Network: 2. Vocational Education and Training (VETNET)
02 SES 01 A, Future of VET - Crises, Continuity, or Changes?
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 13:15-14:45, Room: KL 23/221,1 FL., 49, Chair: Margaret Eleanor Malloch
- The Future of VET: Crisis, Continuity, or Change?
Margaret Eleanor Malloch Fernando Marhuenda Vidmantas Tutlys Georg Spöttl Vibe Aarkrog
02 SES 02 C, Sector-Related Qualifications Framework and Competence Assessment: Principles and Case Studies
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 15:15-16:45, Room: K 24/21,1 FL., 52, Chair: Martin Mulder
- From trade and job to occupation: the changing status of the European bricklayer
- Competence assessment, learning, vocational education and training
- Sector Related Qualifications Frameworks in VET – A Potential of Risk?
Michaela Brockmann Linda Clarke Christopher Winch
Leif Christian Lahn Trine Deichman-Sørensen Haege Nore
Klaus Ruth Georg Spöttl
02 SES 02 B, Policy, Politics and Guidance Structures
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 15:15-16:45, Room: K 23/27,1 FL., 33, Chair:
- An overview of the literature on European education policy on life long learning: the Scottish solution
- Modelling Flexible Employability: The politics and materiality of novel curricula designs. Norwegian experiences
- Challenges of the Spanish Guidances Structures in their progress towards an integrated academic and professional Guidance System
Carey Normand
Trine Deichman-Sørensen Trine Deichman-Sørensen
Asuncion Manzanares José Sánchez-Santamaría
02 SES 02 A, Institutional Selection, Barriers and Individual Pathways
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 15:15-16:45, Room: KL 23/221,1 FL., 49, Chair: Magdolna Benke
- Retention and Drop Out in VET – The Interplay of Institutional Selection and Social In- and Exclusion
- Earning and Learning: A case study of young people in employment in a sub-region of England
Christian Helms Jørgensen Christian Helms Jørgensen
Sue Maguire Andrea Laczik Caroline White
02 SES 03 C, VET at the Local Level: Regions - Influences and Impacts
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 17:15-18:45, Room: K 24/21,1 FL., 52, Chair: Ludger Deitmer
- Cities as the Places of Innovative Education and Training. The Case of 3 Hungarian Pole-Centres.
- Achieving Economic Improvement and Social Cohesion in City Regions: the Role of New Forms of Apprenticeships in England
- Challenging VET: An Australian Urban/Rural Dichotomy
Magdolna Benke
Alison Fuller Lorna Unwin Sadaf Rizvi David Guile
Margaret Eleanor Malloch
02 SES 03 B, Permeability: Vocational Pathways into Higher Education
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 17:15-18:45, Room: K 23/27,1 FL., 33, Chair: Vibe Aarkrog
- Transcending the Academic – Vocational Binary: An Exploration of the Promise of ‘Hybrid Qualifications’
- The Links between Vocational Training and Higher Education in Switzerland, Austria, and Germany
- Collaboration and Contestation in Further and Higher Education Partnerships around New Vocational Pathways: the Influence of Sector-Specific Cultures.
Gayna Davey Alison Fuller
Rita Nikolai Christian Ebner
Helen Colley Helen Colley
02 SES 03 A, VET-Systems, Competence-Based Education and Recruitment: Perspectives from the Labour Market
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 17:15-18:45, Room: JK 26/201,1 FL., 25, Chair: Fernando Marhuenda
- Companies strategies for competence development and personnel recruitment within employment increasing fields
- Competence-Based Education as an Innovation in East-Africa
- Employers' recruitment and induction practices in selected European countries
Agnes Dietzen Tom Wünsche
Martin Mulder Martin Mulder
Philipp Christian Grollmann Marthe Geiben
02 SES 04 A, Teaching for Transfer: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 08:30-10:00, Room: K 23/21,1 FL., 36, Chair: Vibe Aarkrog
- Do Learning Fields Promote Learning Transfer? 2
- Do Learning Fields Promote Learning Transfer? 1
- Teachers' Learning in TVET: Transfer, Transition and Transformation
- Textile Literacy – Tradition and Transfer
- Teaching for Transfer: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice
Vibe Aarkrog Joanna Burchert
Diane Marks-Maran Diane Marks-Maran
Christian Helms Jørgensen Christian Helms Jørgensen
Viveca Lindberg Viveca Lindberg
Vibe Aarkrog Diane Marks-Maran Joanna Burchert Viveca Lindberg x x Christian Helms Jørgensen Fernando Marhuenda
02 SES 05 C, Inclusion in VET: School for All, Work-Related Learning, Two-Year Apprenticeships
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 10:30-12:00, Room: K 24/21,1 FL., 52, Chair: Lorenz Lassnigg
- At the margin of the school for all. Alternative programmes in upper secondary education – their persistency and legitimacy.
