Session Information
ERG SES C 01, Interactive Poster Session C 01
Poster Session
1. Delimitation of the researched field
School inclusion is not a new topic in the world of educational research. There are quite a lot of theses, publications, research projects and all kinds of experiences around this phenomenon.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate, analyze and discuss inclusive practices carried out in a given primary center of Barcelona's public network.
In order To do this, it is important to take into consideration several questions:
• What is going on in the educational field?
• Where are children’s questions left when they enter the education system?
• Are we killing the ability to challenge in a world worth of being questioned?
• Where do we see reflected the inclusive education of which we speak?
• Do we know, as educators, how to enable true inclusion / integration of school?
However, as the term inclusive teaching practices can be very wide and can be treated from different perspectives, it seems significant to address the educational practices from a center that works within the dynamics of work projects for inclusion.
2. Identification and specification of the problem:
The interest in studying a school "choice" from Barcelona’s public schools with and integration, begins, with a meditation: features of inclusive practices
How a "preferred" school that works from the perspective of potential work projects / makes possible the inclusion / integration of students that suffer from conduct disorder?
In this regard, I seek to analyze and interpret educational practices from the perspective of integration, taking as a key element in this process dynamics from the perspective of work projects. This aspect highlights the relationship and dialogue as active elements in this process of engagement and mutual learning between teachers and students. According to Freire (2001):
"[...], Dialogue is an existential requirement. And being this the meeting that both action and reflection, subjects are inducted to a world to be transformed and humanized, not being reduced to a mere act of depositing ideas from a subject to another, neither become a mere change of permutantes that joins consummate their ideas."
(Freire, P., 2001:99)
In this sense, this research can be considered different from the others, as it not only emphasizes the idea of integration for integration, but also emphasizes the special educational needs related to educational practices that are directed to the process of inclusion and integration, as well as it respects the right to be students that can count on a quality educational practice that relies upon the principles of listening, dialogue and mutual respect.
By the delimitation issue and the problem to investigate, the purpose of the research will analyze the educational practices that focus on the inclusion/integration of children at risk of social exclusion. To get to know this reality I have raised the objectives which are set out below.
3. General objective:
Analyze the educational actions (practices) to be adopted to provide an integration/inclusion, dignity and quality for children with SEN (conduct disorder).
Expected Outcomes
Bisquerra, R. (coord.) (2004). Metodologia de la investigación educativa. Madrid: La Murralla. Freire, P. (2001). Pedagogía do oprimido. São Paulo: Editora Paz e Terra. Guba E. G (1985). The context of emergent paradigm research. En Y.S Lincoln y E.G Guba. Naturalistic Inquiry (pp.79-104). Beverly Hills California: Sage. Guba, E.G y Lincoln, Y.S. (1989). Fourth Generatión of Evaluation. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. Hernández, F. (2002). La importancia de ser reconocido como sujeto. En Cuadernos de Pedagogía, nº 319, Diciembre (2002), pp.28 – 32. Hernández, F., y Sancho, J. (2002). Desafío, Transgresión y riesgo. En cuadernos de pedagogía, nº 319, Diciembre (2002), pp.12-15. Latorre, A. (1996). Bases metodológicas de la investigación educativa. Barcelona: Hurtado Mantoan, M.T.E (2003). Inclusão escolar: O que é? Por quê’ Como fazer? São Paulo: Ed Moderna Stake, R.E. (1998). Investigación con estudio de casos. Madrid: Morata Van Manen, M (1998). El tacto en la enseñanza. El significado de la sensibilidad pedagógica. Barcelona: Paidós. Van Manen, M. (2003). Investigación educativa y experiencia vivida. Ciencia humana para una pedagogía de la acción y la sensibilidad. Barcelona: Idea Books Walter, R. (1985). Applied qualitative research. Londres: Coger. Wittrock, M. (1989). La investigación de la enseñanza, II. Métodos cualitativos y de observación. Barcelona: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia / Paidós Woods, P. (1987). La escuela por dentro. La etnografía en la investigación educativa. Barcelona : Paidós Yin, R. (1989). Case study research. Design and methods. Londres: Sage.
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