Session Information
07 SES 03 A, Teachers' Opinions on Intercultural Education in European National Contexts
Paper Session
Expected Outcomes
Banks, J., A. (ed.) (2004). Diversity and Citizenship Education; Global Perspectives. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Doležalová, O. et al. (2004). Rámcový vzdělávací program pro gymnaziální vzdělávání [Frame education program for secondary schools]. Praha: Výzkumný ústav pedagogický. Fenstermacher, G., D. & Soltis, J., F. (1986). Approaches to Teaching. New York and London: Teachers College, Columbia University. Fullan, M. & Hargreaves, A. (1996). What´s Worth Fighting For In Your School? New York and London: Teachers College, Columbia University. Goodson, I. F. (2005). Learning, Curriculum and Life Politics. The selected works of Ivor F. Goodson. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Hargreaves, A. (1994). Changing teachers, Changing Times; teachers work and culture in the postmodern age. New York: Teachers College Press. Klaassen, C. (2005). Leren in een waarde(n)volle schoolcontext. De Pedagogische Dimensie, 37. Ubbergen: UitgeverijTandem-Felix. Leeman, Y. & Ledoux, G. (2003). Intercultural Education in Dutch Schools. Ontario Institute for Studies in education of the University of Toronto. Curriculum Inquiry, 33,4. Maykut, P., & Morehouse, R. (1994). Beginning Qualitative Research. London: The Falmer Press. Merryfield, M. M. (2000). Why are not teachers being prepared to teach for diversity, equity, and global interconnectedness? A Study of lived experience in the making of multicultural and global educators. Teaching and Teacher Education, 16, 429 – 443. Parker, W., C. (2007). Imagining a cosmopolitan curriculum. A working paper developed for the Washington state Council for the Social Studies. Seatle: University of Washington. Research Institute of Education in Prague (2007). Rámcový vzdělávací program pro gymnázia [Framework Educational Program for Grammar Schools]. Praha: VUP. Veen, K., Sleegers, P., Bergen, T. & Klaassen, C. (2001). Professional orientations of secondary schoul teachers towards thein work. Teaching and trachet Education 17, 175 – 194. Veugelers, W. (2004). Between Control and Authonomy: Restructuring Secondary Education in the Netherlands. Journal of Educational Change 5, 141 – 160.
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