Network Meeting 2015, Budapest

The network meeting had about 20 attendants. Some of the attendants were new to this meeting and to the network. Some issues were discussed relating the future of the network:
1) NW 29 is a small network with about 35 to 45 presentations each year. To maintain this number is an objective. 2) To prepare a summer school on arts based methodologies is an idea from the network, but there are financial issues that are not covered by EERA and must be thought by some of the researchers in their universities. 3) To prepare an edition for an european journal with the best papers of the network is an idea that must be developed. During next ECER a proposal will be made; 4) A mailing list was created to keep people in contact between each year’s ECER. This mailing list will be used also to send and receive information on issues related to arts education research. 5)The link convenor of NW29 is in its last mandate, as such a new link convenor must be thought to assume the network next year.

NW 29 runs a mailing list and invites researchers to join. To join the mailing list, send a blank message to nw29-subscribe(at)

Interview with Link Convenor 2019