Session Information
02 SES 03 C, VET at the Local Level: Regions - Influences and Impacts
Paper Session
Vocational Education and Training systems and delivery can, it may be argued, be strongly influenced by urban models and modes of delivery. Historically, vocational education and training (VET) in Australia developed in key urban and regional centres. VET funding, program development and delivery emphasise a critical mass of participants following set timetables and rural students undertaking city based programs.
Internationally, there is an urban/rural dichotomy in the provision of VET with tension between large urban national and state training systems funding models requiring economies of scale and the demands of employers requiring training for small numbers of workers and trainees in geographically isolated areas.
The natural resources sector consisting of mining, oil and gas operations located primarily in the outback, is a small but economically powerful force in Australia, being the second largest exporter and income generator. Vocational education and training and the achievement of a skilled workforce are present and future challenges for this sector nationally and internationally. The sector’s concerns, vocal criticism and ideas for the development of a skilled workforce, contributed to the development of the National Resources Sector Employment Task Force in November 2009. It was charged with the task of developing a workforce plan to assess skill needs in the resources sector and to create more jobs in relation to projects planned for the forthcoming five years. The Taskforce also examined existing education and training programs and industry initiatives in addressing needs for labour and skills.
This paper examines recent policy developments and trends in VET in Australia through the lens of the Natural Resources Sector Task Force (2010) and its potential impact on the VET in Australia. The Task Force and associated reference groups’ membership provided comprehensive representation of key stakeholders, from tertiary education, the government, the resources sector, relevant unions and industry council and major companies. This in itself was innovative. Simultaneously the Australian Qualifications Framework has been reviewed and strengthened, a Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency formed to scrutinise all tertiary providers, a critical skills investment fund established, and a review of higher education funding, and discussion papers on the national apprenticeships program are underway (DEEWR, 2011).
From a social constructivist perspective (Creswell, 2003) the views of the participants on the training and skill needs of their sector, provision of training, influence of international developments, and vision of VET for the future are interpreted.
The framework for the paper is a consideration of policy as a process with negotiations and confrontations between groups (Ozga, 2000), with key stakeholders, employers, industry, unions and educators meeting to address vocational education and training needs.
As key stakeholders concerned that the VET system meet their needs, their deliberations will contribute to a reshaping of the debate and ultimately the development and delivery of VET in Australia and beyond.
Expected Outcomes
Australian Government (2010) Resourcing the future National Resources Sector Employment Taskforce Report Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra Australian Government, Department of Education, Science and Training (2005) Skilling Australia, Commonwealth of Australia Canberra, ACT Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, (2009) Employers’ Use and Views of the VET System Australian vocational education and training statistics, NCVER, Adelaide, S.A. Creswell, J. W., (2003) Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches, SAGE Publications Inc, Thousand Oaks, London and New Delhi Figgis, J., (2009) Regenerating the Australian landscape of professional VET practice: Practitioner driven changes to teaching and learning, NCVER, Adelaide, S.A. Harris, R., Simons, M., and Maher, K., (2009) New directions in European vocational education and training policy and practice: Lessons for Australia, NCVER, Adelaide…… Misko, J., and Halliday-Wynes, S., (2009) Tracking or success: How TAFE institutes evaluate their effectiveness and efficiency, NCVER, Adelaide, S.A. OTFE, (1997) Return on Training Investment, OTFE/ANTA, Melbourne Ozga, J., (2000) Policy Research in Educational Settings, Open University Press, Buckingham Rittie, T., and Awodeyi, T., (2009) Employers’ views on improving the vocational education and training system, NCVER, Adelaide, S.A. Smith, A., Oczkowski, E., and Hill, M., (2009) Reasons for training: Why Australian employers train their workers, NCVER, Adelaide, S.A. Townsend, R., Waterhouse, P., and Malloch, M., (2005) Getting the job done: How employers use and value accredited training leading to a qualification, NCVER, Adelaide, S.A. DEEWR, (2011)
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