pashiardis
Antonios Kafa
Antonios Kafa Angeliki Lazaridou
Antonios Kafa Ioannis Sakkas Petros Pashiardis
Antonios Kafa Jana Groß Ophoff Stefan Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz
26 SES 08 B, Educational Leadership in Pedagogical, Instructional, and Curriculum Development
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 17:30-19:00, Room: Room B210 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-2 Floor], Chair: Mette Liljenberg
- Keeping Distance or Getting Involved? – Principals’ Sensemaking of Pedagogical Leadership for Instructional Development in a Three-year R&D-program
- Curriculum Development Routines Supporting Goal Pursuit in Estonian Schools
- Pedagogical Dimensions of Educational Leadership, a Theoretical Contribution
- Principal Instructional Leadership: Unraveling the Indirect Influence through Teacher Collaboration on Pupil Achievement
Mette Liljenberg
Kätlin Vanari Eve Eisenschmidt
Janne Elo Michael Uljens
Rebecka Persson Ema Demir
26 SES 08 C, Leadership Perspectives in Education: Insights into Leaders' Roles and Practices"
Wednesday, 2024-08-28, 17:30-19:00, Room: Room B110 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Lucy Wakiaga
- The Role of Individual Differences of School Leaders
- The Prioritization of Leadership Tasks: What a Principal Can Never Miss?
- Principal Identity: Three Generations of Principals in Three Different Country Contexts
Ida Malini Syvertsen Colin Cramer
Natalia Isaeva Marina Tsatrian
Betty Merchant Lucy Wakiaga Olof Johansson Juan Manuel Niño Julio Garcia
26 SES 09 A, The Role of Inspection and Superintendents in Educational Leadership
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 09:30-11:00, Room: Room B108 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Meng Tian
- Embracing Complexity: Rethinking Education Inspection in England
- Cooperation Between the Superintendent and the Principal to Improve Principals' Working Situation.
- The Effect of External Inspection on Headteachers in England
Meng Tian
Ulf Leo Roger Persson Carita Håkansson
Jane Perryman Katie Kilian Alice Bradbury Graham Calvert
26 SES 09 B, Promoting Aspects of Sustainability in School Leadership
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 09:30-11:00, Room: Room B210 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-2 Floor], Chair: Irene Lampert
- Implementing ESD in Schools through Leadership: Insights from a Systematic Literature Review
- Sustainable School Leadership: Researching the Recruitment, Training and Retention of School Leaders in UK
- The knowledge of educational leaders on the Sustainable Development Goals
Irene Lampert
Mike Collins Pat Thomson Toby Greany Thomas Perry
Gladys Merma-Molina María José Hernández-Amorós Diego Gavilán-Martín Mayra Urrea-Solano
26 SES 09 C, Mapping Resilience, Interruption, Frustration and Vulnerability in Educational Leadership
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 09:30-11:00, Room: Room B110 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Thomas Blom
- Interruption in Educational Leadership: Subjective Meanings and Sources
- Being resilient: Case Studies of School Principals to Thrive at Work in China
- Relational Vulnerability and Trust in School Leadership
Izhar Oplatka Brenda Horwitz - Prawer
Faye He
Thomas Blom
26 SES 10.5 A, NW 26 Network Meeting
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 12:45-13:30, Room: Room B108 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Antonios Kafa
- NW 26 Network Meeting
Antonios Kafa
26 SES 11 A, Supportive School Leadership in Enhancing Teacher Workplace and Professional Support (Part 3)
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 13:45-15:15, Room: Room B108 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Helen Goode
- Fostering Pre-service Teachers’ Educational Leadership through Storytelling: A Pedagogical Approach
- Exploring the Leadership Demands on Early-Career Teachers: Securing Hope for the Future
- The Impact of School Leadership on Teacher Retention: Where Teachers Stay and How They Thrive
- What Keeps Teachers in Teaching? Evidence from a Systematic Review of Research Reviews
Jieyu Lin Ziyin Xiong
Berni Moreno Lawrence Drysdale Helen Goode David Gurr
Sofia Eleftheriadou Qing Gu Lisa Baines Kenneth A. Leithwood
