Session Information
02 SES 09 B, Competence-Based Education in Higher and Further Education: Principles, Orientations and Pressures
Paper Session
‘The customer selects what they want, we deliver it to them, and they leave happy and grasping the qualification they selected.’ (Member of a management team speaking to academic staff within an FE college in 2010)
Biesta (2005) indicated that the rise in the language of learning has impacted across Europe on the way ‘we understand and speak about education’. It has led to education being seen as a commodity and the learner as a customer, which in turn has led to a market model in FE; one which has influenced policy decisions, funding and created an audit driven culture (James & Biesta 2007, Hodkinson 2008). To ascertain the impact the language of learning has had upon practitioners’ understanding of education, their practice and their professional identity, semi structured interviews were carried out. Twelve practitioners of differing levels of experience in the FE sector across the North of England were interviewed, from PGCE trainees through to teachers with ten or more years of experience. Thematic analysis and coding of responses revealed a fading professional identity that has been replaced in newcomers and those with up to 5 years experience with acceptance of a role as a service provider. Poor knowledge of educational concepts and theories were wide-spread amongst interviewees with a dominance of pseudo-therapeutic ideas along with some evidence of the acquisition view (Sfard 1998) of learning. More worryingly it would appear that a failure to critically question their ‘teacher’s toolkit’ and an increasingly competitive atmosphere has resulted in blame for poor student performance being externalised onto colleagues and students. This lack of collegiality could hinder attempts to engage practitioners in methods such as Joint Practice Development (Fielding et al 2005) as a means to begin any critical questioning of practice.
The language of learning appears to have resulted in a prescriptive professional teacher’s toolkit being ‘handed’ unquestioningly to trainees as a Balm of Gilead. If as Dewey (1939), Bruner (1996) and others suggest a main aim of education is to bring students ‘into being’, one could argue that if teachers are being told how to ‘be’ rather than ‘becoming’ themselves it should be no surprise if this aim is not achieved.
Expected Outcomes
Beckett, D., & Hager, P. (2002). Life, work and learning: Practice in postmodernity. London: Routledge. Biesta, G., & Burbules, N. C. (2003). Pragmatism and educational research. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. Biesta, G. (2005). Against Learning, Reclaiming a language for education in an age of learning. Nordisk Pedagogik, 25, pp.54-66 Biesta, G. (2008). Good education in an age of measurement: on the need to reconnect with the purpose of education. Education Assessment Evaluation Accountability, 21, pp.33-46. Biesta, G. (2010). A New Logic of Emancipation: The Methodology of Jacques Ranciere. Educational Theory, 60(1), pp.39-59 Bruner, J. (1996) The Culture of Education. London: Harvard University Press Coffield, F. (2010). Yes but what has Semmelweis to do with my professional development as a tutor? London: LSN. Dewey, J. (1939). Experience and Education: Traditional vs. Progressive Education. New York: Macmillan. Eraut, M. et al (1998) Development of Knowledge and Skills in Employment. Falmer: University of Sussex Institute of Education Fielding, M. et al (2005) Factors influencing the transfer of good practice, London: DfES, Research Brief No RB615. Hodkinson, P. (2008). Scientific Research, Educational Policy, and Educational Practice in the United Kingdom: The Impact of the Audit Culture on Further Education. Cultural Studies ßà Critical Methodologies, 8(3), pp.302-324 James, D. & Biesta G. (2007). Improving Learning Cultures in Further Education, Oxon: Routledge Krueger, R.A. & Casey, M.A. (2000). Focus Groups: A Practical Guide for Applied Research, 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Love, K. (2008). Higher Education, Pedagogy and the ‘Customerisation’ of Teaching and Learning. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 42(1), pp.15–34. Schraw, G., & Olafson, L. (2002). Teachers' epistemological world views and educational practices. Issues in Education, 8(2), 99-148. Sfard, A. (1998). On Two Metaphors for Learning and the Dangers of Choosing Just One, Educational Researcher, 27 (2) pp.4-13.
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