Network: 21. Emerging Researchers' Group (for presentation at Emerging Researchers' Conference)
ERG SES A-Open, Early Researchers' Conference Opening Ceremony
Monday, 2011-09-12, 09:00-09:30, Room: Hörsaal 1a,G, 533, Chair: Fiona Hallett
- Early Researchers' Conference Opening Ceremony
Fiona Hallett Fiona Hallett
ERG SES A, Invited Lecture
Monday, 2011-09-12, 09:30-10:30, Room: Hörsaal 1a,G, 533, Chair: Ian Menter
ERG SES B 06, Parallel Session B 06
Monday, 2011-09-12, 11:00-12:30, Room: JK 27/103,G, 46, Chair: Lejf Moos
- The Influence of School Principal Leadership on the Implementation of Individualised Pay for Teachers: Results from Schools in Stockholm.
- School Principals’ Coaching Skills According to Teachers’ Perceptions
Christoph Winkler
Tuncay Yavuz Özdemir Ramazan Yirci Seçil Eda Kartal İbrahim Kocabas
ERG SES B 07, Parallel Session B 07
Monday, 2011-09-12, 11:00-12:30, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Elisabeth Flitner
- The Discursive Formation of English Teacher Professionalism : 1980s -- 2010s
- Developing Professional Capabilities of Teaching Academics in a Postmodern University
- Towards a Sociology of Teacher Socialisation: National Study into First Year Professional Experiences of Primary Teachers
Chun-ying Tseng
Natalia Karmaeva
Ekaterina Kozina
ERG SES B 08, Parallel Session B 08
Monday, 2011-09-12, 11:00-12:30, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Wolfgang Lauterbach
- Examination of the Factors Influencing Pre-service Science Teachers' Teaching Self-efficacy
- Pre-service Physics Teachers’ Perceptions of the Causes of Problems in School Experience
- Prospective Biology Teachers’ Views Regarding Their Proficiency in “Observing and Evaluating Learning and Development”
- The Relationship Between Students' Metacognitive Awareness and Their Attitudes Towards Chemistry Courses, Academic Achievement, and Gender
Burcu Senler Semra Sungur
Nilufer Didis M. Gozde Didis
Safiye Bilican Perihan Emsen Haluk Soran
Funda Aslan Burcu Ulutas Basri Atasoy
ERG SES B 09, Parallel Session B 09
Monday, 2011-09-12, 11:00-12:30, Room: JK 28/130,G, 37, Chair: Jörg Ramseger
ERG SES B 04, Parallel Session B 04
Monday, 2011-09-12, 11:00-12:30, Room: JK 26/101,G, 36, Chair: Meinert Arnd Meyer
- Input and Output in the Development of Reflexive Binding:Theoretical and Pedagogical Consequences.
- Improving School-to-Work Transitions on the First Threshold by Didactical Means
- The Key Innovative Teaching Competencies of Secondary School Teachers
Anna-Maria Andreou
Kristina Porsche
Di Wang Di Wang Chang Zhu Engels Nadine
ERG SES B 05, Parallel Session B 05
Monday, 2011-09-12, 11:00-12:30, Room: JK 26/140,G, 38, Chair: Graham Hallett
- Developing Inclusive Educational Practices for Refugee Children in the Czech Republic
- Education for Children with Disabilities in Addis Ababa/Ethiopia
- Study of the coordination and effectiveness of the inter-professional consulting systems for immigrants’ educational inclusion in Andalusian Schools
- The Education of Children with Multiple Disabilities in Athens-Greece: Parental Experiences and Pespectives
Marketa Bacakova
Margarita Schiemer Margarita Schiemer
Monia Rodorigo Susana Fernández Larragueta
Konstantina-Nadia Lampropoulou
ERG SES B 03, Parallel Session B 03
Monday, 2011-09-12, 11:00-12:30, Room: J 30/109,G, 27, Chair: Uwe Gellert
- A Study on the State of Adjustment on Mathematical Education for Adolescent North Korean Defectors and Proposals for Improvement
- A study on Understanding Relation between Elementary Students' Problem Solving Performance related to Volume of 3D Figures and Grade Level
- How Early Childhood Teachers Apply their Knowledge to Discover The Pedagogical Potential of Tangible Resources in the Teaching of Mathematics
Bo Ra Youn Su-yeong Shin
Reyhan Tekin Sitrava Mine Isıksal Bostan Yusuf Koç
Jana Kokkinos
ERG SES B 02, Parallel Session B 02
Monday, 2011-09-12, 11:00-12:30, Room: J 27/14,G, 69, Chair: Des Hewitt
- "The complexity of university teachers’ practical knowledge. A multiple case study at the University of Barcelona."