Sofia Eleftheriadou Qing Gu Kenneth A. Leithwood
26 SES 11 B, Enhancing School Improvement in Underperforming Schools/Schools Facing Challenging Circumstances through Effective Leadership and Interventions
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 13:45-15:15, Room: Room B210 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-2 Floor], Chair: Stephan Huber
- Enhancing School Improvement in Underperforming Schools/Schools Facing Challenging Circumstances through Effective Leadership and Interventions
- Leading the Improvement of Underperforming Schools: Reviewing the Contemporary Evidence
- Lessons Learned from the Joint Work of District Leaders and School Principals on School Improvement Planning
- Pathways to the Principalship: Principal Pipelines in the Face of Teacher Shortages
- Interventions for School Quality Improvement: The Quality, Benefits, and Effects
Jane Pruitt Stephan Huber Christopher Chapman
Jane Pruitt Alma Harris Michelle Jones
Jane Pruitt Coby Meyers
Jane Pruitt Ellen Goldring
Jane Pruitt Stephan Huber Christoph Helm Rolf Strietholt
26 SES 11 C, Innovative Learning and Educational Environments, and Shared Leadership
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 13:45-15:15, Room: Room B110 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Helma Oolbekkink-Marchand
- Shared Leadership - the Assistant Principal´s Role in Swedish Schools
- Construction of Collective Agency in the Implementation of educational Innovations: A Case Study in Different Innovative Contexts
Carina Adolfsson Nordström
Helma Oolbekkink-Marchand Linor Hadar Madeleine Hulsen Marijke Kral Martijn Peters Haneen Vasel
26 SES 12 A, Constructing New Research Possibilities amidst Uncertainty: An International Study of Principal Success with Academics, Equity, and Wellness (Part 1)
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 15:45-17:15, Room: Room B108 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Qing Gu
- Constructing New Research Possibilities amidst Uncertainty: An International Study of Principal Success with Academics, Equity, and Wellness (Part A)
- Global Insights into Successful School Leadership: A Meta-Synthesis of Two Decades of International Successful School Principalship Case Studies
- How Values and Trust is perceived and experienced by Multiple Actors in Four Cases in Norway
- New ISSPP Cases in United States
Qing Gu Christopher Day
Qing Gu Christopher Day Jingping Sun Huaiyue Zhang Rong Zhang
Qing Gu Ann Elisabeth Gunnulfsen Hedvig Neerland Abrahamsen Ruth Jensen
Qing Gu Betty Merchant Lynnette Brunderman Michael Schwanenberger Lauri Johnson
26 SES 12 B, Insights into Educational Leadership: Shadowing Principals, Historical Perspectives, and Assessment Practices
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 15:45-17:15, Room: Room B210 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-2 Floor], Chair: Carolyn Shields
26 SES 12 C, Enhancing School Leadership through Continuous Professional Development
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 15:45-17:15, Room: Room B110 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Ruth Jensen
- To Make a Difference at Work – Continuous Professional Development Offered to and Valued by Principals
- Professional Development for School Leaders and Schools – Combining Persistent and Coherent Interventions
- School Leadership Workshops as an Arena for Research-Practice Partnership
Stina Jerdborg Mette Liljenberg
Jane Pruitt Stephan Huber Gregor Steinbeiß Christoph Helm Rolf Strietholt
Ruth Jensen Kristin Helstad Ann Elisabeth Gunnulfsen Hedvig N. Abrahamsen
26 SES 13 A, Successful Principals Navigating Changing Accountability Policies and other Complex Transformations: An International Study
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 17:30-19:00, Room: Room B108 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Rose Ylimaki
- Successful Principals Navigating Changing Accountability Policies and other Complex Transformations: An International Study
- Navigating Principalship: Exploring the Dynamics of School Leadership in Italy's Shifting Educational Landscape
- Successful Schools and Principalship in France. An Explorative Survey in a Deprived School District.
