Session Information
ERG SES B 09, Parallel Session B 09
Paper Session
Modern societies describe themselves as knowledge societies. This includes, that they are formed out of different kinds of knowledge, e.g. knowledge referring to governance, to epistemology, to practice, especially educational practice. Within these societies transfer between different kinds of knowledge become a crucial issue, however, it is of most importance, that particular kinds of knowledge are directed to practical issues and are suitable to change practice into an expected direction. My paper reconstructs several aspects of different kinds of knowledge.
Genesis, justification and distribution of knowledge is an important learning goal in school and university, but also a prerequisite for the adequate use. The Conference of German cultural ministers (Kultusministerkonferenz, KMK) also see the importance of science-oriented operations in education and learning. According to the KMK, education should lead to knowledge of essential structures and methods of science as well as an understanding of their complex thinking patterns. Students should also agnise the limits/ boundaries of scientific statements understand the philosophy of science and philosophical Questions. Various studies, however, point deficits: For example the lack of curiosity or deficits in terms of their preparation for scientific work (Trautwein 2008).
On the one side you find the scientific deficits of the students but on the other side you also see that the academic education / development are hardly science-based. Most students of the teaching profession orientate rather to a (diffuse) notion of practice (Keiner 2000, Horn 1991).
Against this background my paper focuses upon the scholarly self-concept and scientific epistemological beliefs of (emerging) teachers and their changes during their professional careers. Of special importance is the conceptual relationship between academic and professional/ practical knowledge.
Expected Outcomes
Bourdieu, Pierre (1998): Vom Gebrauch der Wissenschaft. Für eine klinische Soziologie des wissenschaftlichen Feldes. Konstanz: UVK Burkhardt, Hugh/ Schoenfeld, Alan (2003): Improving educational Research: Toward a more useful, more influential, and better-funded Enterprise. In: Educational Researcher.Vol.32 (9). p. 3-14 Höhne (2009): Wissen. In: Andresen: Handwörterbuch Erziehungswissenschaft. Weinheim/ BaselBeltz: p. 897 – 911. Horn (1991): „Schöngeistiges Zusatzwissen“ oder „Empathie“? Stichworte zum studentischen Umgang mit pädagogischen und erziehungswissenschaftlichen Wissen. In: Oelkers/ Tenorth: Pädagogisches Wissen. (27. Beiheft der Zeitschrift für Pädagogik). Weinheim und Basel, p. 193-209. Keiner (2000): Leben, Lernen, Lesen – Erziehungswissenschaft im Aneignungsverhalten von Studierenden. In: Wigger: Beiträge zur Diskussion um ein Kerncurriculum Erziehungswissenschaft. Vechta. S.7-20. Sodian, B. (2001). Wissenschaftliches Denken. In D. H. Rost (Hrsg.). Handwörterbuch Pädagogische Psychologie. Weinheim: Beltz. p. 789-794. Thiel (2007): Stichwort: Umgang mit Wissen. In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 10. Jahrgang, Heft 2, p. 153-169. Trautwein/ Lüdtke (2008): Die Erfassung wissenschaftsbezogener Überzeugungen in der gymnasialen Oberstufe und im Studium. Validierung des Fragebogens zur Erfassung des Entwicklungsniveaus epistemologischer Überzeugungen (FREE) In: Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 22 (3-4), p. 277-291.
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