- Inner Tensions in Introducing a Student Centered Learning Approach in Mozambican Higher Education
- Identities in a Higher Education System: Action and Interaction towards Quality Education
Lorena Cruz Lorena Cruz
oOleg Popov Marta Mendonca
Gustavo Cortez Gustavo Cortez Blanca Valenzuela Manuela Guillen
ERG SES B 01, Interactive Poster Session B 01
Monday, 2011-09-12, 11:00-12:30, Room: JK 29/118,G, 47, Chair: Joana da Silveira Duarte
- Applying Critical Discourse Analysis to Educational Policy: the case of Kosovo
- Capabilities in Primary School: Education as a ‘Social Elevator’
- The Voices of Vocational Education and Training; An Analysis Of Disadvantage In A College In Spain Within The Capability Approach
- The Development of Social Competence in Primary School: In Search of the Ingredients of a Powerful Learning Environment
Erika Bozzato
Rada Jancic
Aurora L. Fogues
Joanna Papieska
ERG SES C 09, Parallel Session C 09
Monday, 2011-09-12, 13:30-15:00, Room: JK 28/130,G, 37, Chair: Ian Menter
- University Autonomy in the European Higher Education Area
- The Pursuit of Human Excellence in European Higher Education
- Do the self-efficacy and higher education’s value of young people and their parents influence the choice to go to university?
- Undergraduate and Graduate Students’ Participation in Adult Education
Janja Komljenovic
Juan Luis Fuentes David Luque
Virginie Dupont
Zoltan Tozser Zoltan Tozser Katalin Ábrahám
ERG SES C 07, Parallel Session C 07
Monday, 2011-09-12, 13:30-15:00, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Johanna Hochstetter
- Gender Stereotypes in Primary School Social Studies Text Books in Nepal
- How Effort in School Contributes to Explain Gender Differences in Academic Achievement.
- Variables Predicting Turkish High School Students’ Attitudes toward Science
- Investigating the Effect of Peer Instruction Method on the 8th grade Students’ Mathematics Achievement and Attitudes towards Mathematics
Ghanshyam Bishwakarma
Elin Borg
Ebru Kaya Ebru Kaya Mehmet Aydeniz
Guler Akay Mine Işıksal
ERG SES C 08, Parallel Session C 08
Monday, 2011-09-12, 13:30-15:00, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Petra Grell
- Spatiality of social relations in the age of New Media
- ICT as a Component of Educational Environment in the Tertiary Education: Students’ Approach
- Demographic Changes Impact on Urban Education: A Comparative Analysis Between West and East Europe
- Stories that Fill the Ocean: How Voice and Culture Construct an Environment Education
Katarzyna Borkowska
Hana Zukalová
Sanches Lam
Alison Laurie Neilson Rosalina Gabriel Enésima Mendonça
ERG SES C 06, Parallel Session C 06
Monday, 2011-09-12, 13:30-15:00, Room: JK 27/103,G, 46, Chair: Edwin Keiner
- The historical development of the scientific concept of education (Erziehungsbegriff)...
