Minutes of the meeting
NW 24 Mathematics education research
Thursday 6th September 2018, Italy, Bolzano
8 people in place plus link convenors Javier Diez-Palomar and Laura Tuohilampi
Welcoming (Laura/Javi) and introducing the new Link Convenor
- Laura presented herself
Activities of the network during 2017-2018: The season school (Javi)
- Vuslat Seker shared her feelings of the last season school in Barcelona – they were positive and she felt the season school fruitful
- She also suggested making it smoother to get acquainted with the other participants
Overview of the ECER 2018 Bolzano (Javi / Laura)
- We got 51 papers; 3 of them were rejected. 94% of acceptance and 6% of rejection.
- The highest average for a paper review was 9.7; the lowest was 3.6.
- The total average of the reviews was 6,65 points.
- The location was tricky, it was beautiful though
- Restictred your choices as you were not close to other networks
- The room didn’t function without a pointer (we used an assistant)
- The breaks were very tight
- ERC was scattered
Possibilities to publish the paper (Bloomsbury, REDIMAT, EEJR) (Laura / Javi)
- Javi informed about the possibilities
- Birgit reminded that open access journals might be a problem as you need to pay for the publication
Other issues to bring to the LC meeting on Friday (Laura)
- Birgit suggested having special calls in the future (like inclusion, refugees, socio-economic, demographic or low-income issues, cross-cultural awareness; also affect, social learning or inclusion in Australia or early childhood or STEM/STREAM or Curriculum reform and what that means for mathematics education etc)
- Another suggestion was to apply money for season schools and other events for phd students
Planning for next year (Laura)
- We should think of having more types of submissions, like Pecha Kuchas, round tables, posters etc
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