Session Information
26 SES 08 A, Exploring the Evolving Landscape of School Leadership: Insight Stories from the Field
Current crises and changes have catalyzed significant transformations in the educational sector, shifting from traditional formal education to an increased reliance on informal learning facilitated by virtual teaching and learning technologies (Steinbauer et al., 2021). From the perspective of informal education, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a potential tool to enhance the teaching process for educators. Recent scoping reviews by Chen et al. (2020) and Feng & Law (2021) underscore the growing acceptance and utilization of AI in education, evolving from computer-based technologies to web-based intelligent education systems. In addition, the emergence of OpenAI and GenAI, particularly the ChatGPT tool, is poised to significantly impact the educational community. Yet, in the broader context of educational leadership, the literature is scarce on the intersection of AI and leadership roles (Wang, 2021). Also, the potential impact of AI and ChatGPT on the future of educational leadership remains uncertain, as emphasized by Fullan et al. (2023) and Karakose et al. (2023). Having said that, there exist a multitude of questions that necessitate the collective engagement of the research community to address or, more broadly, to reflect upon. In fact, the intersection of AI and school leadership requires a nuanced understanding of benefits, challenges, ethical considerations, and the necessary competencies for effective implementation. Therefore, in this paper, the important topic of AI and school leadership will be highlighted by addressing the questions that will guide the future plan of integration and utilization of AI.
Chen, L., Chen, P. & Lin, Z. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Review. IEEE Access, 8, 75264-75278. Feng, S. & Law, N. (2021). Mapping Artificial Intelligence in Education Research: a Network‐based Keyword Analysis. Int J Artif Intell Educ 31, 277–303. Fullan, M., Azorín, C., Harris, A., Jones, M. (2023). Artificial intelligence and school leadership: challenges, opportunities and implications. School Leadership & Management, DOI: 10.1080/13632434.2023.2246856 Karakose T., Demirkol M., Yirci R., Polat H., Ozdemir TY. & Tülübaş T. A. (2023). Conversation with ChatGPT about Digital Leadership and Technology Integration: Comparative Analysis Based on Human–AI Collaboration. Administrative Sciences, 13(7).157. Steinbauer, G., Kandlhofer, M., Chklovski, T., Heintz, F. & Koenig, S. (2021). A Differentiated Discussion About AI Education K‑12. Künstliche Intelligenz, 35, 131–137. Wang, Y. (2021). Artificial intelligence in educational leadership: a symbiotic role of human-artificial intelligence decision-making. Journal of Educational Administration, 59(3), 256-270.
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