- Engaging Disaffected Learners in Key Stage 4 (KS4) Through Work Related Learning in England
- Two-year apprenticeships - fostering learning opportunities and employability of low achieving youth
Anne Nevøy Stein Erik Ohna Gunn Vedøy
Caroline White Andrea Laczik
Marlise Kammermann Barbara Stalder
02 SES 05 B, VET Teachers: Career Choices, Career Trajectories, Professional Development
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 10:30-12:00, Room: K 23/27,1 FL., 33, Chair: M'Hamed Dif
- Selection into VET-teaching: Career Choice and Change, the Case of Switzerland
- Inbound, outbound or peripheral: the implications of different career trajectories for vocational education practice
- Training Needs Analysis in Economics Teaching. On the suitability of the Test of Economics Literacy (TEL)
Stefan Wolter Stefanie Sita Hof Mirjam Strupler
Ann-marie Bathmaker Ann-marie Bathmaker James Avis
Volker Bank Thomas Retzmann
02 SES 05 A, Transfer of Professional Learning: Heuristic Model, Practice Insides, Empirical Predictors
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 10:30-12:00, Room: K 23/21,1 FL., 36, Chair: Fernando Marhuenda
- Sustaining Evidence-based Policy in Continuing Education
- Evaluating Training Programmes: Which factors affect how the learning transfer, output and outcome?
Bernd Käpplinger Marion Fleige
Michael Gessler Andreas Sebe-Opfermann
02 SES 06 C, Knowledge Creation and Transfer in Regional Clusters: Strengths and Weaknesses
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 15:00-16:30, Room: K 24/21,1 FL., 52, Chair: Andreas Sebe-Opfermann
- Learning for the Knowledge Based Economy: Insights from Territorial Innovation Models
- Methodology for Monitoring Innovation Policy concerning Sectoral Vocational Education
- Reflective Practice and Action Research – Interaction of Theory and Practice in the Process of Knowledge Production
Laura James David Guile Lorna Unwin
Hendrik Kupper Anja Kleijn
Eva Cendon
02 SES 06 B, Design and Provision of Qualifications: Impact on the Inter-Country Comparability of Qualifications and the Implementation of the EQF
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 15:00-16:30, Room: K 23/27,1 FL., 33, Chair: Vidmantas Tutlys
- Design and provision of qualifications: impact on the inter-country comparability of qualifications and the implementation of the EQF
Vidmantas Tutlys Vidmantas Tutlys M'Hamed Dif Jakob Khayat Andreas Saniter Alan Brown Borut Mikulec
02 SES 06 A, Quality Criteria for Establishing Work-Based Learning within In-Company Arrangements
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 15:00-16:30, Room: K 23/21,1 FL., 36, Chair:
- Quality criteria for establishing work based learning within in-company learning arrangements
Ludger Deitmer Ludger Deitmer Pekka Kämärinen Lars Heinemann
02 SES 07 B, Improvement of Cooperation and Practice: Conditions and the Example "Regional Ateliers"
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 16:45-18:15, Room: K 23/27,1 FL., 33, Chair: M'Hamed Dif
- Democratic Decision Making in Education: exploring models of educational change and improvement
- Teachers' Roles and Tasks in the Regional Atelier
- Regional Ateliers from the Viewpoint of Educational Vocational Institutions
- How "Joined Up" Are Education Partnerships? A Continuum of Partnership Working in 14-19 Education in England.