- Performance and Reflexivity: The Case of Blau-Weiss Berlin
- Learning Through Commemoration - the Struggled Civic Education in Postcolonial Hong Kong
- Czech elementary minority education in the Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1938) in northern Bohemia on the example of Usti nad Labem
Sylvia Lässig
Sabine Krause
Cheuk-Hang Leung
Michal Simane
ERG SES C 04, Parallel Session C 04
Monday, 2011-09-12, 13:30-15:00, Room: JK 26/101,G, 36, Chair: John I'Anson
- Academic Failure at Primary Level: A Qualitative Approach to Urban Public Schools
- Students‘ perceptions of marginalization within the classroom
- Experiencing Inequalities - German Students Discuss Educational Inequality and Social Segregation
Bushra Chohan
Bernadette Hörmann Bernadette Hörmann
Stefan Mueller-Mathis
ERG SES C 05, Parallel Session C 05
Monday, 2011-09-12, 13:30-15:00, Room: JK 26/140,G, 38, Chair: Graham Hallett
- The Impact of Special Educational Needs Placements in Initial Teacher Training on students' core teaching skills
- Vocational Training for persons with intellectual disabilites - the view of persons concerned
- Educational Environments of Children with Disabilities in Bangkok
Greg Parker Georgina Spry Elizabeth Symes
Natalia Postek
Michelle Proyer
ERG SES C 03, Parallel Session C 03
Monday, 2011-09-12, 13:30-15:00, Room: J 30/109,G, 27, Chair: Marit Honerød Hoveid
- Anticipatory Reflection to Help Student Teachers to Come to Grips with Their Pedagogical Practice
- An Exploratory Study of Chinese Student Teachers Perspectives on Learning to Teach
- “Becoming/Being a Teacher" - A Mixed Methods Analysis of Student and Teachers’ Opinions of Teacher Education in Finland and Germany
- Beliefs And Practices Of Pre-School Teachers Under The Spectrum Of The Capability Approach
Evija Latkovska
Zhang Qian
Meike Kricke
Antoanneta Potsi
ERG SES C 02, Parallel Session C 02
Monday, 2011-09-12, 13:30-15:00, Room: J 27/14,G, 69, Chair: Maria Pacheco Figueiredo
- A model of load and strain in the teaching profession
- Profile of Reflective Thinking In Class Teachers
- Pre-service Teachers’ Views on Research
Michael Stiller
Şükran Tok Şükran Tok Sevda Dogan Dolapcioglu
Sezen Apaydin Gamze Celik Halime Ozturk Serdar Arcagok
ERG SES C 01, Interactive Poster Session C 01
Monday, 2011-09-12, 13:30-15:00, Room: JK 29/118,G, 47, Chair: Joana da Silveira Duarte
- Evolution of in-training VET teachers’ self-efficacy and identity and impact on the teaching practices.
- Generations: Innovative Practice in Higher Education
- Teachers´Awareness of Reflection Process Among Teachers from Two Estonian Counties
- Diversity: a case study of inclusive practices at a primary school in Barcelona.
- Exploring the Effects of Family SES and Parental Involvement on Educational Aspiration of Middle School Students in South Korea
- University - a Place of Liberation or Oppression of Students?
Yannick D'Ascoli Yannick D'Ascoli
Amalia Creus Amalia Creus Leticia Fraga
Liina Lepp Elina Reva
Karla Abreu Alonso
Su-yeong Shin Bo Ra Youn
Anna Babicka-Wirkus Anna Babicka Przemysław Dudek Anita Karyń Łukasz Wirkus
ERG SES D 09, Parallel Session D 09
Monday, 2011-09-12, 15:10-16:40, Room: JK 28/130,G, 37, Chair: Philipp Sandermann
- A Turn in Intercultural Education – from Dialogue to Social Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention?
- Pay Differential and Its Correlates: Evidence from Public Elementary Schoolteachers on Mainland China
- Troubling the Research Terrain in Australia: Taking Up the Challenge of being 'White' and 'Making a Difference' with 'Indigenous Education'
Magdalena Prusinowska
Hongmei Ma Yueping Chung
Greg Vass
ERG SES D 08, Parallel Session D 08
Monday, 2011-09-12, 15:10-16:40, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Bob Jeffrey
- Secondary Students’ Responses to a Saviour Pedagogy: An Ethnographic Study
- Difference, Disruption and School: An ethnographic study within (de)constructivist imaginaries
- Influence of Spatial Factors on Educational Communication in a Classroom
- Learning Democracy and Participation in Student Radio. Perspective from three European countries
Anneli Schwartz
Beatrice Partel
Jarmila Bradova
Peter Dolnik
ERG SES D 07, Parallel Session D 07
Monday, 2011-09-12, 15:10-16:40, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Martin Kunz
- Error correction in ESL lessons
- Meeting the Challenge of Evaluating the Quality of a Professional Foreign Language Study Course
- A Study in Language Didactics–Secondary School Teachers’ Conceptions of English as a Second Language (ESL) in Cameroon
- Components of Languaging in Tertiary Studies
Katerina Kubalova
Ieva Rudzinska Ieva Rudzinska
Rita Waye Johnson Longfor
Jelena Zascerinska Jelena Zascerinska Andreas Ahrens
ERG SES D 06, Parallel Session D 06
Monday, 2011-09-12, 15:10-16:40, Room: JK 27/103,G, 46, Chair: Petra Grell
- Investigating the Faculty Members’ Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) integration into instruction in a Kyrgyzstan University.
