Session Information
10 SES 09 B, Teacher Educators Online
Paper Session
As indicated at the World Conference on Higher Education (2009), the training of experts in educational planning and the development of pedagogical research to improve teaching strategies also contribute to the achievement of the goals of education for all.
This demand for University quality training activities has led to an increase of researches on issues such as competencies profiles of university degrees, competencies evaluation and learning outcomes. Different aspects related to this fact are addressed in research on evaluation based in competencies as Tobón (2005), González Bernal (2006, 2008) and others, developed in different countries.
This same concern is what motivated us to apply an innovation project (PID43_201113) in 2011. This research develops an explorative study to know, as it first objective, the degree of knowledge related to the professional competencies that should be developed by a teaching professional. Based on it, an evaluation program for professional competencies and learning outcomes has been designed. The first phase of this project allowed us to design, in a second phase currently underway, an evaluation tool for Teacher Professional Competencies (Quijano et all, 2012).
Thus we have obtained an evaluation tool for the learning obtained by the students of the Teaching Degrees in Spanish universities. This evaluation tool contains the elements that must be included in the design of learning evaluation program which are realized in teaching´s professional competencies.
The results obtained in this research are relevant because the learning evaluation is one of the aspects most affected by the changes in the university model. Though these changes would not, in practice, affect to the evaluating models.
In Vocational Training exists an established career on the evaluation model based on competencies (Levy-Leboyer, 1997; Le Boterf, 2000), but in the university we are still we are still trying to decide between an academicist or a professional answer.
Expected Outcomes
González Bernal, M. (2006). Currículo basado en competencias: una experiencia en Educación Univeristaria. Educación y educadores, 9 (2), 95-117. González Bernal, M. (2008). Alcance y límite de un currículo basado en competencias. Educación y educadores, 11 (1), 69-102. Habermas, J. (1982). Conocimiento e interés. Taurus. Madrid. Le Boterf, G. (2000). Ingeniería de las competencias. Barcelona: Gestión 2000. Levy-Leboyer, C. (1997). La gestión de las competencias. Barcelona: Gestión 2000. Pérez Ferra, M. (2011). “Capacidades docentes del profesor universitario para la gestión de un currículum orientado a la diversidad”, en A. PANTOJA; M. ZUWIEREWICZ y R. MORAES (Coodes.) (pp. 58-81): Diversidad y adversidad. Joxman: Jaén. Pérez, M. y Quijano, R. (2006). Señas de identidad de las escuelas consideradas como organizaciones que aprenden, en Revista de Ciencias de la Educación, 205, 25-46. Perrenoud, P. (2004). Diez nuevas competencias para enseñar. Barcelona: Grao. Quijano López, R.; Muñoz Valiente, L.; Ocaña Moral, Mª. T. y Toribio Aranda, M. M. (2010). Nuevos enfoques en la evaluación del dominio de competencias que requieren los estudios universitarios. En I Congreso Internacional Virtual de Formación del Profesorado. Universidad de Murcia. Quijano López, R.; Pérez Ferra, M.; Ocaña Moral, Mª T.; Molina Jaén, Mª D. y Callado Moreno, J. A. (2012). Design of an evaluation tool for professional competencies in teacher degree (first phase). Proceedings of ICERI2012 Conference. 1386-1392. Edited by IATED. Madrid, Spain. Tobón, S. (2005). El concepto de competencias en la política de la calidad de la Educación Superior en Colombia: un estudio hermenéutico. Tesis doctoral, Dpto. de Teoría e Historia de la Educación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. UNESCO (2009). World Conference on Higher Education: The New Dynamics of Higher Education and Research For Societal Change and Development (2009). United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. ED.2009/CONF.402/2 in
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