Session Information
02 SES 08 B, Social Enterprises and Social Capital Building in Spain, Italy and Australia
Paper Session
As we already said (2009) employability has become a common place for training and career literature in the past decade, and it has also been widely used by current European policies and even abused under the recent circumstances of fiscal crisis since 2008. In the paper we present here, we will produce an analysis of the pedagogical relation from the theoretical background of Basil Bernstein combining it with Michael Eraut’s theory. The context of our research is the WISE (Work Integration Social Enterprise), a particular kind of Enterprise with a double purpose. From one side, they are meant to produce, as any other Enterprise, but on the other hand they are mint to integrate, as workers, different persons from vulnerable collectives (integration workers). In this kind of Social enterprise, we can find different kinds of educational workers, besides the integration workers. The pedagogical relation that is built between the companion worker and the integration worker in this context is a privileged place to see how pedagogical relations can be used to fostering employability among those more vulnerable in our societies in a relative short time. This relation it is said to last for three years, and policy makers expect that, by the end of this time, integration workers should have learn how to labour; this is, the they will be able, if training turns out succesfull, to search for their fortune in the labour market. This expectation address to the very core of our research: since they began in a WISE we have been following the steps of two female integration workers and we are seeking how they are learning to labour in the enterprise. It can be seen now how particularly profitable for the research is the combination of Bernstein’s and Eraut’s theories. As we can clearly identify de discursive rules at Bernstein’s theory gives us the basis of research while we employ Eraut’s typology of learning trajectories (that Eraut has developed in 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2009) in the shape of discourses. We try to seek on how the transmission of valuable knowledge is produced and transformed at risk situations, and we understand that this is intimately linked with a particular approach on what and how to conduct research, due to its influence on those who teach and learn. Combination of Basil Bersntein Model and Michael Erauts typology allows us to centre the research on what is to be transmitted as labour knowledge, and put into consideration that what it is transmitted is constituted by three rules, invariable in time and in space. We just say, by now, that our research is centred not only in what it is transmitted inside the enterprise, but it allow us to systematize agents’ performances, their own discourses at their own educational agencies at the different levels or arenas where the main purpose is the educational knowledge.
Expected Outcomes
BERNSTEIN, B. (1999). Vertical and Horizontal Discourse: an essay. En British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol. 20, n.º 2, 175-173. BERNSTEIN, B. (1ª ed. 1990)(2000). The structuring of Pedagogic Discourse. Volume IV Class, codes and control. Londres; Routledge. BERNSTEIN, B. (2001). Symbolic control: issues of empirical description of agencies and agents. En International Journal of Social Research Methodology, vol. 4, n.º1, pp- 21-33. CARMONA, G. (2001). El plan personal para la inserción socio-laboral: teoría y práctica en la empresa para la inserción laboral. Huelva, Universidad de Huelva. CENICERO, J.C. (2003).Orientación sociolaboral basada en itinerarios. Madrid, Fundación Tomillo. ERAUT, M. (2009). Improving the Quality of Work Placements. San Diego: Comunicación presentada en la conferencia anual de AERA. ERAUT, M. (2009). Understanding Complex Performance through Learning Trajectories and Mediating Artefacts. Viena: Ponencia presentada en ECER. ERAUT, M. MAILLARDET, F., MILLER, C., STEADMAN, S., ALI, A., BLACKMAN, C., CABALLERO, C. (2005). What is Learned in the Workplace and How? Typologies and results from a cross-professional longitudinal study. Early Career Learning in the Professional Workplace. Chipre: Congreso bianual EARLI. ERAUT, M. y HIRSH, W. (2007). The significance of workplace learning for individuals, groups and organizations. SKOPE Monograph 6. Oxford & Cardiff Universities. ERAUT, M., MAILLARDET, F., Miller, C., STEADMAN, S., ALI, A., BLACKMAN, C. and FURNER, J. (2004). Learning in the Professional Workplace: Relationships between Learning Factors and Contextual Factors. San Diego. Comunicación presentada en la AERA. MARHUENDA, F. (2009) “Work integration in social enterprises. Employment for the sake of learning”. En Stenström, M.L. and Tynyala, P. (eds.) Towards integration of work and learning. Dordrecht: Springer, 77-91. MARHUENDA, F., NAVAS, A. y BERNAD, J.C. (2010) “In-company work experience as a strategy for educating and inserting people in the labour market: work integration social enterprises”. Revista de Educación, (351, 139-161). Madrid.
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