- Mapping ICT in School Communities: Using Concept Maps to Explore ICT Policy in the Ecology of a School
- The Divergent Media Habitus of Teachers and Pupils in Primary Schools – A Difficulty for Implementing Media Education
- The 8-13 Year Olds’ Fears Related with TV News
Gulshat Muhametjanova Kursat Cagiltay
Jacquie Tinkler
Ursula Mutsch
Nasibe Özdinç Özgür Erdur Baker
ERG SES D 05, Parallel Session D 05
Monday, 2011-09-12, 15:10-16:40, Room: JK 26/140,G, 38, Chair: Michael Gessler
- Constructions of belonging by “Aussiedler” youths in the context of migration and adolescence
- The role of space in (re)producting heterosexism/heteronormativity in an Icelandic upper secondary school
- Youth, Culture and Identity: Juxtaposing Representations of Young Muslims in Britain and Germany with their own Views and Experiences
Janina Zölch
Jon Kjaran Jon Kjaran Ingolfur Johannesson
Maria Hilbert
ERG SES D 04, Parallel Session D 04
Monday, 2011-09-12, 15:10-16:40, Room: JK 26/101,G, 36, Chair: Ludger Deitmer
- Transfer research in the vocational further training: On the measurement of the distance between the learning and the functional field
- Learning From Life: Portraits And Pathways Of Unschooled Adults
- Exploring teachers perspectives on what they see as a valuable life for Further Education students
- Further Education of Women in Social Service Occupations - between Insecurity and Professionalization
Kathrin Thieme
Alexandra Aníbal
Lukas Ertl
Julia Prausa
ERG SES D 03, Parallel Session D 03
Monday, 2011-09-12, 15:10-16:40, Room: J 30/109,G, 27, Chair: Meinert Arnd Meyer
- Monitoring Development of Argumentation Quality
- Social studies teachers subject conception
- Effectiveness of Scientific Argumentation Based Teaching Approach on 11th Grade Students' Supplementary Process Skills
- Reflective Learning in Police Education. A study of Teaching Methods and Teacher Performance.
Ayse Yalcin Celik Ziya Kılıc
Torbjörn Lindmark
Nejla Gültepe Ayşe Yalçın Çelik Ziya Kılıç
Anders Bek
ERG SES D 02, Parallel Session D 02
Monday, 2011-09-12, 15:10-16:40, Room: J 27/14,G, 69, Chair: Dolf van Veen
- Vandalism at schools: The Intersection of Urban and Academic Education?
- Young Latin American second generation immigrants’ aspirations, expectation and their perspective of well-being in Spain.
