Link convenors

Gisela Unterweger
Network 19, Ethnography
Zurich University of Teacher Education
Research Centre «Childhood in Education and Society»
E-Mail: gisela.unterweger(at)

Clemens Wieser
Network 19, Ethnography
Aarhus University
E-Mail: wie(at)
Carl Bagley
Network 19, Ethnography
Queens University Belfast
Belfast, United Kingdom
E-Mail: carl.bagley(at)

Begoña Vigo Arrazola
Network 19, Ethnography
University of Zaragoza
E-Mail: mbvigo(at)

Florian Weitkämper
Network 19, Ethnography
University of Education
Freiburg, Germany
E-Mail: weitkaemper(at)
The following members of the ethnography network contribute to the reviewing process by reading submissions and providing feedback to the authors. Thank you for sharing your time and expertise, for your constructive feedback, and for strengthening the academic quality of the research presented in the ethnography network.
List of reviewers for ECER 2023
- Anja Sieber Egger, PH Zürich, Switzerland
- Annette Rasmussen, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Dennis Beach, Göteborg University, Sweden
- Ingrid Kellermann, FU Berlin, Germany
- Juana M Sancho-Gil, University of Barcelona, Spain
- Jürgen Budde, Flensburg University, Germany
- Marianne Dovemark, Göteborg University, Sweden
- Martin Forsey, University of Western Australia, Australia
- Sarah Robinson, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Wes Shulmar, Drexel University, USA
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