Session Information
ERG SES D 04, Parallel Session D 04
Paper Session
As a result of demographic change, the increase of women employment and the importance of education and knowledge occupations in social services have become more important than ever. The increased employment rate and the gradual development of new jobs in the social service sector since the 1980’s reflect the high need of care, education and counselling in all European societies. Despite this quantitative and thus economic increase of importance as well as higher work requirements, in Germany unlike in other European countries occupations in social services aren’t accepted as professions. Due to a high rate of work in part-time, fixed-term contracts, low payment and few career opportunities, the job situation for the 80% of women, who work in the social service sector often is insecure and precarious (cf. Friese/Thiessen 2003, Krüger 2003).
Considering these facts several scientific approaches from different departments discuss the matter of professionalization especially for social work, care and early childhood education. To answer the question which strategies must be developed to satisfy the social demand of professionalism, competence and quality of social services, educational reforms and academic processes are required to increase qualifications, payment and social acceptance of these jobs, which have been affected by structural changes (cf. Balluseck 2008, Rabe-Kleberg 2006).
In the context of the fast change of job requirements and knowledge further education and training must also be considered in this discussion. Though it can be assumed that further education and training become more and more important especially for older employees without academic background to invest into the own educational career for saving their jobs, in the scientific debate about professionalization only a few studies were conducted, which discuss the significance of further education of employees in social service occupations (cf. BIBB 1998) and unfortunately no thesis about the special situation of women working in these jobs or rather the role of social work, care and early childhood education as typical women jobs. This fact must be interpreted as a desideratum in further educational research.
The research project (dissertation) Further Education of Women in Social Service Occupations - between Insecurity and Professionalization is planning to address this lack of research by asking the following questions:
- How has the participation in vocational training of women in social service occupations developed and how far is it possible to consider a change in participation as an indication of professionalization process?
- How far contribute vocational training to professionalization of jobs in social work, care and early childhood education and what role should be attributed to the structural category of gender?
- Which impacts result from a participation in vocational training for career paths of women in social service occupations and which conclusion can be drawn for the quality and usability of vocational training as an instrument for professionalization?
Expected Outcomes
Balluseck, H. v. (Ed.): Professionalisierung der Frühpädagogik. Perspektiven, Entwicklungen, Herausforderungen. Opladen und Farmington Hills 2008. BIBB (Ed.): Professionalisierung durch Weiterbildung. Weiterbildungsbedarf und Weiterbildungsberufe für den personenbezogenen Dienstleistungsbereich. Struktureller Wandel im Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen - Herausforderungen an die Weiterbildungsforschung. Berlin und Bonn 1998. Friese, M./Thiessen (2003): Kompetenzentwicklung im personenbezogenen Dienstleistungsbereich - Aufwertung und Entgendering-Prozesse. In: Kuhlmann, E./Betzelt, S. (Ed.): Geschlechterverhältnisse im Dienstleistungssektor. Baden-Baden, p. 79-90. Krüger, H. (2003): Professionalisierung von Frauenberufen – oder Männer für Frauenberufe interessieren? Das Doppelgesicht des arbeitsmarktlichen Geschlechtersystems. In: Heinz, K./Thiessen, B. (Ed.): Feministische Forschung – Nachhaltige Einsprüche. Opladen, p. 123-144. Rabe-Kleberg, U. (2006): Mütterlichkeit und Profession - oder: Mütterlichkeit, eine Achillesferse der Fachlichkeit? In: Diller, A./Rauschenbach, Th. (Ed.): Reform oder Ende der Erzieherinnenausbildung? Beiträge zu einer kontroversen Fachdebatte. München, p. 95-109.
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