Session Information
02 SES 06 C, Knowledge Creation and Transfer in Regional Clusters: Strengths and Weaknesses
Paper Session
This contribution shows challenges and consequences of a production of knowledge in a new mode (Gibbons et al. 1994) for scientific research and teaching in a specialized university that interlinks professional knowledge and academic knowledge into a new mode of joint knowledge production. Central constructs underlying this approach are the concept of the reflective practitioner (Schön 1983), the concept of action research (Lewin 1948; Moser 1995) and the concept of a certain mode of production of knowledge as explicated by Michael Gibbons, Helga Nowotny and Peter Scott (Gibbons et al. 1994, Nowotny et al. 2001; 2003). Different features are attributed: context of application, heterogeneity and organizational diversity, social accountability and reflexivity, and multiple ways of quality control. This approach questions to some extent the traditional ways of academic knowledge production linked to disciplinary routes and division of fundamental research and applied research. As a consequence, the role of the university changes and it transforms into a networking and interconnected institution. Furthermore, the concept of reflection and reflexivity as linking academic and professional knowledge in news way becomes the central paradigm in such an approach (Barnett 1990).
Expected Outcomes
BARNETT, Ronald (1990): The Idea of Higher Education, Maidenhead and New York, The Society for Research into Higher Education and Open University Press. GIBBONS, Michael et al. (1994): The new production of knowledge. The dynamics of science and research in contemporary societies, Los Angeles Dehli, Singapore, und Was, London, New hington DC, Sage. LEWIN, Kurt (1948): Resolving Social Conflicts. Selected Papers on Group Dynamics, New York, Harper & Row. MOSER, Heinz (1995): Grundlagen der Praxisforschung, Freiburg im Breisgau, Lambertus. NOWOTNY, Helga et al. (2001): Re-Thinking Science. Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainty, Cambridge, Polity Press. NOWOTNY, Helga et al. (2003): „Introduction. ‘Mode 2’ Revisited: The New Production of Knowledge”, In: Minerva, Volume 41, Number 3, 2003, pp. 179-194. PELLERT, Ada (1999): Die Universität als Organisation. Die Kunst, Experten zu managen, Wien, Böhlau. SCHÖN, Donald A. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner. How Professionals Think in Action, New York, Basic Books Inc.
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