ECER 2024
session provided by 26. Educational Leadership
Educational Leadership in Pedagogical, Instructional, and Curriculum Development
26 SES 08 B
Paper Session
Room B210 in ΧΩΔ 02 (Common Teaching Facilities [CTF02]) [-2 Floor]
Mette Liljenberg
- Keeping Distance or Getting Involved? – Principals’ Sensemaking of Pedagogical Leadership for Instructional Development in a Three-year R&D-program
Mette Liljenberg
- Curriculum Development Routines Supporting Goal Pursuit in Estonian Schools
Kätlin Vanari Eve Eisenschmidt
- Pedagogical Dimensions of Educational Leadership, a Theoretical Contribution
Janne Elo Michael Uljens
- Principal Instructional Leadership: Unraveling the Indirect Influence through Teacher Collaboration on Pupil Achievement
Rebecka Persson Ema Demir
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- If you are a session chair, best look up your chairing duties in the conference system (Conftool) or the app.