Session Information
20 SES 04 A, Developing Collaborative Inclusive and Intercultural Practice
Paper Session
The paper is based on the results of the empirical analyses and methodological concepts of the emotional, human, social and cultural capital (Gendron, Bourdieu 2004, Coleman 2005), theoretical aproaches of social construction (Berger &Luckman 1999), reflective learning (Kolb 1984), sustainable development (Brodner 2009) and understanding different levels of social work as learning environment for interdisciplinary competence (Veckiene, Eidukeviciute 2005).
In this paper analyzes issue of complex character of management of social services and social work as an intensively developing professions, were re-established following the independence ofLithuania1990. Social worker and manager of social services in order to optimize the situation in the life of the client and his or her environment which always is complex, seeks for possible solutions and applies accumulated knowledge of various sciences. This interaction is always individual and complex, and intervention is specific. Training of professionals plays strategic role in their early stage of such developing professions: it is important to be prepare for management of changes. Thus practice is essential in the social work management studies.
Practice complexity and changes challenges managers and social workers need to develop the competencies of creativity. The peculiarities of the interdisciplinary collaboration between the representatives of two different (by the object of studies and activity) social professions – managers and social worker also were analyzed. One of the essential challenges a knowledge society is the multidisciplinary character of such society, poses life long learning as new requirement to a person and to organization (Bell, 2003, Lorenz, 1998). This concept of the Learning professional organization require to balance learning and social support processes (Hargreaves, 2004). Within this cultural-social medium arises the necessary condition of intercommunication and mutual understanding of this phenomenon.
The formation of the relationships-based knowledge society, accompanied by essential contradictions, created pre-requisites for the change of social professions and challenges for inovative social practise (Bell, 1999; Dominelli, 2004; Lorenz, 1998). In Lithuania, the said change can be perceived in a different way (Veckiene, Eidukeviciute 2005).
The above mentioned contradiction demands interdisciplinary collaboration with regular specification of the basic conception. Transdisciplinary networks and collaboration between agencies and professionals, is a “key strategy” in efforts to change fragmented human services into infrastructure that addresses multiple needs of clients/learners in a more efficient way. Otherwise, there are no traditions of social work identity in Lithuanian society, also multidisciplinary communication (Eidukeviciute, Veckiene, 2004). That creates contradictions between expectations of and for social professionals and has effect on social work intervention, management of social services and learning process, which negatively affects the quality and innovativeness of social services.
Aim of the study is to analyzeinterdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration of managers and social workers’. Objectives are: to analyze demands, required multidisciplinary solutions, interdisciplinary teams, transdisciplinary networks, and possibilities for development of innovative social work practice.
Expected Outcomes
1. Bell, D. (2003). Kapitalizmo kultūriniai prieštaravimai. Vilnius: Alma littera. 2. Berger, P. L., Luckmann, T. (1999). Socialinės tikrovės konstravimas. Vilnius: Pradai. 3. Bourdieu, P. (1994). Language and Symbolic Power. Cambridge, London. 4. Brodner, P. (2009). Sustainability in Knowledge-based companies. Creating SustainableWork Systems. Routledge, London and New York. 5. Bruneviciute, R., Veckiene, N. (2004). Creation of the environment for learning to communicate in an intercultural team. European Conference on Educational Research University Crete. 6. Coleman, J.S. (2005). Socialinės teorijos pagrindai. Vilnius: Margi raštai. 7. Durkheim, E. (1984). The Division of Labour in Society. London: Macmillan. 8. Dominelli, L.(2004). Social Work:Theory and Practice for a Changing Proffesion. Cambridge: Polity Press. 9. Gendron, B. (2004). Why Emotional capital Matters in Education and in Labout Market? Toward and Optimal Expoitation of Human Capital and Knowledge Management. Les Cahiers de la Maison des Sciences Economiques, serie range, 113 p. 35-60. 10. Giddens, A. (2000). Modernybė ir asmens tapatumas. Vilnius: Pradai. 11. Grakauskaitė-Karkockienė, D. (2003). Kūrybiškumo psichologija. Vilnius: Logotipas. 12. Hargreaves, A. (2003). Teaching in the Knowledge Society, education in the age of insecurity. Open University Press. 13. Kira, M., Van Eijnatten, F.M. (2009). Sustained by Work: Individual and Social Sustainability in Work Organizations. Creating Sustainable Work Systems. Routledge, London and New York, 233-247. 14. Kolb, D., A. (1984). Experiential Learning. Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice– Hall. 15. Lorenz, W. (1998). Social Professions for a Social Europe // European Dimensions in Training and practice of Social Professions. Ostrava: University of Ostrava. 16. Večkienė, N., Eidukevičiūtė, J. (2005). Inter-disciplinary Teams and Transdisciplinary Networks for Child and Family Inclusion: the Relevence of European Theory to Lithuanian Practice. Social Work with Families, Children and Young People in Europe, 51-169.
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