Interview with Link Convenor 2019
Network Objectives
The network was established in September 1997. Part of the background to its formation is a growing interest among educational researchers in the philosophical aspects of educational practice and research, reflecting perhaps a return to the fundamental questions of education and its basic concepts. Another reason may be a growing questioning of the direction in which cultural and educational developments of modern societies are moving.
The network provides support and a forum of discussion for those who
- bring the discipline of philosophy to bear on educational issues and
- are interested in the philosophical issues of educational research methods.
Examples from the first area are:
philosophy and science education, moral education and education for citizenship.
Examples from the second area are:
narrativity in educational research, ethics of research and the theory of knowledge underpinning educational research.
The network hopes to attract empirical researchers as well as people who identify themselves as philosophers.
Suggestions for future activities either more general or related to EERA’s annual conference can at all times be sent to the link convenor paul.smeyers(at)
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