Session Information
ERG SES H 03, Parallel Session H 03
Paper Session
Since 1999 Polish educational system is in the state of constant reform. Although the political and economical conditions changed significantly, since Poland have become a member of the European Union in 2001, the qualitative and structural changes are taking place in every dimension of the system.
The evaluation of the reform is performed by cooperation of the Ministry representatives with the headmasters of the schools and other institutions operating within the educational system. However, the opinions on the effectiveness of the reform and the educational system itself may differ from the point of view of the educators - practitioners, who achieved the highest degree in teachers career, but do not work as a managers of the institutions, more like a mentors to the less experienced collegues. Educators who, for the need of this research, I call the experts.
The goal of this research is to reconstruct the technical, process and interpretative knowledge of the experts in the context of the effectiveness of the certain part of the educational system.
One of the effects of the educational reform is creating a new type of institution for youth with emotional and learning difficulties called “mlodziezowe osrodki socjoterapii” - youth sociotherapy center. The youth sociotherapy centers are govern by local government under supervision from The Ministry of Education. Since its creation, the youth sociotherapy centers functioning has never been evaluated, although, as in whole polish educational system, also in this branch, there has been some legal and structural changes introduced within the last years.
Recently, there are many raports of extreme collective violent scenes, including collective rapes and other types of sexual harassment as well as drug and alcohol abuse. Media and public opinion place the responsibility for this actions mainly on “degenerate youth”. More scientific analysis also indicate the incompetence of the staff and the imperfections of the system. However, there is no coherent and holistic evaluation of the effectiveness of functioning of the youth sociotherapy centers.
Single study cannot give a holistic analysis of the system, but the research conducted with experienced educators – the experts, can indicate the imperfections of the system from the practicioners point of view.
The study is conducted in the interpretative paradigm. The method of the study is theory generating expert interview.
Expected Outcomes
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