Session Information
02 SES 09 B, Competence-Based Education in Higher and Further Education: Principles, Orientations and Pressures
Paper Session
The current discussion on a knowledge society draws the attention to the relevance of learning and teaching processes (cf. Böhme/Stehr 1986, EC 2000, Hargreaves 2003). In general adult education – which is at the center of the presented paper - the discussion focuses on the perspective of learning as a life-long, self-directed, and active process (cf. inter alia Gibbons 2002) and asks for a “change of learning cultures” (Arnold/Schüssler 1998). In contrast, teaching is only being discussed marginally. It is pointed out that the role of the teacher is changing to an accompanying and moderating function (cf. Nuissl et al. 2006).
The question of the impact of this normatively asked role change on the teaching practice of general adult education has so far not been empirically researched. In addition, this proclaimed change does not only affect the conceptual work of the teachers but also increasingly the organizing and advising steering of the courses by the administrative staff (cf. von Hippel/Tippelt 2009). This group has become an important interface between teachers, learners, and the courses offered.
The current research on teaching in general adult education focuses on three areas:
Firstly, in the course of implementing new learning cultures the participants’ experience is being researched. It shows that high demands are made on the learners’ self-learning competencies, that learning resistance occurs, and that the preference for self-directed forms of learning is linked to a high educational level (cf. inter alia Faulstich et al. 2005).
Secondly, numerous studies deal with the teachers’ individual perspectives on professionalism and “good teaching” (cf. inter alia Harmeyer 2009 Hof 2001; Pratt 1992). According to these studies teachers operate within the triangle of subject, the participants‘ interests and the methodical design.
Thirdly, interaction studies on the arrangement of teaching and learning processes (cf. inter alia Nolda 1996) demonstrate that teaching in general adult education is mainly managed indirectly and that participants possess more opportunities to participate than for example in school.
The synopsis showes that „new learning cultures“ make high demands on general adult education which cannot be solely coped with by the teachers’ individual perspectives but need to be dealt with collectively within the adult education institution. Therefore a desideratum in research consists in the neglected collective and case analytic perspective on teaching. This is where the study applies. It asks for the teachers’ and administrative staff’s collective orientations on teaching in general adult education within different institutions.
To answer this research question, a qualitative case study design has been chosen (see method). Reflections on cultural theory (cf. inter alia Reckwitz 2004; Baecker 2001; Luhmann 1984) are used as theoretical frameworks to interpret the empirical data and to analyze to what extend different cultures of teaching are elaborated within the different institutions.
Expected Outcomes
Arnold, R./Schüßler, I. (1998): Wandel der Lernkulturen. Ideen und Bausteine für ein lebendiges Lernen. Darmstadt. Baecker, D. (2001): Wozu Kultur? Berlin. Bassey, M. (1999): Case Study Research in Educational Settings. Buckingham. Boehme, G./Stehr, N. (ed.) (1986): The Knowledge Society: The Growing Impact of Scientific Knowledge on Social Relations. Dordrecht. Bohnsack, R. et al. (Hg.) (2007): Die dokumentarische Methode und ihre Forschungspraxis, Wiesbaden. EC – Commission of the European Community (2000): A Memorandum on Lifelong Learning. Online: Faulstich, Peter et al. (2005): Lernwiderstand – Lernumgebung – Lernberatung. Empirische Fundierungen zum selbstgesteuerten Lernen. Bielefeld. Glaser, B. G./Strauss, A. L. (1976): The Discovery Of Grounded Theory: Strategies For Qualitative Research. New York. Gibons, M. (ed.) (2002): The self-directed learning handbook. San Francisco. Hargreaves, A. (2003): Teaching in the knowledge society. Education in the age of insecurity. Maidenhead. Harmeyer, M. (2009): "Für die Teilnehmer sind wir die VHS" Selbstverständnis von Kursleitenden und ihr Umgang mit Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen. Bielefeld. Hippel, A. von/Tippelt, R. (Hg.) (2009): Fortbildung der Weiterbildner/innen – eine Analyse der Interessen und Bedarfe aus verschiedenen Perspektiven. Weinheim. Hof, Ch. (2001): Konzepte des Wissens: Eine empirische Studie zu den wissenstheoretischen Grundlagen des Unterrichtens. Bielefeld. James, D. et al. (ed.) (2007): Improving Learning Cultures in Further Education. London. Nuissl, E. (Hg.) (2006): Vom Lernen zum Lehren. Lern- und Lehrforschung für die Weiterbildung. Bielefeld. Loos, P./Schäffer, B. (2001): Das Gruppendiskussionsverfahren. Theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Anwendung. Opladen. Luhmann, N. (1984): Soziale Systeme. Grundriß einer allgemeinen Theorie. Frankfurt/Main. Nolda, S. (1996): Interaktion und Wissen. Eine qualitative Studie zum Lehr-/Lernverhalten in Veranstaltungen der allgemeinen Erwachsenenbildung. Frankfurt/Main. Mannheim, K. (1980): Strukturen des Denkens. Frankfurt/Main. Pratt, D.D. (1992). Conceptions of teaching, Adult Education Quarterly, 42(4), 203-220. Reckwitz, A. (2004): Die Kontingenzperspektive der Kultur. Kulturbegriffe, Kulturtheorien und das kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungsprogramm. In: Jaeger, F. et al. (Hg.): Handbuch der Kulturwissenschaften. Stuttgart, Weimar, S. 1-20.
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