Session Information
01 SES 9.5 PE/PS, Poster Exhibition / Poster Session
Researchers are comparing the start in a new job situation with the feeling of stress during a divorce (see Becker, 2005). From this point of view the intensity of stress must be immense for young teachers during the beginning of their careers: They still do not have the security of “being experienced”.
The start in the job is a sensitive phase in the professional development: On one hand, a young teacher is highly motivated to put his knowledge into practice on the other hand, the new working situation e. g., with their inherent social rules evokes uncertainty. The motivation should be maintained; the irritation should be offset. The professional socialization is supported by a differentiated applied Personnel Development (see Knoch, 2010).
The poster intends to give an overview of appropriate measures in the area of Personnel Development in this specific phase. For this, the poster focuses on a local school authorities’ programme and the impact of school leaders by showing a concrete regional example: the school system of Canton Zurich.
In Canton Zurich the beginning of the teaching career is legally ruled by an obligatory programme. This programme takes two years and intends to help the individuals through the phase of developing their professional identities. For this reason, the programme offers a wide range of support: on the job, near the job or off the job e. g., guidance by a specialist at the workplace or specific further education.
Besides this the main emphasis of the poster is on the impact of the school leader. How can he or she support successfully the start in the new job? The school leader has a key role besides the legal programme: the school leader is responsible for the leading of the staff. It’s highly dependent on his actions if an introduction in the school system will be successful. According to this, the poster shows appropriate measures which should be initiated by the school leader. For example, information and communication are playing essential parts in this process: in general, information should be given authentically and balanced. As a consequence, information or communication should not lead to very high expectations neither to irritation nor to demotivation. A bad example is a school leader who fails to inform the team about the employment of a new colleague. This causes conflicts which will have an impact on the successful integration into the team hierarchy.
Furthermore the poster lists a range of measures e. g. like mentoring and explains their roles and effects within a differentiated Personnel Development programme (see Buhren & Rolff, 2009). These measures can be adapted to other contexts.
In addition the poster brings focus on a new topic in this framework: “employer attractiveness”. This topic is currently being discussed in the Economy and examined in theory too (see Grote & Staffelbach, 2009). “Employer attractiveness” will give new impulses for schools concerning recruiting and integration of young teachers in the system. For this reason, the poster summarizes further prospects.
Expected Outcomes
Argyris, Chris; Schön, Donald A. (2006): Die lernende Organisation. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta. Becker, Manfred (2005): Personalentwicklung. Bildung, Förderung und Organisationsentwicklung in Theorie und Praxis. Stuttgart: Schäfer-Poeschel. Buhren, Claus G.; Rolff, Hans-Günter (2009): Personalmanagement in Schulen. Ein Handbuch für Schulleitung und Kollegium.. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz Verlag. Dubs, Rolf (2005): Die Führung einer Schule. Leadership und Management. Zürich: SKV. DGFP e. V. (Hrsg.) (2009): Mitarbeiter auswählen. Personaldiagnostik in der Praxis. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag. Grothe, Gudela; Staffelbach, Bruno (Hrsg.) (2009): Schweizer HR-Barometer 2009. Schwerpunktthema Mobilität und Arbeitgeberattraktivität. Zürich: Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Holtbrügge, Dirk (2004): Personalmanagement. Berlin: Springer. Knoch, Cornelia (2006): Verständnis Personalentwicklung: Konkretisierung, Herleitung, Folgerung. Unveröffentlichte Darstellung. Zürich: PH Zürich. Knoch, Cornelia (2010): Der Umbau der schweizerischen Volksschule. Sicherung der Personalentwicklungskompetenz von Schulleitungen. In: schul-management, 6 (2010), S. 33-35. Knoch, Cornelia (2010). Neue Mitarbeiter gewinnen. In: Pädagogische Führung, 6 (2010), S. 218-220. Knoch, Cornelia (2010). Personalentwicklung. In: Alpha, (2010) 6./7. November, S. 30. Krämer, Michael (2007): Grundlagen und Praxis der Personalentwicklung. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Maier, Norbert (2008): Erfolgreiche Personalgewinnung und Personalauswahl. Zürich: Praxium-Verlag. Mentzel, Wolfgang (2005): Personalentwicklung. Erfolgreich motivieren, fördern und weiterbilden. München: Deutscher Taschenbuch. Mudra, Peter (2004): Personalentwicklung. Integrative Gestaltung betrieblicher Lern- und Veränderungsprozesse. München: Franz Vahlen. Neuberger, Oswald (1994): Personalentwicklung. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius. Riesen, Martin (1999): Personalentwicklung als Führungsaufgabe in Bildungsorganisationen. In: Aus der Praxis für die Praxis. Nr. 21. Luzern, Zürich: AEB. Rolff, Hans-Günter; Buhren, Claus G.; Lindau-Bank, Detlev; Müller, Sabine (1999): Manual Schulentwicklung. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz Verlag. Seitz, Hans; Capaul, Roman (2005): Schulführung und Schulentwicklung. Theoretische Grundlagen und Empfehlungen für die Praxis. Bern: Haupt. Sonntag, Karlheinz (Hrsg.) (2006): Personalentwicklung in Organisationen. 3. Auflage. Bern: Hogrefe. Thom, Norber & Zaugg, Robert J. (Hrsg.) (2006): Moderne Personalentwicklung. Mitarbeiterpotenziale erkennen, entwickeln und fördern. Wiesbaden: Gabler. Wunderer, Rolf (2006): Führung und Zusammenarbeit. 6., überarbeitete Auflage. München: Luchterhand.
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