- Teenagers’ Literacy and Musicking: Some Critical Lessons for Educators
Ina Herrmann
Maria Ron Balsera
Stewart Riddle
ERG SES D 01, Parallel Session D 01
Monday, 2011-09-12, 15:10-16:40, Room: JK 29/124,G, 42, Chair: Joana da Silveira Duarte
- Working with Whiteness in the U.S. and Europe: Reframing the Dialogue on Urban Education
- Bilingualism and Biliteracy of German-Russian High school students
- The Policy of Attracting International Students - Supranational Context for Finland and China
Taharee Jackson
Jule Böhmer Jule Böhmer
Suvi Mäkinen
ERG SES E 10, Open Session - Network 25
Monday, 2011-09-12, 17:00-18:00, Room: JK 29/118,G, 47, Chair: Victoria Coppock
- NW 25. Research on Children's Rights in Education
Victoria Coppock Victoria Coppock Jonathon Sargeant Deborah Harcourt
ERG SES E 09, Open Session - Network 24
Monday, 2011-09-12, 17:00-18:00, Room: JK 28/130,G, 37, Chair: Birgit Pepin
- NW 24. Mathematics Education Research
Birgit Pepin Birgit Pepin Uwe Gellert
ERG SES E 08, Open Session - Network 19
Monday, 2011-09-12, 17:00-18:00, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Bob Jeffrey
- NW 19. Ethnography
Bob Jeffrey Bob Jeffrey Sofia Marques da Silva
ERG SES E 07, Open Session - Network 15
Monday, 2011-09-12, 17:00-18:00, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Philippe Masson
- NW 15. Research on Partnerships in Education
Philippe Masson Magnali Venet
ERG SES E 06, Open Session - Network 10
Monday, 2011-09-12, 17:00-18:00, Room: JK 27/103,G, 46, Chair: Peter Gray
- NW 10. Teacher Education Research
Peter Gray Peter Gray Colin Smith
ERG SES E 05, Open Session - Network 9
Monday, 2011-09-12, 17:00-18:00, Room: JK 26/140,G, 38, Chair: Martin Goy
- NW 9. Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement
Martin Goy Martin Goy Monica Rosen
ERG SES E 04, Open Session - Network 7
Monday, 2011-09-12, 17:00-18:00, Room: JK 26/101,G, 36, Chair: Francesca Gobbo
- NW 7. Social Justice and Intercultural Education
Francesca Gobbo Francesca Gobbo
ERG SES E-Meetin, Emerging Researchers' Group Meeting
Monday, 2011-09-12, 18:00-19:00, Room: Hörsaal 1a,G, 533, Chair: Fiona Hallett
- Network Meeting
Fiona Hallett Fiona Hallett
ERG SES F 09, Parallel Session F 09
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 09:00-10:30, Room: JK 28/130,G, 37, Chair: Christine Winter
- Urban Road Safety versus Urban Road Tragedy: Music Contribution to Pre-driver Education
- The Effect of Drama Method on the 4th Grade Students' Mathematics Success and Attitudes
- Interpretation and the role of the family through the different family types in the curriculum
- How Much Green Are Education Faculties?
Diana Olivieri
Nilgün Bakkaloğlu
Tanja Pavlič
Gamze Tezcan Hanife Esen Büşra Şahan
ERG SES F 08, Parallel Session F 08
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 09:00-10:30, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Philippe Masson
- Two doctoral researches, two methodological approaches to analyze the complexity of a common theme
- Perceived Needs of Research Assistants Regarding Their Working Conditions
- “Of Weaving, of Building and of Opening doors”: The Usefulness of Emergent Arts-Informed Methods in a Doctoral Research Project.
- Educational science in Italy. A study about scientific journals
Gabriel Kappeler Laure Scalambrin
Busra Tuncay Cihan Gulin Kahraman
Clare Britt
Monika Knaupp
ERG SES F 07, Parallel Session F 07
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 09:00-10:30, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Brian Hudson
- The Role of Early Childhood Professionals in Fostering Peer Relations: Cross Cultural Insights with Case Studies from England and India
- The Relationship between Preservice Teachers' Spatial Anxiety and Geometry Self-Efficacy in terms of Gender and Undergraduate Program
- Misconceptions Of Elementary School Students' In Algebra
Janbee Shaik
Özlem Erkek Mine Isiksal Erdinc Cakiroglu
Esra Balgalmis
ERG SES F 06, Parallel Session F 06
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 09:00-10:30, Room: JK 27/103,G, 46, Chair: Felicitas Thiel
- Network-based encounters: Teachers' cognition of collaborative learning in social media sites and school-university virtual communities in Greece and in Finland
- Dealing with Disagreement, Conflicting Views and Challenges to Understanding and Culture: Opening Dialogic Spaces for Primary Pupils and Pre-service Teachers.