Margaret (Maggie) Gregson Lawrence Nixon Spedding Trish
Carla Oonk PJ Beers Martin Mulder Renate Wesselink
Renate Wesselink Renate Wesselink Klaas Boer Carla Oonk PJ Beers
Jo Rose Jo Rose
02 SES 07 A, Women, Migration: Hidden Work, Access to Work, Factors of Success in VET
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 16:45-18:15, Room: K 23/21,1 FL., 36, Chair: Marja-Leena Stenström
- Women’s Hidden Work: Perceptions and Values
- Migrant women's access to education and work: A Finnish case reflected with European research literature
- People with Migration Background as Ascenders: Factors of Success in Vocational Training and their Way into Professional Work
Leonard Cairns
Johanna Lahja Lasonen Marianne Teräs Carine Cools
Michael Niederhauser Jakob Kost Seraina Leumann Sow Margrit Stamm
02 SES 08 B, Social Enterprises and Social Capital Building in Spain, Italy and Australia
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 08:30-10:00, Room: K 23/27,1 FL., 33, Chair: Lorenz Lassnigg
- Learning To Labour in Work Integration Social Enterprises
- Social Capital Building Within A Human Capital Focussed VET System: An Australian Case Study Strengthening The Deaf Community
Almudena Navas Almudena Navas Fernando Marhuenda Miriam Abietar
Lewis Hughes Elizabeth Hughes
02 SES 08 A, Urban Development and Cooperation between Companies and Schools in Latvia, Netherlands and UK
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 08:30-10:00, Room: K 23/21,1 FL., 36, Chair: Joanna Burchert
- Learning Requirements in Initial and Further Vocational Education among Rural and Urban Inhabitants in the Czech Republic
- Vocational Education for Urban Development and Sustainability in Latvia
- Effective cooperation between companies and vocational schools
- The English Apprenticeship Triquetra: The Emergence of an Industry in Education
Jiri Votava Jiri Husa
Ieva Margevica Eriks Grinbergs
Jeroen Onstenk
Ian Laurie
02 SES 08 C, Personal Development of Students: Contingent Modelling, Teacher´s Perception, Workplace Learning
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 08:30-10:00, Room: K 24/21,1 FL., 52, Chair: Eileen Lübcke
- Stimulating the development of students’ Personal Professional Theories through Contingent Modelling
- Teacher’s Perceptions of Facilitators and Barriers for Implementation of Alternated Training.
- Public Service Interpreting: learning to do ‘ethics work’ in the workplace
Harmen Schaap Harmen Schaap Marieke van der Schaaf Elly De Bruijn
Jean-Philippe Verdu Michaël Huchette
Frederique Guery
02 SES 09 C, Back to the Future Sights: Institutional Forming and Change of a National VET-System, Initial and Further Education, Long-Term Placement in Higher Education
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 10:30-12:00, Room: K 24/21,1 FL., 52, Chair: Leonard Cairns
- Austrian Corporatism and Institutional Change in the Relationship between Apprenticeship Training and School-Based VET
- Improving the Quality of Long-term (8-12) Placements in Higher Education
Lorenz Lassnigg Lukas Graf Justin J.W. Powell
Michael Eraut
02 SES 09 B, Competence-Based Education in Higher and Further Education: Principles, Orientations and Pressures
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 10:30-12:00, Room: K 23/27,1 FL., 33, Chair: Lewis Hughes
- The Matrix of Competence-Based Education Evaluated in Indonesian Higher Education
- Perspectives On Teaching In The Knowledge Society– An Empirical Study In General Adult Education
- 'Where Has All The Education Gone?' (Exploring the Languages of Learning and Education within Further Education Colleges)
Martin Mulder Nederstigt Willem
Julia Franz
Andy Smith Debra Swift
02 SES 09 A, ICT in VET: Applications with Mobile Learning & Web 2.0
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 10:30-12:00, Room: K 23/21,1 FL., 36, Chair: Pekka Ilmari Kamarainen
- "Is This Truly You?" - Videoplatform "" as a Tool for School-To-Work-Transition Between Web2.0 Culture and Traditional Education System.
