ECER 2024
session provided by 26. Educational Leadership
Future Focussed School Leadership Preparation and Development
26 SES 06 A
Room B108 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-1 Floor]
David Gurr
- Future Focussed School Leadership Preparation and Development
David Gurr Lawrence Drysdale
- Redesigning Principal Preparation Programs to Equip Leaders to Meet the Needs of the Future
David Gurr Jami Berry Karen Bryant
- A Future-Focused Approach for the Preparation and Development of Teacher and Middle Leaders
David Gurr Berni Moreno Helen Goode Lawrence Drysdale
- School leadership preparation – A Scottish case study of the Into Headship programme.
David Gurr Julie Harvie
- Preparing for principalship: Case studies from Aotearoa New Zealand
David Gurr Sylvia Robertson Michele Morrison
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