Session Information
02 SES 06 B, Design and Provision of Qualifications: Impact on the Inter-Country Comparability of Qualifications and the Implementation of the EQF
Research Workshop
The inter-country comparison of national and sectoral qualifications through the use of the EQF as an instrument cannot be limited only to the comparison of learning outcomes based on related descriptors of qualification attainments. Previous researches confirm, that the learning outcomes approach alone does not provide complete guidelines for the comparability acquired knowledge and skills in different countries. There are differences in the processes the national systems of qualifications engendered by the influences of different contextual socio-economic, institutional and cultural factors and actors. Therefore, it is also important to investigate and analyse the comparability of sectoral and national qualification as contextualised learning “processes” and “outcomes” by adopting both: the process and outcome based learning approaches. This workshop is based on the findings of the research of the project “EQF-PROQS Project (2010-2012)” which researches the impacts of design, provision and awarding of qualifications to the the inter-country comparison of sectoral qualifications in seven partner countries (AT, DE, FR, LT, NL, SI and UK). The aim of the workshop is to present and discuss the influences of the processes of design and provision of qualifications to the inter-country comparability of qualifications and to the potential of the EQF as an instrument for the inter-country comparison and referencing of sectoral qualifications. There will be presented the outcomes of research carried in the sectors of construction, hospitality and engineering (metalworking and machinery production) sectors. The main assumption of research is that the existing methodological and institutional settings and traditions in design and provision of qualifications in the analysed countries, as well as developed frameworks of institutional cooperation and involvement of social stakeholders in these processes together with the factors of socioeconomic and cultural contexts create important inter-country differences of qualifications. These differences include the different structure and contents of designed qualifications, as well as the differences in the contents between designed qualifications (occupational and VET standards) and provided/acquired knowledge and skills. The research tries to identify these influences and to analyse their importance to the comparability of qualifications. Another important question of research is how the national qualifications frameworks and the European Qualifications Framework help to consider these influences and differences of qualifications originated from the processes of their design and provision. The objectives of research are:
- To compare the socioeconomic and political-economic reasons and conditions of the designing of qualifications in the project partners countries.
- To compare the institutional models of designing of qualifications in the partners’ countries.
- To compare the methodological approaches in the designing of qualifications in the partners’ countries and their influence to the structure and contents of the descriptors of qualifications.
- To compare the foreseen reforms and changes in the designing of qualifications in the partners’ countries.
- To analyse the impact of the specificities of curriculum design, training organisation and applied methods and forms of training in VET and higher vocational education to the structure and contents of provided (acquired) qualifications in the selected countries.
Expected Outcomes
Argyris C. (1990), Overcoming Organizational Defensive Routines. Allyn-Bacon, Needham, MA. (see also: Argyris C. (2004), Reasons and Rationalisations. The Limits of Organisational Knowledge. Oxford University Press, Oxford). Brown, A. (2009) Higher skills development at work: A Commentary by the Teaching and Learning Research Programme London: ESRC, TLRP. CEDEFOP (2009a): “the Development of National Qualifcation Frameworks in Europe”, Publication Office of the European Union, Sept.2009. CEDEFOP (2009b): “VET in Europe – Country Report: France”, CEDEFOP, REFERNET-France. CEDEFOP (2008): “Formation et enseignement professionnels en France: Une brève description”, Office des publications officielles des Communautés européenne, 2008. Dif, M. (2010): “EQF effect on national and sectoral qualification processes”, paper presented for the VETNET programme of the ECER Conference 2010:"Education and Cultural Change" in Helsinki (25 to 27 August 2010), Dif, M., Héraud, J.-A & Nkeng, P. (2009): “Case Study on Implementation and Practice of VAE in Higher Education”, in R. Tutschner, W. Wittig and J. Rami (Eds.): “Accreditation of Vocational Learning Outcomes: European Approaches to Enhance Permeability between Vocational and Higher Education”, IMPULS N° 38, NA beim BIBB, pp.61-84.. Dif, M. (2008): “On transferable effective practices in regional VET networking from France”, In L. Deitmer, P. Kämäräinen and S. Manning (Eds.): Proceedings of the ECER VETNET Conference 2008, "From Teaching to Learning" in Gothenburg - Sweden (10- 12 September 2008). Khayat, J., Kadlek, M., Stalker, M., Dif, M., Kelly, K & Tütlys, V. (2008): “Usage Possibilities of EQF in Comparing Sectoral Qualifications within the Construction and Hospitality Sectors in Lithuania, Austria, the Czeh Republic, France and Ireland”, In “Vocational Education: Research and Reality (Profisinis Regimas: Tyrimai ir Realijos)” Journal , 2008/16 , Profesinio Regimo Centras, Kaunas, pp. 150-167 . Young, M. (2008) Bringing Knowledge Back In. From social constructivism to social realism in the sociology of education. Routledge. London&New York
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