- Using Innovative Technologies in Teaching/Learning Foreign Languages: Mobile Language Learning in Tourism Vocational High Schools
Eileen Lübcke
Yasemin Bayyurt Saadet Tikac
02 SES 9.5 PE/PS, Poster Exhibition / Poster Session
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 12:00-13:30, Room: Seminarzentrum - Posters, Chair:
- Fit for business - developing pre-vocational skills in the secondary school in seven European countries
- Immigrant Students' Study Paths in Vocational Education: Finnish Perspective
- Identity Statuses, Aptitudes and Interests: Italian Adolescents and Career Decision-Making
Susanne Berger Matthias Pilz
Matti Taajamo
Monica Pellerone Valeria Schimmenti
02 SES 10 C, Perspectives on VET-Careers in Different Domains: Healthcare Professionals, STEM Subjects and Careers, HR Graduates
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 15:00-16:30, Room: K 24/21,1 FL., 52, Chair: Vidmantas Tutlys
- Challenging Careers; Work Experience and Equality in STEM Subjects
- Transition of HR Graduates to the Urban Labour Market: start of Careers and Career Development in times of economic recession
Pat Morton Jill Collins Denise Eaton
Adriana Gerarda Arnolda Maria (Jeanine) Spierings Martha Meerman
02 SES 10 B, Impact of VET-Reforms: Examples from Different Countries
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 15:00-16:30, Room: K 23/27,1 FL., 33, Chair: Christof Nägele
02 SES 10 A, Stimulating Workplace Learning in VET: Collaboration, Cooperation, Partnership
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 15:00-16:30, Room: K 23/21,1 FL., 36, Chair: Michael Gessler
- What Criteria do Teachers use for the Implementation of Work Placements? The Case of French Teachers in Industrial Fields.
- Collaboration for Guidance: Designing Effective Workplace Learning Between College and Enterprise.
Michaël Huchette Michaël Huchette
Marian Kat-de Jong Paula Willemse Kirsten E de Ries Loek FM Nieuwenhuis Derk-Jan JM Nijman
02 SES 11 C, What Really Counts: Work Experience and/or Social Capital
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 16:45-18:15, Room: K 24/21,1 FL., 52, Chair: Vidmantas Tutlys
- What Do Students Say about What They Learn from Work Experience ? The Case of French Vocational Education for Building Industry.
- Social Capital in VET
Christian Jourdan Michaël Huchette
Wil Van Esch Regina Petit
02 SES 11 B, Training and Development of VET Teachers: Identity Formation and Expanded Professionalism
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 16:45-18:15, Room: K 23/27,1 FL., 33, Chair: Christof Nägele
- Learners, Care Work and Wellbeing: VET Trainee Teachers
- How can Professional Teachers Support their Learners` Vocational Literacy?
- Comparative Perspective Of Professional Training Of Teachers In Ukraine
James Avis James Avis
Nicole Kimmelmann
Igor Folvarochnyi
02 SES 11 A, Designing Competence Development Environments: Practical Simulations, Project-Based Learning, Hybrid Learning Environments
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 16:45-18:15, Room: K 23/21,1 FL., 36, Chair: Michael Gessler
- Learning for Competence Development in Professional Contexts: Positioning Practical Simulations
- Project-based learning and teaching Environment: How do learners cooperate and which factors affect cooperation?
- Learning in Hybrid Learning Environments in Vocational and Professional Education; a Review
Anne Khaled Judith Gulikers Harm Biemans Martin Mulder
Andreas Sebe-Opfermann Andreas Sebe-Opfermann
Harmen Schaap Elly de Bruijn Liesbeth Baartman
02 SES 12 B, Crossing Borders? Exchange Visits of Foreign Apprentices and Protection of White Privilege
Friday, 2011-09-16, 08:30-10:00, Room: K 23/27,1 FL., 33, Chair: Pekka Ilmari Kamarainen
- Exchange Visits of Foreign Apprentices and Skilled Workers in the Aerospace Industry - an Evaluation of Strengths, Weaknesses and Challenges
- VET and Refugees: the Protection of White Privilege?
Christiane Koeth Marlène Lecamus
Charlotte Chadderton Casey Edmonds
02 SES 12 A, Contextual VET-Conditions and Influences: When Success is not an Individual Variable
Friday, 2011-09-16, 08:30-10:00, Room: K 23/21,1 FL., 36, Chair: Marja-Leena Stenström
- When Success is Not an Individual Variable - Population Results from Swiss Federal Vocational Education and Training Diploma Examination
- The Significance of Education and Training for the Self-Esteem of Low-Wage Workers in Urban Contexts
- The Consequences of being different – Statistical Discrimination and the School-to-Work Transition
Benno Rottermann
Antonia Kupfer Antonia Kupfer Hugh Lauder
Stefan Wolter Stefan Wolter Barbara Müller
02 SES 13 B, Looking into the Mirror: International Alignments and Differences in Australian, Finnish and Swedish VET
Friday, 2011-09-16, 10:30-12:00, Room: K 23/27,1 FL., 33, Chair: Ingrid Henning Loeb
- Conditions for Writing a BA-Thesis in a Navigation Programme
- Forming the Apprenticeship Track and the Vocational Introduction Program: Disparities in New VET Tracks with the Policy of Enhancing Employability
- On Work Placement in Vocational Education and the Integration between School and Work.
