Network Meeting 2016, Dublin

Minutes Network Meeting ECER 2016, Dublin

The Network meeting was attended by about 20 people and followed with dinner. A few new ECER delegates attended the meeting; therefore the scope and the research priorities of the Network were presented as well as the development of the network since its establishment in 2011. Also the agenda included the following issues: roles and responsibilities of the link convenor and convenors; the need to update the list of convenors as several of the current ones are not active; procedure for appointing a new link convenor; the review process and quality of the submissions; communication between conferences; a procedure for special issues on Health Education following the contract signed between Emerald and EERA Council. Following the constructive and inspiring conversations during the meeting, several people volunteered to engage in the work as convenors and/or reviewers. As a result we have a new convenor list, and an additional one titled "stand-by convenors". The members on this list will be in the programme committee and assist with convening in case some of the acting convenors is absent or not available for a period of time. A procedure was agreed for special issues of HE - the template by the publishers will be used in an internal pre-qualification procedure facilitated by the link convenor in consultation with the convenors. One agreed proposal will be submitted to the publisher by the link convenor, with a suggestion for a guest editor (or editors). The Call for Submissions for each special issue will be published on the network section within EERA website, and will also be circulated by e-mail. Additionally, the name of the network was briefly discussed; it was agreed to modify it to 'Research on Health and Wellbeing Education' (from Research on Health Education) to signal the socio-ecological rather than biomedical conceptualization of health that the network endorses and the educational research questions in this regard. The current educational reforms in many European countries emphasise school wellbeing among key educational outcomes and many submissions to the network already address the issue of wellbeing in relation to school-based health education and health promotion. It was agreed that the procedure and for a new link convenor will be discussed at the next ECER in Copenhagen. The new convenors will be appointed already prior to the conference and will be introduced to the network members at the meeting.

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Interview with Link Convenor 2019