- Successful U.S. Principals Navigate Policy Reforms and Changing Demographics
Rose M Ylimaki Christopher Day
Rose Ylimaki Daniela Acquaro Claudio Girelli Alessia Bevilacqua
Rose Ylimaki Romuald Normand
Rose Ylimaki Juan Manuel Niño Robyn Hansen Joseph Martin Donna Lewis
26 SES 13 B, Exploring Leadership Dynamics in Educational Settings: Insights from Varied Perspectives
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 17:30-19:00, Room: Room B210 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-2 Floor], Chair: Sigríður Margrét Sigurðardóttir
- Decentralizations’ Impact on Municipal Educational Leadership in Iceland: A Study of Changing Roles and Responsibilities
- Reflecting on School Results: Organisational Culture and its Alignment with Planned Changes
- Implementing an Improvement Science Approach: Refelcting on three years of Leadership, Improvement, and Professional Learning
Sigríður Margrét Sigurðardóttir
Iliriana Tahiraj
Frauke Meyer Linda Bendikson
26 SES 13C, Examining the Substantial Challenges in the Principals' Role: Insights from England, Sweden, Australia and Finland
Thursday, 2024-08-29, 17:30-19:00, Room: Room B110 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Jane Wilkinson
- Examining the Substantial Challenges in the Principals' Role: Insights from England, Sweden, Australia and Finland
- Care-full Leaders, Care-less Policy and Post-pandemic Schooling: An Unsustainable Combination
- Emotional Labour of Swedish Principals in Low Socioeconomic Status Communities
- The Emotional Labour of Educational Leading in Socially Volatile Times: Emotions as Sites of Knowing
- The impact of Job Crafting on Work-related Well-being among School Principals: The Mediating Role of Curiosity and Resilience
Jane Wilkinson Izhar Oplatka
Jane Wilkinson Mike Collins Pat Thomson Toby Greany Tom Perry
Jane Wilkinson Åsa Hirsh Anette Forssten Seiser Lill Langelotz
Jane Wilkinson Fiona Longmuir Philippa Chandler Christine Grice
Jane Wilkinson Hiroyuki Toyama Katya Upadyaya Lauri Hietajarvi Katariina Salmela-Aro
26 SES 14 A, Constructing New Research Possibilities amidst Uncertainty: An International Study of Principal Success with Academics, Equity, and Wellness (Part 2)
Friday, 2024-08-30, 09:30-11:00, Room: Room B108 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: Rose Ylimaki
- Constructing New Research Possibilities amidst Uncertainty: An International Study of Principal Success with Academics, Equity, and Wellness (Part B)
- Theoretical Positionings, Analytical Framework, and Comparative Mixed Methods Research Methodology for the New Phase of ISSPP
- The Courage to Disrupt Systems and Lead: Research Insights from the Case Study in England
- Navigating Challenges And Demands Towards Successful Outcomes - The Swedish Case
- Successful School Leadership In Scotland: A Journey To Sustainable Improvement
Qing Gu Rose Ylimaki David Gurr
Qing Gu Christopher Day Rose Ylimaki
Qing Gu Monica Mincu Christopher Day
Qing Gu Frida Grimm Ulf Leo Olof Johansson Anna Rantala
Qing Gu Michalis Constantinides
26 SES 14 B, Navigating Challenge, Uncertainty, Urgency, Tension, and Complexity in School Leadership (Part 3)
Friday, 2024-08-30, 09:30-11:00, Room: Room B210 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-2 Floor], Chair: Eva Amundsdotter
- School leadership for Gender Equality - emotions and resistance in an Age of Uncertainty
- Leadership in Crisis; Exploring the Current Challenges in Educational Leadership, the Unintended Consequences and Opportunity for Leadership Development Through Mentoring.
Eva Amundsdotter
Niamh Deignan Manuela Heinz
26 SES 14 C, Navigating Educational Leadership: Perspectives on Governance, Juridification, Science, and Diversity
Friday, 2024-08-30, 09:30-11:00, Room: Room B110 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor], Chair: James Spillane
- Reconceptualizations of Governance, Management and Leadership in Education
- Juridification of Professional Discretion in Principals Work in schools
- Time For Science: Theorizing Time In Educational Leaders’ Sense-making About Leading Primary School Science
Ami Cooper Lennart Karlsson
Kristin Belt Skutlaberg
James Spillane Elizabeth Davis Christa Haverly Donald Peurach
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