Session Information
03 SES 08 A, Creativity in the Curriculum
Paper Session
This study is carried out under the Comenius Programme funded by the European Commission. It is a multilateral project entitled “Competences of Professional Educators in Europe” (COPE) whose main objective is to research the competenceof teachers in the Europe of knowledge society, following the guidelines of theLisbon summit of 2000. In the research involved the following partners: The University of the Balearic Islands and the Centre for teachers training of Manacor(Mallorca, Spain); the Universiteit Twente and Saxion (Holland); the University ofJelling, Denmark; the teacher training Centre TCEI Gdansk and the University ofGornoslaska Wyzsza Pedagogiczna Myslowicach Szkola (Poland); the University ofBucharest and the centre for teachers training Corpului House Bucuresti(Romania); the University of Høgskolen I Bergen in Norway. All these institutions are dedicated to initial training and the teachers training.
Following European guidelines, the incorporation of basic competences as anorganizer of the educational system implies a change of attitude of teachers and a transformation of their teaching methodology. The student must be theprotagonist of their own learning and the teacher and not be limited to transmit ofknowledge but must be able to manage the resources necessary for students to discover and learn to apply them in everyday life. Taking this into account andthat the European space is characterized by multicultural and multilingualdiversity, with different educational systems, we began a process of study andanalysis of the felt competences (believes that teachers have) and desired(believes that should have) in the educational community of each participating country in the project.
The starting point consisted of a search phase on the teachers competencesshould acquire to develop the educational work in Europe which allowed us toestablish a theoretical base on specific competences to make a questionnaire foruse in all member countries of the consortium COPE .
Regarding the Lisbon basic competencies we look at those that were common inall participating countries: communication competence in foreign languages, digital competence, learning to learn, social and civic competence, sense of initiative, entrepreneurship and creativity, knowledge and cultural expression. We also estimate that there are some competences requirements for the teacher to good practices, teaching competences that their are grouped into: interpersonalcompetence, pedagogical-didactic competence, competence of reflection andself-development and competence for access to information. Then proceeded to arelational cross between these two broad types of competences: basic and teachers, resulting in 24 specific competences that European teachers must haveto good practice; with these competences drew up the questionnaire.
The results of this research are a good basis to focus on changes in teacher training, both initial and ongoing. The needs identified are useful for improving our training systems which in turn will impact on the improvement of educational practices.
Expected Outcomes
Aubert, J. et Gilbert, P.(2003). L’évaluation des compétences. Sprimont (Belgique): Mardaga Ed. Barnett, R. (2001). Los límites de la competencia. El conocimiento, la educación superior y la sociedad. Barcelona: Gedisa. Cano, E. (2007). Las competencias de los docentes. En A. López Hernández (Coor.), El desarrollo de competencias docentes en la formación del profesorado. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Le Boterf, G. (1995). De la compétence: essai sur un attracteur étrange. París: Editions d'Organisation. Navío, A. (2001). Las competencias del formador de formación continua. Análisis desde los programas de formación de formadores. Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Perrenoud, Ph. (1999). Construir las Competencias desde la Escuela. Porto Alegre: Artmed Editora. Perrenoud, Ph. (2004). Desarrollar la práctica reflexiva en el oficio de enseñar. Barcelona: Graó. Perrenoud, Ph. (2000). Diez Nuevas Competencias para Enseñar. Porto Alegre: Artmed Editora. Vaillant, D. y Marcelo, C. (2001). Las tareas del formador. Málaga: Aljibe.
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