Session Information
02 SES 02 B, Policy, Politics and Guidance Structures
Paper Session
In the last decade and within the context of lifelong learning, public education and labour policies in Spain have substantially modified the focus and practice of guidance. The detailed Programme of the Lisbon Strategy objectives (2000-2010) required increasing the transparency of the education and training systems, adopting common principles to recognise non-formal learning and reinforcing guidance and training systems (OECD, 2004; CEDEFOP, 2005; CEC, 2008; OECD, 2007). Within this framework, accessibility to guidance services has become a core element of lifelong learning in order to make decisions based on educational and professional elements. At the same time, guidance is considered a key instrument for education and training institutions to improve the quality and provision of learning (EC, 2008; Watts, 2009).
Subsequent European references such as the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning, the Council Resolution of 15 November 2007 on new skills for new jobs, the 2008 joint progress report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the work programme “Delivering lifelong learning for knowledge, creativity and innovation” or the Recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 April 2008 establishing the European Qualifications Framework, insist on reinforcing the role of lifelong guidance. This issue is still present in the 2020 European Strategy associated, on the one hand, to the wish to improve the results of the education systems and facilitate entry of the young to the labour market and, on the other, to the need to modernise labour markets and strengthen the independence of individuals by developing lifelong capabilities in order to increase labour participation and better adapt the supply and demand of jobs.
The Spanish regulations developed to adapt to this scenario have been significant. The convergence of Organic Law 5/2002 of Professional Qualifications and Training, of Law 56/2003 of Employment and of Organic Law 2/2006 of Education, has defined another employment scenario that has affected the structures and functions of guidance services and models (Amor Bravo, 2009; Manzanares & Sánchez Santamaría, 2011).
As noted in the papers generated since 2007 by the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN), coordination and collaboration between the various guidance providers is an issue of concern at a European level and, therefore, also for national guidance policies and practices. In the case of Spain, this led to interest in creating an integrated information and guidance system. This system is to take into account existing programs, both in education and labour, managed directly by the Administration or alternatively by social partners, city councils and other public or private entities.
Our contribution to the ECER focuses on analysing issues we consider priorities for the proper functioning of an integrated guidance system: a) the degree to which the system involves networking with objectives, purposes and actions being shared, b) the type of information the system feeds on, and c) the programmes that favour acquisition by the people being guided of key transverse and decision-making competences they can use to choose, search for and keep a job.
Expected Outcomes
Amor Bravo, E. (2009). Las cualificaciones profesionales: Un reto para los sistemas de educación y formación de la sociedad española. Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo, 81, 89-103. CEC (2008). Resolution of the Council and of the representatives of the Member States meeting within the Council on Strengthening Policies, Systems and Practices in the field of Guidance throughout life in Europe. Brussels. Retrieved from CEDEFOP (2005). Improving lifelong guidance policies and systems. Using common European reference Tools. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Retrieved from EC (2008). Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies. Brussels. Retrieved from EP (2008). Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning. EU's Official Journal (april, 2008) C111/1. Brussels. Retrieved from Manzanares, A. y Sanchez Sántamaría, J. (in press, 2011). La orientación educativa y profesional en Castilla-La Mancha. In Vélaz de Medrano et al. (Coord.). Las políticas públicas de Orientación y Apoyo a la Escuelas en las Comunidades Autónomas. Madrid: IFIIE – Spanish Ministry of Education. OECD (2004). Career Guidance: a Handbook for policy makers. Paris: OECD. OECD (2007). Qualifications Systems: Bridges to Lifelong Learning. Paris: OECD. Tashakkori, A. and Teddlie, C. (1998). Mixed Methodology: combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Watts, A.G. (2009). Learning for jobs. The relationship of career guidance to VET. Paper prepared for the Education and Training Policy Division. Paris. OECD.
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