Session Information
10 SES 06 B, Engagement and Development in Teacher Education
Paper Session
Teacher’s relational competence and the quality of the learning relation is valued as important in order to stimulate learning and developing processes in kindergarten and schools (Nordenbo et al. 2008, Hattie 2009, Drugli 2012), but is not much emphasized in teacher education in Norway (Drugli og Nordahl 2010).
Guidance and mentoring can be understood as relational learning processes where dialogic encounters can contribute to development in the learning community (Dysthe 2001; Schibbye 2009). Schibbye (2011) claims that the relational quality between teacher and student is of fundamental importance for professional learning and personal development. The need for a trusting and recognizing relationship in the learning process are considered as necessary for students in higher education as in learning and development processes in the earlier phases of life. Jones (2010) draws attention to emotional well-being as a crucial dimension in personal as well as professional development. And as Schibbye points out professional development is personal, and according to her also relational.
With the above-mentioned background, our study is related to a guidance- and mentor education program for teachers in kindergartens and schools as an actual arena for developing relational competence. This educational program is part of a political decided national program, and the objective is to qualify guides for students in teacher education and mentors for newly qualified teachers in kindergarten and schools.
The purpose of our study is to explore how this educational program can meet the needs of developing relational competence among teachers in guidance- and mentor education, and how to facilitate a developmental process in this educational program. With this in mind we intend to shed light on our main research question: How do students experiene that guidance - and mentor education provide for the development of relational competence?
Relational competence is understood as knowledge, attitudes and skills that enable a person to establish and develope learning relationships characterized by trust, respect, empathy and tolerance. Guidance and mentoring can be seen as relational learning processes where the quality of the relationship can have a significant impact on learning and self-development. In meetings with children and young people, students or colleagues, ethical awareness and self-knowledge is also a necessary base for promoting learning relations.
This study investigates a guidance – and mentoring education program for teachers in kindergarten, primary and upper secondary school. The University College in Volda (Norway) offers two modules in a guidance- and mentor education program, each of 15 ects. Because of the rural location of the University College in Volda, it has been decided to educate both guides for students and mentors for newly qualified teachers in the same educational program.
Expected Outcomes
Allgood, E. (2008): Educational Research: Persons in relation. I: Allgood, E. And Kvalsund, R.: Learning and discovery for Professional Educators: Guides, Counselors, Teachers. Trondheim: Tapir Akademic Press. Bjørndal, C.R.P. (2011a): Hva slags kompetanse trenger veileder? I: Karlsen, T.J. (red.): Veiledning under nye vilkår. Skapende prosesser i møtet mellom veileder og veisøker. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. Drugli, M. B. & Nordahl, T. (2010). Livet i skolen 2. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Drugli, M.B. (2012): Relasjonen lærer og elev. Avgjørende for elevens læring og trivsel. Oslo: Cappelen Damm. Dysthe, O. (red.) (2001): Dialog, samspel og læring. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag. Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-Analyses relating to achievement. London: Routledge. Jones, M. (2010): The Mentor’s Voice. I: Smith, K. og Ulvik, M. (red.): Veiledning av nye lærere. Nasjonale og internasjonale perspektiver. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. McNelly, J. (2010): Who can you count on? The relational dimension of new.teacher learning. I: McNelly, J. and Blake, A. (ed): Improving Learning in a Professional Context. A research perspevtive on the new teacher in school. London and New York: Routledge. Nordenbo, S. E. Et al. (2008). Lærerkompetanser og elevers læring i førskole og skole. København: Dansk Clearinghouse for uddanelsesforskning. Rogers, C. (1961/2004): On becoming a person: A theraphist’s View of Psychotheraphy Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Schibbye, L. A. L. (2009). Relasjoner. Et dialektisk perspektiv på eksistensiell og psykodynamisk psykoterapi. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Schibbye, L. A. L. (2011). Læringsprosesser i veiledning belyst med utvalgte relasjonebegreper. I M. H. Rønnestad & S. Reichelt (red.), Veiledning i psykoterapeutisk arbeid (s. 67-78). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Stern, D.N. (2004): The present moment in psychotherapy and everyday life. New York: W.W. Norton
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