Network Activities

Activities for Young Researchers

As linguistic diversity is growing in classrooms across Europe, and as language has been identified as key to educational success, it is imperative that researchers in the field communicate and collaborate. Network 31 is an ideal forum for such communication and collaboration to take place. We especially encourage young researchers to take the opportunity to network with and gain feedback from experts and peers within our network. Following activities are underway to support young researchers:

  • encouraging young researchers to submit poster proposals as a way to showcase their research interests to others, and to become involved in the network
  • offering the assistance of experienced researchers in finding partners for organizing symposia
  • planning workshops
  • organizing meetings between the ECERs

General Activities

The active support of emerging researchers within the NW31 is one of the main network's foci. Last year, the network's members collaborated with Next Generation Literacies Network on organizing a virtual summer school, «Multiliteracies development in multilingual contexts and across the educational biography,» that was held at the University of Hamburg, Germany.


As a result of successful cooperation during the network meeting at ECER2023, NW31 has launched a Call for Special Issue: “Heritage Language in Modern Times“ edited by Tatjana Atanasoska (atanasoska(at) & Daniel Wutti (daniel.wutti(at) to be published in The European Educational Research Journal (EERJ).

Further, the joint special call on multiliteracies launched out of three networks (NW07, NW20, and NW31) has received a great response from participants at ECER2023. All papers submitted to this joint call were put as joint sessions. The three networks are currently cooperating on the developing a book proposal for the EERA book series.

Future Plans

Future plans that we strive for within the network involve:

  • the application for funding for a network summer school;
  • the publication of papers submitted to the current special calls as an edited volume in the EERA book series;
  • increasing activities between the ECERs, social gatherings, and social media updates.

Our Partners

Coordination Office for Multilingualism and Language Education (KoMBi) in Germany

Multilingual Childhoods SIG (MC SIG)
European Early Childhood Education Research Association

Reading Literacy and Associated Reading Interventions for High-Risk Children IRN
World Education Research Association

NW 31 runs a mailing list and invites researchers to join. To join the mailing list, send a blank message to nw31-subscribe(at)

Interview with Link Convenor 2019