- The Value Perceptions of Candidate Teachers at Pamukkale University in Denizli, Turkey
Marianna Vivitsou
Caroline Colfer Annie Fisher
Zeynep Meral Tanriogen
ERG SES F 05, Parallel Session F 05
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 09:00-10:30, Room: JK 26/140,G, 38, Chair: Graham Hallett
- A Teacher and a Roma Assistant: Conceptions - Expectations - Experiences and Practice of Teamwork
- Factors that encourage processes of school development in ways that promote changes towards more inclusive cultures
- Intergenerational learning in socially excluded persons
- ”Coming Together Is A Beginning. Keeping Together Is Progress. Working Together Is Success (Henry Ford)". Cooperation For Better Education.
Jerneja Jager
Samantha Fox
Katerina Pevná Katerina Pevná
Malgorzata Lazar
ERG SES F 04, Parallel Session F 04
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 09:00-10:30, Room: JK 26/101,G, 36, Chair: Wolfgang Lauterbach
- Pre-service Mathematics Teachers' Conceptions of Continuity
- Preferences and Beliefs on Multiple Representations of Functions of Two Variables with Two Unknowns
- Examination on the Abstract Operation Thinking Stage of the Adolescent at the Age between Eleven-Sixteen
- Middle Grade Students’ Understanding of Graphical Representations: Turkish Perspective
Duygu Ören Vural Fulya Kula
Emmanuel Adu-tutu Bofah
Besime Bilmez Ayşe Dilek Ozcelik-Ogretir
Yasemin Esen Nihan Ucar-Sarımanoglu
ERG SES F 03, Parallel Session F 03
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 09:00-10:30, Room: J 30/109,G, 27, Chair: Ludger Deitmer
- Volunteer University Students at ILKYAR (as an NGO): Their Roles and Experiences
- Learning and Global Self-Representation. Civil Citizens and their Identification as Global Actors
- Peer Tutoring Process as a Central Instructional Strategy in Dental Education
- Students' Reflections on Group Writing as a Way to Develop Learning
Halime Ozturk Halime Ozturk
Barbara Schröttner
Karine Florence Joullie Cyrille Nublat Jean Valcarcel Bénédicte Gendron
Faustin Mutwarasibo
ERG SES F 02, Parallel Session F 02
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 09:00-10:30, Room: J 27/14,G, 69, Chair: Jörg Ramseger
- Undergraduate Students' Mental Models of Ionic Bonding
- Students Expectations of Higher Education: How do Expectations Differ Between Science and Non-Science Undergraduates?
- Examination of Pre-service Physics Teachers’ Problem Solving Paths
- Pre-Service Science and Mathematics Teachers’ Risk Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Environment
Burcu Ulutas Burcu Ulutas Basri Atasoy
Anna Maxim
Nilufer Didis Nilufer Didis Özgür Özcan
Elif Selcan Kutucu Betül Ekiz Hüseyin Akkus
ERG SES F 01, Parallel Session F 01
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 09:00-10:30, Room: J 25/10,G, 25, Chair: Monica Rosén
- The Use of Self Assessment Tests in Statistics Education
- The Attitudes towards Early Tracking in the Central Europe
- Talking About Assessment: Swedish Teachers’ Discussions on Assessment Practices During Periods of Reform in the Education Sector
- Investigating School Leavers’ Surveys in Europe
Kairi Osula Katrin Niglas
Markéta Holubová
Sanna Wettergren
Rita Hordosy
ERG SES G WS 1, Making Your Thinking Visible When Writing Your Thesis
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 11:00-12:30, Room: J 32/102,G, 110, Chair: Shosh Leshem
- Making Thinking Visible in Doctoral Theses
Shosh Leshem Vernon Trafford
ERG SES G WS 2, Writing for Publication in the European Educational Research Journal
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 11:00-12:30, Room: KL 32/123,G, 115, Chair: Martin Lawn
- Writing for Publication in the European Educational Research Journal
Martin Lawn Martin Lawn Edwin Keiner
ERG SES H 07, Parallel Session H 07
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 14:00-15:30, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Graham Hallett
- Teachers’ professionalism and professionality in different time and space On teachers’ autonomy between pedagogical practice and state governance
- The Examination of Textbooks in Terms of Scientific Content and Introducing Student and Teacher Views on the Textbooks
