Session Information
24 SES 01, Knowledge & Understanding of Mathematics
Paper Session
Although fractions and decimals are seen as different number sets, they are related to each other and can be used replaceable (Pagni, 2004). According to the curriculum decimals are another representation of fractions. In general, decimals are taught students after fractions. Van de Walle (2010) has indicated that this way can be the best to teach decimals for developing understanding of students. However, Martinie (2003) noted that children have more difficulty learning decimals than fractions. Thus, to provide students better understanding and conceptualization of decimals, the connection between fractions and decimals should be explained and developed at the beginning (Van de Walle, 2010).
In this perspective, relationships between fractions and decimals are investigated. The purpose of this study is to examine how students understand decimals and how they connect them with fractions, and compare and contrast different students’ conceptions about decimals. In this study, the following research questions are framed:
How do students represent a decimal as a fraction?
How do students represent a fraction as a decimal?
Which representation-decimal or fraction- do students prefer first?
In this study, data will be analyzed based on Leinhardt (1988)’s framework about knowledge types that students have. According to Leinhardt (1988) the four different knowledge types are: intuitive, concrete, computational and conceptual. Leinhardt (1988) defined these knowledge types as following intuitive knowledge refers to the applied, real-life, circumstantial knowledge; concrete knowledge means the knowledge of the nonalgorithmic, frequently, pictorial systems portrayed by texts and sometimes by teachers; computational knowledge means the procedural knowledge of mathematics, the algorithms and procedures for operations; and finally conceptual knowledge means the underlying knowledge of mathematics from which the computational procedures and constraints can be deduced.
Expected Outcomes
Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry & research design: choosing among five approaches (2nd ed.). USA: Sage publications. Guiler, W. S. (1946). Difficulties in Decimals Encountered by Ninth-Grade Pupils, The Elementary School Journal, 46 (7), pp. 384-393. Leinhardt, G. (1988). Getting to know: tracing students’ mathematical knowledge from intuition to competence. Educational Psychologist, 23 (2), 119-144. Martinie, S. L., & Bay-Williams, J. (2003). Investigating students’ conceptual understanding of decimal fractions using multiple representations. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 8(5), 244–247. Pagni, D. (2004). Fractions and decimals. Australian Mathematics Teacher, (60) 4, p28-30. Sweeney,E. S., & Quinn, R. J. (2000). Concentration: Connecting fractions, decimals & percents. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School , 5, 324–328. Van de Walle J. A., Karp, K., Karp K. S., & Bay-William, J. M. (2010). Elementary and middle school mathematics: teaching developmentally (7th edition). United States of America: Pearson Education, Inc.
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