ECER 2024
session provided by 26. Educational Leadership
Exploring the Evolving Landscape of School Leadership: Insight Stories from the Field
26 SES 08 A
Room B108 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor]
Petros Pashiardis
- Exploring the Evolving Landscape of School Leadership: Insight Stories from the Field
Antonios Kafa Petros Pashiardis
- Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on School Leadership: What could be the Future Plan of Integration and Utilization?
Antonios Kafa
- Examining the Changing Dynamics of School Leadership in Greece Towards a More Sustainable Educational Future
Antonios Kafa Angeliki Lazaridou
- Educational Marketing in Public Secondary Education in Cyprus: Two (Very Interesting) Findings from Local Research
Antonios Kafa Ioannis Sakkas Petros Pashiardis
- Monitoring of Educational Leadership in German-Speaking Countries: Is it Worthwhile?
Antonios Kafa Jana Groß Ophoff Stefan Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz
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