ECER 2024
session provided by 26. Educational Leadership
Examining the Substantial Challenges in the Principals' Role: Insights from England, Sweden, Australia and Finland
26 SES 13C
- Examining the Substantial Challenges in the Principals' Role: Insights from England, Sweden, Australia and Finland
Jane Wilkinson Izhar Oplatka
- Care-full Leaders, Care-less Policy and Post-pandemic Schooling: An Unsustainable Combination
Jane Wilkinson Mike Collins Pat Thomson Toby Greany Tom Perry
- Emotional Labour of Swedish Principals in Low Socioeconomic Status Communities
Jane Wilkinson Åsa Hirsh Anette Forssten Seiser Lill Langelotz
- The Emotional Labour of Educational Leading in Socially Volatile Times: Emotions as Sites of Knowing
Jane Wilkinson Fiona Longmuir Philippa Chandler Christine Grice
- The impact of Job Crafting on Work-related Well-being among School Principals: The Mediating Role of Curiosity and Resilience
Jane Wilkinson Hiroyuki Toyama Katya Upadyaya Lauri Hietajarvi Katariina Salmela-Aro
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