Session Information
26 SES 08 A, Exploring the Evolving Landscape of School Leadership: Insight Stories from the Field
The role of school leadership in Greece has undergone significant changes over the years. These changes have been driven by various factors, including the need to improve educational performance, adapt to a rapidly changing environment, and address the challenges posed by the country's multifaceted crisis (Lazaridou & Antoniou, 2017; Christopoulou, 2014). School principals are expected to play a central role in driving these changes and creating a conducive environment for learning and growth striving for a more sustainable future for the country’s schools. Unfortunately, the operational framework of the Greek educational system stands as an obstacle to sustainable school leadership with its limited capacity of intervention for school principals and teachers, its lack of communication and collaboration within Greek schools, its formalism and bureaucracy, and its inadequate evaluation of school units and principals. Despite these challenges, there are opportunities for school leaders in Greece to embrace sustainable practices and drive positive change. Model and experimental schools are such an example and can play a crucial role in promoting sustainable education (Tsouris, 2016). These schools serve as innovative platforms for testing and implementing new approaches, strategies, and curriculum that integrate sustainability principles into the learning environment. By adopting a holistic and forward-thinking approach, model and experimental schools contribute to the development of sustainable practices and mindsets among students, educators, and the wider community. In the Greek educational system, historically, model and experimental schools have been associated with schools of education and they have served as training schools to future teachers (Tsouris, 2016). In an effort to promote excellence and innovation in education, recently, the Ministry of Education has issued a mandate for schools to voluntarily align their orientations with the goals of normal and experimental schools. Currently, 112 model and experimental schools operate in Greece. In this paper, I will explore the role of school leadership in model and experimental schools in three sustainable pillars: a) curriculum development, b) student engagement, and c) community involvement. I will focus on two cases, a model school and an experimental school to show how, by providing innovative and experiential learning opportunities, these schools can contribute to the development of sustainable practices and mindsets that are essential for creating a more sustainable future.
Bamber, P., Sullivan, A., Glover, A., King, B. and McCann, G. (2016). A comparative review of policy and practice for education for sustainable development/ education for global citizenship (ESD/GC) in teacher education across the four nations of the UK. Management in Education, 30(3), 112–120. Christopoulou, S. P. (2014). Model Pilot Schools: Designing the Schools of the 21st Century. Schools of skills and innovation. In: S. Bouzakis (Ed.), 7th Scientific Conference on the History of Education with International Participation. Topic: Model Experimental Schools. Which knowledge has the greatest value? Historical-comparative approaches, June 27-29, 2014 (pp. 46-53). Athens: Gutenberg. Lazaridou, A., and Antoniou, Z. (2017). Margins of autonomy of secondary schools in the exercise of internal educational policy: teachers’ views. Step Soc. Sci. 17:68. in Greek, Tsouris, N. (2016). The New Model of Experimental Schools: Reform or Distortion? In: G. Alexandratos, A. Tsivas & T. Arvaniti-Papadopoulou (Eds.), 2nd Panhellenic Conference of the Panhellenic Association of School Counselors. Educational Policies for the 21st Century School, March 27-29, 2015, vol. A. (pp. 483-491). Athens: Panhellenic Association of School Counselors.
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