- Understanding Teacher Engagement with Sustainable Consumption: Results of an Empirical Study
Wieland Wermke Gabriella Höstfält
Sinem Uner Sinem Uner Ozge Kazak Huseyin Akkus
Daniel Fischer
ERG SES H 06, Parallel Session H 06
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 14:00-15:30, Room: JK 27/103,G, 46, Chair: Edwin Keiner
- MA/MSc Students’ Opinion on the Bologna Process
- Mass Higher Education – An Opportunity for Progress and Urbanisation in Our Societies
- New Higher Education Policy and The Expectations Directed to Teaching and Teachers in Finland
- The Erosion of Cultural Function of the Western University in the Face of Its Commercialization
Zoltan Tozser
Klemen Miklavic
Reeta Lehto
Michał Zawadzki
ERG SES H 05, Parallel Session H 05
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 14:00-15:30, Room: JK 26/140,G, 38, Chair: Dolf van Veen
- Disciplinary Strategies Used by Slovene Elementary-School Teachers
- Discipline And Punish in Classrooms – Studying Classroom Management With Foucault: Three Films About School As Example
- Exploring Determinants of Authoritative vs. Authoritarian Parental Instruction in Learning at Home: A Cross-Cultural Comparison between Germany and Thailand
- “Home Education: Policies, Debates and Controversies”
Tamara Velikonja
Jakob Billmayer
Sittipan Yotyodying
Jeanette Nelson
ERG SES H 04, Parallel Session H 04
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 14:00-15:30, Room: JK 26/101,G, 36, Chair: Des Hewitt
- Changing Attitude towards Norms - Residential College Students’ Norm Obedience in the Partium Region.
- Graduate Skill Utilization in UK Small Businesses: Employee and Employer Perceptions.
- Graduate students’ perceptions: How do the articles used in courses affect their critical thinking?
- Predicting University Students’ Environmental Behavior via Nature Relatedness, Environmental Concern and Environmentally Desirable Response Variables
Gyöngyvér Pataki
Daria Luchinskaya Daria Luchinskaya
M. Gozde Didis Zulal Sahin
Birgul Cakir Guliz Karaarslan Hamide Ertepinar Elvan Sahin
ERG SES H 03, Parallel Session H 03
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 14:00-15:30, Room: J 30/109,G, 27, Chair: Meinert Arnd Meyer
- Expert Interview in research on effectiveness of the educational system.
- Transformation of Centralized Curriculum into Classroom Practice: An Analysis of Teachers’ Experiences
- Transition Practices in the Distributed Curriculum Development in Finnish Vocational Education
- Informal education as socio-cultural mediation space in context of revitalization area
Łukasz Skryplonek
Ebru Kaya Pinar Seda Cetin Ali Yildirim
Kaisa Kiuttu
Elzbieta Okroy Ewa Okroy Agnieszka Narloch
ERG SES H 02, Parallel Session H 02
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 14:00-15:30, Room: J 27/14,G, 69, Chair: Christoph Wulf
- Adult Education as a Social Institution in the Urban Context: Significance of the European Experience for Ukraine
- Adult Informal Education Through Participatory Budgeting: New Pathways to Citizenship
- Adults' Personal Development in Non-Formal Education
- Exploring the value of non-formal adult education in providing greater participation in a diverse higher level education system
Olena Ogiienko Iryna Lytovchenko
Maria Inês Loureiro Rodrigues
Ludmila Babajeva
Niamh O'Reilly Conor Galvin
ERG SES H 01, Parallel Session H 01
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 14:00-15:30, Room: J 25/10,G, 25, Chair: Fiona Hallett
- Sex education in the family from the parents’ point of view
- Implementation of Municipal Health Promotion Interventions in Primary Schools: Teachers' Perspective
Lenka Kamanová Lenka Kamanová
Lone Nordin
ERG SES J, Invited Lecture
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 16:00-17:00, Room: Hörsaal 1a,G, 533, Chair: Ian Menter
ERG SES K Final, Review and Closing Early Researchers' Conference
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 17:00-17:30, Room: Hörsaal 1a,G, 533, Chair: Fiona Hallett
- Emerging Researchers' Conference Closing Ceremony
Fiona Hallett Fiona Hallett
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