Session Information
ERG SES C 05, Parallel Session C 05
Paper Session
The work is situated in a research project at the Department of Education and Human Development at the University of Vienna. The project “Vocational Participation of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities” (financed by the Austrian Science Fund FWF; duration: 1.2.2008 – 31.1.2013), tries to analyse the experiences of participation of persons with an intellectual disability in vocational life and in the transition phase from school to working life. (for more informations see ). The aim of the research on the transition phase is to show how people with intellectual disabilities are developing and recognizing their transition to adulthood. In the paper presented the focus is set on the experiences of young people with intellectual disabilities concerning vocational training .
As Hurrellman (1995) and other authors (see Affleck et. al 1990 Ward et. al 1994 etc.) observe the role taking of a “working person” is one of the important parts to be recognised as an adult. The role of a “working person” affects other roles a adult has to achieve (like founding a family, taking the role of a consumer, independent living) (see also Thomson, Ward, Weshart 1995 ) In research observing the situation of people with intellectual disabilities in Austria the cohort has bigger problems in finding a job in an inclusive setting than persons without disabilities (see Fasching &Koenig 2010). Although different settings in school (segregated or inclusive) seem to play an enormous part in the process of job-finding and having a jobthey seem to create a patchwork-identity of young persons (for example having a job but not being able to live independently) (see Jung 2000). The literature indicate a researchgap concerning the impact of vocational training on roles the person can achieve.
Expected Outcomes
Affleck, J.Q et. al (1990): Post-school status of students classified as mildly mental retarded, learning disabled or nonhandicapped: does it get better with time? In: Education and Training in Mental retardation, Vol. 25, Nr. 4, P. 315-324 Fasching, H./ Koenig, O. (2010). Arbeitsmarktpolitische Unterstützungsmaßnahmen in Österreich. Dokumentation der bundesweiten Trägerbefragung arbeitsmarktpolitischer Unterstützungsmaßnahmen. Datenband II der dreibändigen Reihe „Die Übergangs-, Unterstützungs- und Beschäftigungssituation von Menschen mit einer intellektuellen Beeinträchtigung in Österreich“. Wien: Universität Wien. Hurrelmann, K. (1995): Lebensphase Jugend. Eine Einführung in die sozialwissenschaftliche Jugendforschung. Weinheim und München: Juventa Verlag Thomson, G. , Ward, K., Wishart, J. (1995): The Transition to Adulthood for Children with Down's Syndrom, In: Disability &Society, Vol. 10, Nr. 3, P. 325-340 Ward, K. et. al (1994): Transition, adulthood and recorded special education needs: an unresolved paradox. In: European Journal of Special Needs Education, Vol. 9. Nr. 2, p. 125-144
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