Session Information
11 SES 12 B, Interdisciplinary Curriculum to Develop Needed Competences
Parallel Paper Session
Modern culture receive cognitive limits as a limiting conditions. Uncontrolled information growth characterizes modern civilization. As a result a necessary information for effective action can be neither obtained, understood no used.
The paper concludes that one of the new aims for education is to prepare staff for solving new problems facing mankind in the twenty-first century. These problems have an interdisciplinary character, and so education will have to develop interdisciplinary properties. If we all have been succeed in working out a new interdisciplinary or synergistic education, the chances for the successful evolution of humanity in the twenty-first century can really increase.
School teachers’ and college professors’ complains about the generality of study programs, their fragmentation and the incompleteness of modern education rise sharply these days. Leaders of science and industry complain about the acute shortage of competent, creative-minded researchers. These are signs that people today come very close to the cognitive barrier. [1] If we want to overcome this barrier we need to learn new ways of teaching in order to move from the classical "Euclidean model" to a new interdisciplinary approach.
To make education more effective in preparing future specialists, we need to find and adopt new technologies for education. A new approach to education in this respect has been developed at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics in Moscow. We explore and analyze the situation in the educational arena in accordance with a set of factors in the social environment of increasing complexity. More specifically, we use self-organization in educational process in order to select some parameters of how to order each member of the set. It allows us to define crucial steps the educational process should include. As a result we can cut study time and attain good results.
A common understanding of the situation has to be based on specific models and evaluations. Scientists and experts play a significant role here. As an example of research that could delineate the contours of the future, we can point to research underway at the Institute of Applied Mathematics M.V. Keldysh of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the leadership of the Rector of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Academician V. Sadovnichy. [2]
It is important to organize an all-round complex approach for monitoring the educational processes. This monitoring system of quality becomes a new stimulus for educational institutions for maintaining the necessary educational level and improvement in the quality of their educational programs. It is interesting to mention that everyone who knows about these educational problems considers that overcoming the cognitive limits is the key to the future.
Education will therefore acquire a new dimension, and the quality of education will became a new characteristic for the entire process from monitoring in the very beginning until the end.
Expected Outcomes
1. Малинецкий ГГ. Маненков С.К. Митин Н.А. Шишов В.В. Когнитивный вызов и информационные технологии Вестник Российской АН 2011 т 81 №8 с 707-716 2. Сценарии и перспективы развития России. / Под ред. В. А. Садовничего, А.А. Акаева А.В. Коротаева Г.Г. Малинецкого, М.: Ленанд, 2011, 320 с (Будущая Россия), гл.1 и гл. 3. Проекты и риски будущего: Kонцепции, модели, инструменты, / Отв. ред. А.А. Акаев, А.В. Коротаев Г.Г. Малинецкий, С. Ю. Малков М.: КРАСАНД, 2011 432 с (Будущая Россия) гл.6,7, 10,11,12. 4. Капица С.П., Курдюмов С.П. , Малинецкий Г.Г. – Синергетика и прогнозы будущего (Изд. 3-е) – М.: URSS, 2008. 288 с. 5. Акаев А.А., Коротаев А.В., Малинецкий Г.Г. Прогноз и моделирование кризисов и мировой динамики – М.: URSS, 2010. – 352 с.; 6.С.П. Капица Мировой демографический кризис и Россия / Будущее России. Вызовы и проекты: История. Демография. Наука. Оборона / Под ред. Г.Г. Малинецкого. – М.: Книжный дом «ЛИБРОКОМ», 2009. c. 71-89. 7. Котов Ю. Б. Новые математические подходы к задачам медицинской диагностики. М.: Изд. 2 Едиториал УРСС 20011, 328 с. (Синергетика от прошлого к будущему. 8.G.G. Malinetskiy, O.N. Kapelko Changing of educational approaches with changing of social and economic structures //The Challenge for Graduates in a Changed World, Dublin All Ireland Society for Higher Education Dublin City University, 25th and 26th August 2011 p.49 9. G.G. Malinetskiy, O.N. Kapelko Moving to cognitive limits as origin of transformation of future education // The Future of Education Conference Proceedings Edited by Pixel, Florence Italy 16-17 June 2011, Simonelli Editore V2 p.311-314
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