Session Information
02 SES 07 A, Women, Migration: Hidden Work, Access to Work, Factors of Success in VET
Paper Session
People with migration background are considered predominantly unsuccessful, problematic and less educated. What concerns the acquisition of education in a European context, foreign youths from migrant families are at a disadvantage compared to native students, and this is true for the field of pre-school institutional support and the field of primary and secondary school education as well as vocational training (Becker & Lauterbach, 2004; OECD report 2006). For example in Switzerland only every tenth student with a minority background qualifies for university studies (Britain: A Level) (Imhasly, 2004). With 38.2%, migrants show also the highest share of young people without completed vocational training, in contrast 12% for Swiss people (BfS, 2006). In Germany trainees with migration background search longer for a job after completing successfully their training compared to trainees without migration background (Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung, 2008).
However, such data also express the predominant, deficit-oriented point of view from which the issue of “migration and acquiring competences” is usually looked at. But this prevents us from recognizing the fact that nevertheless there are successful young people with a migration background in our schoolsystem. There is good empirical evidence for their existence, e. g. in the Anglo-Saxon countries in the Swann report (Department for Education and Science, 1985) or in the Swiss “Nationalfondsprojekt” on “Secondos” (Bolzmann et al., 2003). Although various, mostly qualitatively-oriented studies (Hamburger et al., 2006; Raiser, 2007) have proven that educational success with a migration background is definitely possible and that there is evidence for migrants successfully developing their performance during vocational training, statistic data are almost non-existent.
On the basis of data of the three-years longitudinal study MIRAGE (MigrantInnen als gesellschaftliche Aufsteiger – Migrants as Ascenders) this contribution analyzes in a quantitative way people with a migration background who have completed their vocational training with particular success in comparison to successful natives trainees. In the focus of interest are the guiding questions about the conditions of their success in vocational training and about their way into professional work after training. It’s intended to work out recommendations on how to reform vocational education, which might make it possible to optimize the acquisition of competences by migrants.
Five theoretical explanation patterns for the educational outcome of migrants build the basis of the empirical analysis. They are explanations of cultural deficits, human capital-theoretical approaches, as well as explanations based on features such as school, institutional discrimination or the resilience concept (Stamm, 2009). The potential influential factors derived from these theoretical approaches will be put together to form a working model for the explanation of educational and work success following Heller (1997). The model distinguishes three main groups of variables: predictor, moderator and criterion variables. As predictors, all learning and development conditions are of interest which we assume to be in a causal relationship to the criterion performance. Moderator variables are non-cognitive characteristics and environmental conditions as systematically moderating the connection between predictors and criterion. Under criterion variables, those performance variables are summarized which are supposed to be explained: educational and work success.
Expected Outcomes
Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung (2008). Bildung in Deutschland 2008. [Education in Germany 2008]. Bericht im Auftrag der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung, Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag. Becker, R., & Lauterbach, W. (2004). Bildung als Privileg? Erklärungen und Befunde zu den Ursachen der Bildungsungleichheit. [Education as privilege? Explanations and findings on the reasons for educational inequalities]. Wiesbaden: Leske + Budrich. Bolzmann, C., Fibbi, R., & Vial, M. (2003). Secondos – Secondas. Le processus de l’intégration des jeunes adultes issues de la migration espagnole et italienne en Suisse. [Secondos – Secondas. The process of integration of young adults arising from the Spanish and Italian migration in Switzerland]. Zürich : Seismo. Bundesamt für Statistik. (BfS). (2006). Abschlüsse der beruflichen Grundbildung. [Graduations of vocational training]. Neu¬châtel: Bundesamt für Statistik. Department for Education and Science (DES). (1985). Education for all. Report of the enquiry into the education of children from ethnic minority groups (Swann Report). HMSO. London. Hamburger, F., Tarek B., & Hummrich, M. (Hrsg.). (2006). Migration und Bildung. Über das Verhältnis von Anerkennung und Zumutung in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft. [Migration and education. On the relationship between recognition and imposition in an immigration country]. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 2, 305-308. Heller, K.A. (1997). Individuelle Bedingungen der Schulleistung: Literaturüberblick. [Individual conditions of school attainment: literature review]. In F.E. Weinert & A. Helmke (Hrsg.). Entwicklung im Grund¬schulalter (S. 183-201). Wein¬heim: Beltz/PVU. Imhasly, M. (2004). Metaevaluation Begabungsförderung. [Metaevaluation promotion of talent]. Zürich: Forschungsbereich Schul¬qualität und Schulentwicklung der Universität Zürich. OECD. (2006). Education at a glance. OECD Indicators. Paris: OECD. Raiser, U. (2007). Erfolgreiche Migranten im deutschen Bildungssystem - es gibt sie doch: Lebensläufe von Bildungsaufsteigern türkischer und griechischer Herkunft. Münster: Lit. Stamm, M. (2009). Migranten als Aufsteiger. Reflexionen zum Berufserfolg von Auszubildenden mit Migrationshintergrund. Zeitschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, 3, 361-377.
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