- The Role of Mathematics in the Future VET Programmes in Sweden Compared to the Previous
- Vocational Education and Training Teachers’ Conceptions of Their Pedagogy: Mirror Images and International Alignments in Sweden and Australia
- Looking into the Mirror: International Alignments and Differences in Australian, Finnish and Swedish VET
Viveca Lindberg Viveca Lindberg
Ingrid Berglund Ingrid Henning Loeb
Gun-Britt Wärvik Gun-Britt Wärvik Ingemar Andersson
Lisbeth Lindberg Lisbeth Lindberg
Ros Brennan Kemmis Ros Brennan Kemmis Christine Engström
Gun-Britt Wärvik Ros Brennan Kemmis Christine Engström Lisbeth Lindberg Ingemar Andersson Viveca Lindberg Ingrid Berglund Ingrid Henning Loeb Per-Olof Tång Christian Helms Jørgensen
02 SES 13 A, An Educational Change and Social Innovation: The Role of Regional Networks
Friday, 2011-09-16, 10:30-12:00, Room: K 23/21,1 FL., 36, Chair: Anja Sinikka Heikkinen
- Educational Change as Social Innovation
- How networking enhances teachers’ community renewal?
- Networks as Agents of Innovation: Networking Patterns of the Teachers in VET and Professional HE in Cultural-Creative and Tourism Sector
- Regional Cooperation between SMEs and VET instititions
- Educational Change and Social Innovation: the Role of Regional Networks
Külliki Tafel-Viia Krista Loogma Meril Ümarik
Külliki Tafel-Viia Tuomo Kuosa Silja Lassur Krista Loogma
Külliki Tafel-Viia Külliki Tafel-Viia Krista Loogma Silja Lassur Sirje Rekkor
Marja-Leena Stenström Marja-Leena Stenström Pentti Nikkanen Kari Itkonen
Krista Loogma Külliki Tafel-Viia Tuomo Kuosa Marja-Leena Stenström Anja Sinikka Heikkinen Ludger Deitmer Meril Ümarik Silja Lassur Pentti Nikkanen Kari Itkonen Sirje Rekkor
02 SES 13.5 NW, Network Meeting
Friday, 2011-09-16, 13:30-14:30, Room: K 24/21,1 FL., 52, Chair: Ludger Deitmer
- Network Meeting
Ludger Deitmer Ludger Deitmer
02 SES 14 B, Quantitative Research in Further Education
Friday, 2011-09-16, 15:00-16:30, Room: K 23/27,1 FL., 33, Chair: Harm Kuper
- Can Agricultural Labour Adjustment Occur through Continuing Vocational Education and Training in China?
- Higher Education and the Rise of the Urban oriental Jews Middle Class - The Case of Private Colleges in Israel
- Job-satisfaction of older workers: Does participation in training make a difference?
- Monitoring of Informal Learning
- The Participation of Academics in Further Education
- Quantitative Research in Further Education
Jifa Xiang
Uri Cohen Yael Eisenbach
Hila Avidan
Katrin Kaufmann
Sarah Widany
Sarah Widany Sarah Widany Katrin Kaufmann Hila Avidan Jifa Xiang Uri Cohen Yael Eisenbach Harm Kuper Halit Öztürk
02 SES 14 A, A Practice-Based Learning between Vocational and Higher Education from Analytical Findings to Knowledge Utilisation and Change Agendas
Friday, 2011-09-16, 15:00-16:30, Room: K 23/21,1 FL., 36, Chair: Ludger Deitmer
- Diversity and common features of practice-based learning arrangements in six European Countries
- Evaluation Approaches as a means to study the HE networks of Students, Company and University
- The case of Danmark: Lessons from studying problem based learning approaches in engineering approaches
- The potential of practise based learning - selected student cases
- Practice-Based Learning between Vocational and Higher Education from analytical findings to knowledge Utilisation and Change Agendas
Pekka Ilmari Kamarainen Pekka Kämäräinen
Bernd Hofmaier Hofmaier Bernd
Ludger Deitmer Lars Bo Henriksen
Ludger Deitmer Ludger Deitmer
Ludger Deitmer Ludger Deitmer Pekka Ilmari Kamarainen Lars Bo Henriksen Bernd Hofmaier Michael Erault
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