Session Information
02 SES 11 A, Designing Competence Development Environments: Practical Simulations, Project-Based Learning, Hybrid Learning Environments
Paper Session
In secondary and higher vocational education the role of professional contexts has increased significantly, especially with the introduction of competence-based education (Wesselink, 2010). This is not surprising, considering the intended learning outcomes of modern education; students need to develop integrated knowledge, skills, and attitudes (i.e. competencies) (Biemans et al., 2009). Research shows that learning in professional contexts, especially workplace learning, is not automatically effective and efficient and that these learning environments are not fully used to their potential (Onstenk & Blokhuis, 2007). Learning in constructed learning environments (e.g. practical simulations) should therefore not be underestimated and be seen as an integrated part of learning for professions (Fuller, Hodkinson, Hodkinson, & Unwin, 2005). The question remains, however, what the potential of various types of (constructed) professional learning environments is in the context of competence-based education? And can they be effective for stimulating competency development?
Proposed paper will study the design principles and the (potential) learning outcomes of practical simulations (i.e. constructed learning environments) by positioning them in relation to other professional learning environments. This will be apprenticeship and project-based workplace learning, as these are two often used professional learning contexts in Dutch and in other European secondary- and higher vocational education programmes, certainly in competence-based education. Practical simulations were originally developed for learning specific procedural and technical skills in authentic contexts, and are still being used and examined this way (Kneebone, 2005). Indications of developing competencies through practical simulations are absent. Nonetheless, some researchers address the potential of practical simulations for stimulating non-technical skills and carefully formulate design principles for competence-based practical simulations (Gaba, 2004). In competence-based practical simulations, students, for example, simulate an office hour at the animal clinic performing all involved activities, instead of only practicing the technical skill of examining an animal. The research questions of this study are: 1) What are the typical learning environment characteristics of practical simulations, and how do they differ from other professional learning contexts (i.e. apprenticeship and project-based workplace learning )? 2) What traditional learning outcomes, as well as competencies, can typically be developed in practical simulations, and how does this differ from learning outcomes in other professional learning contexts?
The theoretical framework that is being used for this study is the Model of Powerful Learning Environments (de Bruijn & Leeman, 2011). The model of PLEs includes several design principles that are specifically important for competence-based vocational education. Based on extensive research, the model is a combination of traditional principles, like direct instruction, and innovative principles, like active and reflective learning. Each principle is worked-out in concrete powerful- and less powerful learning environment characteristics.
This paper will not only contribute to learning environment theory, but also aims to provide educationalists a workable overview of how to design professional learning contexts, especially practical simulations, for intended learning outcomes. Thereby, explicating the added value of using practical simulation in competence-based education.
Expected Outcomes
Biemans, H., Wesselink, R., Gulikers, J., Schaafsma, S., Verstegen, J., & Mulder, M. (2009). Towards Competence-Based VET: Dealing with the Pitfalls. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 61(3), 267-286. COLO. (2006). Competentiemodel Kenniscentra Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven [Competence model of Knowledge centre for Vocational education and Industry]. Retrieved August 5, 2010, from de Bruijn, E., & Leeman, Y. (2011). Authentic and self-directed learning in vocational education: Challenges to vocational educators. Teaching and Teacher Education, In Press, Corrected Proof. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2010.11.007 Fuller, A., Hodkinson, H., Hodkinson, P., & Unwin, L. (2005). Learning as peripheral participation in communities of practice: a reassessment of key concepts in workplace learning. British Educational Research Journal, 31(1), 49 - 68. Gaba, D. M. (2004). The future vision of simulation in health care. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 13(suppl 1), i2-i10. Kneebone, R. M. B. (2005). Evaluating Clinical Simulations for Learning Procedural Skills: A Theory-Based Approach. Academic Medicine, 80(6), 549-553. Onstenk, J., & Blokhuis, F. (2007). Apprenticeship in The Netherlands: connecting school- and work-based learning. Education + Training, 49(6), 489 - 499. Wesselink, R. (2010). Comprehensive competence-based vocational education. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Wageningen University, Wageningen.
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