Network Activities

General Activities

The team running the Network has developed frequent and useful online communication with the Network members, informing them and exchanging ideas related to the activities of the Network. This proved to be an effective way of involving members in the Network activities and strengthening the cohesion of the Network. At this year’s Network Meeting, we discussed what would be the best way to share information. Communication via Facebook and e-mail seems to be the most popular idea although we agreed that this is not enough and new ways should be considered.


  • The Network is developing Special Issue proposal to EERA Journal (EERJ) „Intersectional approaches to educational research through gender lens”. A collection on Intersectionality is being developed and will be sent to EERJ by the end of October. It will be Edited by Victoria Showumni, Andrea Abbas and Branislava Baranović. 13 abstracts have been sent and are currently in the review process.
  • The development of the proposal for a Network book within the EERA book series with Springer is under consideration.

Future Plans

  • The network will continue to work on the development of the Call for Special Issue of the EERA Journal (EERJ): 'Intersectional approaches to educational research through gender lens'. Guest Editors are: Victoria Showunmi, Andrea Abbas and Branislava Baranović.
  • A strategy will be developed to publish a new Network’s book within the EERA book series with Springer.
  • The network will continue to support the Emerging Researchers Group. We will also consider how to introduce postgraduate role(s) to support the network in serving this part of our membership which is growing.
  • During the next year, the Network will work on innovating communication and information exchange among the members of the Network, including the convenor team.
  • The Network is developing and increasing scope of its activities. Our Network plan includes its expansion and we want to ensure the diversity of interests will be represented, including sexualities, ethnicities, genders, disabilities and the geographical diversity of EERA.
  • The development of a Special Network Call for the 2024 ECER is planned.
  • Activity towards the development of funding bids for a project of the Network will also be considered.

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Interview with Link Convenor 2019